30 March 2013

Australis' Blue Tiger ft. Shimmy Shake!

Hi! I thought I'd pop into ze blog today to share with you my NOTD! I've been obsessed with glitters on accent nails lately. Mainly because they don't look too overwhelming on the nails AND I probably would kill myself if I had to sit and remove glitters from all 10 nails. Having them on my accent nails to remove is bad enough, thanks.

Another day, another Australis feature on ze blog.... I blog about Australis WAY too muchhhhhh.

I'm sporting Blue Tiger on ma nails today! It's a bright medium blue which screams "BAM! Look at me ho"... just kidding! I was quite strucked by its semi-matte finish, but I quite like it for this colour! If you're not a matte-lover, there's nothing a top coat can't fix  :P

As for the formula, it applied beautifully. I never used to be a fan of Australis' nail lacquers, but I'm starting to convert. I remember the fewer first shades I tried by Australis were disgusting. Eeeeep. Thank Lord they've improved it, or it'll be a shame for they have some of the prettiest shades!

I've paired Blue Tiger with Shimmy Shake, a sliver glitter top coat which was also fantastic in terms of quality! I didn't think I'd like it that much, but I loveeee how it looks on the nails! Almost like leftover silver specks, yes?!

As much as I do love glitters, I think it's time to take a break from them. I'm kinda sick of them when it comes to removal (aren't we all?)... On a side note, take a look at my Australis' nail polish collection!!

Yes, I am quite a collector! *ahem* Hoarder, more like it. *ahem*

What are your FAVOURITE blue nail polishes?!

Please share with me some of your favourite blues! I've been quite liking blue nail polishes latelyy. I've never really noticed how gorgeous they are until I've started using these candy blue colours.

Australis Nail Colours are $7.95 each. Available at Priceline, Target, Big W and K-Mart.

Disclaimer: Products mentioned in this post were purchased by me. 


  1. I have Blue Tiger! The matte finish is a bit weird but I do like the colour. My other favourite blues are both Mode Cosmetics cheapies - a teal and an aqua blue.

  2. Lovely! I absolutely adore Sally Hansen Pacific Blue. It's actually quite similar to Blue Tiger! I also really like Revlon Royal.

    x Tashi

  3. Omg you have so many polishes. How do you store them? That colour looks really nice, I don't really have a favourite blue polish though.

    dreamdustx | Urban Decay Giveaway

  4. Ooh that is so pretty! I didn't know Australia did semi matte textures, I'll have to pick this up. I have Aqua from them, it's a light blue and I was so surprised it lasted several days without chipping and without a topcoat.

  5. Gorgeous! It reminds me of the ocean :)

    Sharleena xx

  6. :O sick collection! I still haven't found my perfect blue nail polish yet..closest at the moment is Sportsgirl's in Cobalt

  7. Oooh, your nails are gorgeous! The colour is lovely and the glitter is definitely right up my alley :)
    I seem to always gravitate towards blues for my nails - some of my favourite blues are Butter London - Blagger and Sportsgirl - Cobalt :)
    On a side note, I love your storage in the last photo - where did you get it from? I'm desperate for a new storage solution


  8. That blue is incredible! it's just so vibrant and lovely :)) xx
    Gemma ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  9. My favourite blue is probably Revlon's Royal. I don't wear blues much, I find they stain badly. I think I need a better base coat!

  10. Gorgeous nail polish! Ahh!! I love your collection!!! >w<


  11. It's thanks to you for blogging so much about Australis, because I've been buying makeup from the brand quite frequently lately :P I used to think this was a crappy Aussie brand but it's not bad actually!

    I like that this shade turns into a semi-matte because it looks better that way me thinks.


  12. I agree with lacy rose on the Australis front! So many Australian bloggers have been praising them recently I'm now oblidged to check it out hahahah xx


  13. i've never tried Australis nail polish! my favorite blue nail polish that i won is probably OPI's Dating a Royal :3

    à la foliee
