25 March 2013

Lust-Have: KBShimmer Glitter Nail Lacquers

Despite having a whole rack full of nail polishes, my love for nail polishes just seems to be never ending! Especially glitter nail polishes. Every time I see a nail blogger post about KBShimmer, my heart goes BOMP BOMP BOMP.

One of my favourite bloggers is Manicurator who seriously does one of the best swatches around. Here's one of her many posts of KBShimmer nail lacquers and for each time she posts about KBShimmer, my lust for it just grows and grows!

Here are some of my favourite picks that I'd love to own..

Get Clover It, Candy Cane Crush, Let's Get Star-ted

Get Clover It is like bokeh in a bottle! So purdyyyy. Let's just take a minute break to admire the beauty.

Photo credits to Manicurator >

Candy Cane Crush was released part of their Winter 2012 collection, I believe. I've seen other photos of this particular polish, but her choice of layering this over grey is PERFECT. Such an amazing combo!

Photo credits to Manicurator >

Let's Get Star-ted is another pretty one with a white base colour. Love the purple, blue and neutral colour theme. Love, love and love! 

Photo credits to A Polish Addict >

Those are my three favourite picks from KBShimmer... There's more glitz and glammies at their website, if you'd like to give them a peek :P

Do you know of any other indie brands with amazing glitter lacquers?!
Please share with us below!


  1. These are all really pretty! I love Candy Cane Crush (mainly because I had a little obsession with baking with Candy Canes over Christmas) and I think it would look great over so many colours. I love the green of Get Clover It.

  2. Oh my gosh, they're absolutely gorgeous polishes!! @0@
    I love LOVE the Let's Get Star-ted one! >w<


  3. Never heard of this brand before but I am so in love with their glitter lacquers! Thanks a lot, now I'm having a really hard time trying to resist not buying all of it :P


  4. That green is absolutely gorgeous! Such a great shade for the coming winter as well!

    Sharleena x

  5. Wow!!! Gorgeous nail polishes. I've got to get my hands on 1 or 2 of those. Love, love, love Get Clover It!!!!!
