27 March 2013

A slice of life: On beauty events, the yummies, the funny.

On Justin Timberlake.
OH, I've been starstruck with JT lately, since he hit back with his new album, reminding me much of the old, but gold RNBs. None of the modern poppy and meaningless shit ya know?

Please bring back the bald cut Justin, you hottie!

On beauty events: Glam By Manicare
A few weeks ago, I attended a Masterclass by Glam By Manicare. I've always wondered about false lash styles is the correct one to wear for whichever eye types. The evening was informative, interesting and FUN! Loved every single second of it!

On the yummies.
MY FAVOURITE SECTION PART OF THESE PERSONAL POSTS!! ^_^ I've been munching alot lately -- from restaurants to fast food.. Eeep! Let me take you through my food adventure!

Fatman Catering: Corndogs and Cheesy Chips

Vinh Phat: Har Gow, Dim Sums, Fried Squids, Steamed Wet Cakes, Chicken Feet Salad (?)

Vinh Phat: Chicken Feet (LOL hope this doesn't freak anyone out), Deep fried seafood (not sure what) with mayo!

Mt Pritchard Bistro: Fish & Chips and Mongolian Beef.

Canley Height's Bistro T-bone and McDonald's Bacon & Egg McMuffin

They actually managed to burn the bread pieces of my Bacon & Egg McMuffin, but it actually tasted pretty damn delicious compared to the usual. Will order a burnt Bacon & Egg McMuffin from them next time.

LOL jk.

On a similar note, I dissected my first durian and may I say.. It was the most amazing durian EVER!! :P Yes, I know sometimes it stinks, but I loveee it!

On a smelly durian note. 
My mother (aka Mummy Pig) actually works as a gym cleaner and she comes home telling me some of the most hilarious stories. Basically, one of the Asian ladies actually brought durian with her to gym to munch whilst she works out. If you've smelt durian before.. you'll know it stinks like hell for some so soon after that Asian lady entered the gym, they've immediately evacuated everyone from the building and called in all these professionals to check for gas leaks. LOL!! Yes! Turned out it was the smell of durian. HAHAHAH.

On new products to play with.

New products to play with! I can't wait to trial the new Arbonne Cosmetics sent to trial and L'Oreal BB Blush from Priceline's Blogger Pack!

And yes, those BYS lipsticks are colour-changing lipsticks! :P Sounds great, but I've test swatched and it honestly doesn't seem to be that great. The product itself look so pretty though! Looks almost like a jelly lipstick.

As for the Australis Pout Pastes, I already have swatches of those here if you're a keen bean!

On harmless selfies.

Above is the thumbnail for a video I filmed for my Youtube LOL! I always get the worst thumbnails, seriously.... 

But here's me looking pretty perfect:

Yes, behind is my sister :P

Then here's me looking like I could be cover of an Asian action movie..

Then here's me attempting Alice's signature pose...

Then here's me trialling Australis Pout Paste in Kiss Me Pink...

On the FUNNY.
I've quitted Facebook yonks ago, but I've been lurking back recently for the lol's. Here's one for you...

LOL @ Anna's question.

Take the time out to imagine. Would you prefer changing sex every sneeze or possibly taking a bite out of a baby thinking it was a muffin? LOL! 

On my #WomenWishes.


  1. HAHAHA! I was literally LOL with the durian story happened in the gym! Nice one!

  2. Yuuum!!
    LOL I used to like durian... now, not so much.
    Aw Manicare class would have been fun!

  3. damn burning i missed the masterclass because i couldnt get out of work :( ahh all that food i wanna go cooks hill now!

  4. That Manicare class seems like so much fun! My friend actually owns Mt. Pritchard bistro haha! And you look gorgeous in that Australis lip paste!!


    1. Thanks! It was fun! What a coincidence! I *kinda* know the owners too.. Such a small world :P

  5. Oh heyy that cheesy chips looks familiar, in fact my boyfriend was having some yesterday and he sent me a photo :P


  6. oeh yeah.. justin timberlake <3 !!! i miss beauty events.. haven been to one in a while due to work =(

  7. YUUUUM!!!!!!! I'm so hungry now, hahaha! Great post, i think i'd rather change gender ever time i sneezed to be honest, hahaha.

