28 June 2012

Revlon ColorBurst Lip Butter in Sweet Tart Review & Swatches

I know I know! My review is superrrrr late! So sorry! I'm sure you've had enough of review posts of these lip butters, but it's my time to shine!!!!

I've purchased Sweet Tart along with Cotton Candy, Peach Parfait and Tutti Frutti yonks ago when they first arrived in Aussie here with their 'Buy 1 Get 1 Free' deal at Priceline!

Sadly, the only shade I really do use is Sweet Tart... *super sad!*

I love love love the packaging! It's so pretty with the quilted pattern and I love how each categorized shade such as berries, reds, pinks and corals have their own different coloured packaging!

Getting to the point, Revlon's Lip Butters are generally best described as "the hybrid of a lipstick and lip balm", in which today's Sweet Tart is all about. 

Sweet Tart is a really nice poppy pink on the lips, with a glossy finish, faking healthy plump lips! I thought it'd apply more sheer as a tint and the shade would be more subtle, but the formula itself is quite pigmented and buildable with a buttery texture. Keep in mind that these lip butters should always be stored in a cool environment to avoid.. breaking melted balms and smeared tubes..

It glides on without grip and doesn't drag -- almost like a lip balm! Although it's very moisturising, I love that it has very little slip, which is a plus for me! I honestly cannot stand lip products that will feel like they can smear any minute! 

All in all, I really love the texture, pigmentation and how moisturising the formula is, but on the downers..

The wear time is very average. On my lips, Sweet Tart can last  up to 2.5 hours before it starts to go off, but with the pretty packaging, I'm actually more than happy to whip it out and re-apply! However, it fades from the inner [for me], so if I don't take good notice, it'll almost look like a bad lip lining job!

That's not all though!

These lip butters are pretty damn expensive over here in Aussie.. we're talking about $21.95 a pop! Holy golly..

Anyhows, swatch time (read: camwhore time! hehe)


I'm actually not too sure why Sweet Tart is so cool-toned on me, but.. ya. :/

Anyhows, because it's a tad pricey, I'll only be at these Lip Butter stands if there's a really good deal!

What are YOUR favourite Lip Butter shades?!!?

Revlon ColorBurst Lip Butters retails for $21.95 at Big W, Target, K-Mart, Priceline and other Big W stockists. 

26 June 2012

Make-Up Don't: Have too many colours!

Hey there beautifools!! ^_^

I've been longing to share with you some tip posts and I've finally got to it. Hehehe... I've been quite lazy lately. All day playing the Sims 3, but that's ok! My sim is gonna become an A-List celebrity soon! Yay!! 

I'm so silly!

Anyhows.. without further ado, let's quickly get to one of the most important thing that we should all bare in mind when it comes to applying make-up!

Playing and changing up the usual make-up look and routine is fine, but try to keep all features in the same colour suit! Obviously, if you're wearing a red lipstick, you don't have to go monochromatic and do red eyes (yikes!) and red cheeks, but you can always try to find other shades which compliments the bold red lip. It'd be a start to avoid this:

Smoky navy blue eyes, apricot cheeks and a bright fuchsia lipstick? I don't think so!

Too many different contrasting colours on the face can make you look quite funky and instead of being flattering, it can really make you clownish and unnatural!

I guess some people do get away with it, depending how well blended the features are, but so many don't! Anyways, whether you do get away with it or not, let's just avoid it altogether!

Tell me! Have you ever been a victim of clownish and mismatching make-up?!
(I promise I won't giggle!)

For me, I know I certainly have -- definitely during my younger years! At the time, a blush was a blush and nothing more! Of course, I didn't care and know about colours and didn't know the best thing to do was to match it up with lips! Yikes!

24 June 2012

Dream Analysis/Dictionaries

Hi y'all! A bit non-beauty related today, but I just wanted to share with you what I've been up to. A bit personal, but I think the topic itself is pretty interesting since I'd like to hear about what you do too!

So I've been having heaps of weird (very weird!) dreams lately and to briefly share one with ya..
Just a few nights ago, I had a dream of me protecting a crowd of people inside an old village house. We were surrounded by some of my highschool friends (loool!). I managed to use a bamboo stick and killed him...... <insert very gore-y and disgusting details of how I killed him>.

..and of course, sometimes a few dreams here and there of Mr. Channing Tatum and Big Bang. Shhh.. Moving on..

What I actually do when I wake up is.. straight away jot down the keywords on my phone's notepad, so I don't forget.

I feel like a freaking psycho/serial killer with a notepad that says all these strange words!

After that, whenever I have time during the day, I jump onto DreamMoods which is a great website for learning more about common types of dreams. What's cool is that they also have a Dream Dictionary which helps to gather together the meaning of your dream(s). Heh. So I'd just go through all the keywords and gather together all the information and analysis provided.. Here we are!

(edited and cropped, not full definitions)

I can't say I'm a big believer in these dream analysis, but holy cow they're interesting! Also very entertaining and sometimes, reminds and hints me to evaluate what's happening right now in my own life!

Does anyone else analyse their dreams? :P

22 June 2012

Johnson's Moisturising Day Cream Review

Hi everyone! After so many nail polish reviews, here's something different! A moisturiser review! Yippee!

I've been using the Johnson's Moisturising Day Cream since end of April, so that's a really long trial time for me to finally put up a review post! Yikes!

Truthfully, the main reason was because I couldn't find anything I didn't like about it! So I kept trialling and trialling, and finally came to a conclusion of overall thoughts about the product.

Eager to know? Read on!

Jonhson's claims that their Moisturising Day Cream will provide your skin the moisture it needs with quick absorption, leaving it soft and supple without feeling too heavy.

Johnson's Moisturising Day Cream is a jar-packaged cream moisturiser with a quality ensurance seal. I think the jar is actually pretty cute, although it's not very sanitary. :S

Anyways, this cream moisturiser moisturises really well and is somewhat soothing. Nothing special with its absorption times -- pretty average rate of time frame.  

Although it's creamy, it feels quite light-weight which was pretty surprising for me! Adding to it, no matter how much more moisturiser I layer on, the weight will still remain just as light-weight which will come handy for those Winter days when my skin needs ALOT of moisturiser to do!

My favourite way to store this is on its side and in the fridge! It'll feel sooooo refreshing and even more soothing when applied in the morning and as the cream moves to the side, I won't need to dip my fingernails in, but use the back of my nail to scoop out some product! 

One slight downer I've noticed that when too much is applied to the skin, it can leave this very (very!) slight greasy layer/feel on the skin which although is probably unnoticeable to most, I thought I'd just point that out.

Besides that and the not so sanitary packaging, the cream doesn't contain SPF which means it can be used as night cream, but on the other hand, you'll have to use an extra product for sun protection in daytime. I don't really mind since I always use my own SPF product anyways.

In the end, it's of nice quality, the amount provided is overwhelming (fully filled jar!! Talk about releasing your inner Asian :P) and the price is just awesome! ^_^ $6.59 baby!

What do you think?

Johnson's Moisturising Day Cream retails for $6.59 at leading supermarkets, variety stores and pharmacies nationally.

Disclaimer: This product was sent for review considerations from PR, however, it does not influence our opinions at all. This post features our honest and truthful experiences. Please refer to our disclaimer policy.

21 June 2012

WINNERS: Herbal Essences Giveaway!

Hi everyone!! Quick update on the Herbal Essences Giveaway!

Thank you SO much for everyone for entering! ^_^

Thanks so much for answering my questions, it was a great for me to know what hairstyles you do for Winter! I'm definitely going to be trying out some hairstyles! Hehehe..

The giveaway is now closed, I've removed some entries which did not qualify.

After reviewing the entries.. the two lucky winners are...



Thanh Luu

Congratulations to both winners! I'm quite jelly of you here :P

I'll be emailing you soon, so please check your email's inbox!

Once again, thank you everyone for entering and a big THANK YOU to Herbal Essences for the generous prize packs! ^_^

19 June 2012

Australis Clearance: $3? I'll take em all. Thanks!

So.. a few days ago I picked up a few Moisture Intense Lipsticks by Australis, from Priceline's clearance box and if you follow me on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook, you'd see me post a lot about em on those social platforms!

They were sitting there with a sign which says "$3 each item".. dirt cheap!

At first, I wasn't interested since there were only a few shades and no testers (clearance also need testers ok? LOL) so I had no idea what the shades would look like. So then I went home and googled the shade names 'Saigon' and ended up on RedLuciousLips. The lippie looked sooooooo good on her, so I took her words for it and went ahead and picked up all the shades that were there.

Mystery, Merlot, Sugar Plum, Saigon

I made a purchase of 8 lipsticks in total, 4 of them in 'Saigon' which is a beautiful red and the rest on a few different shades called Mystery (2), Sugar Plum and Merlot.

I won't be reviewing them since I've only had them for three days now, but I'd be giving a brief overall impression!

These Moisture Intense Lipsticks vary in pigmentation and finish, which reminds me alot of the Revlon Lip Butters, but generally less slippery and more creamy in texture. They're also very moisturising!

Time for swatches!

Saigon is a beautiful red! My favourite out of the bunch! It applied so much brighter and is super glossy!

Sugar Plum is probably my least favourite. It's quite frosty and reminds me much of my Revlon Lip Butter in Peach Parfait. That same (or more) amount of shimmers that can fake a gloss, but the base colour is kind of like a muddy brown-red, which ages me alot.. *-* 


Merlot, I can't really describe the shade. You can see for yourself! :P I think it looks a bit 'vampy' on my lips, but I quite like it!

Mystery, I thought would be more of like a nudy-brown, but it looks sooo muddy on my lips and skin-tone! It's like I just smeared a sheer coat of chocolate over my lips LOL.. pretty ew, to be honest. Would suit deeper skin tones, maybe! Decently pigmented with a glossy finish.

Actually looks much more muddy in life!

Here are some more swatches!


And that's all! There are more shades, but these are the only ones left around my area.. so ya :( 

Hope you found the post helpful! Let me know if you'll be searching for any at your locals, or have you already purchased some? :)

18 June 2012

Australis Nail Colour in Valentine Review & Swatches

I hope you don't mind me overloading you with so many nail polish posts, Australis and b collection posts, but I just have so many nail polishes that I need to get through with! :(

I'm planning to break up the posts and mix em' up a little more, so hopefully I will get scheduling!

Today's nail polish is called 'Valentine' by Australis Cosmetics and you know me, I've probably mentioned this a few times already, but as much as I love the brand.. I can never bring myself to face their nail polishes!

The shades available in their range are really pretty and cute, but something's always up with the formula, in which 'Valentine' is no exception to.

Valentine is a really true (and sexy!) red! I really love the colour! It doesn't apply to be as dark as it appears in the bottle, it's definitely brighter. I remember the first time whippin' this shade out.. I thought, "Wow.. I want a red lipstick that's exactly like this shade!"

It's just so gorgeous!

(It actually looks less orange and a tad darker in life, I've tried my best!)

Australis claims that their nail polishes 'provide high shine, high colour intensity and are streak-free', in which Valentine really does live up to. It's super glossy and holy-golly pigmented that one coat is enough to go, and as I applied it, it applied perfectly without streaks and didn't appear gloopy and thick like last year's Limited Editions, so I'm really impressed by that.

But. There's just always a 'but'. One downer for the polish is the wear time. With averagely two coats, it started to show more than just minor tip wears (I'd like to call it major tip wear, lul!), but not so much to be considered as at a 'chipping rate'. It actually started to show chips on Day 4 which is a bit too quick in my opinion!

So overall, I love the shade, it's oh-so sexy and I'm in love and so impressed by the application and pigmentation, but I personally think the wear time could do better!

Have you tried any Australis nail polishes?

There's actually a $3 clearance box at Priceline at the moment for Australis products, and you can actually find some of their polishes there! I picked up Rub-a-dub-dub for a friend, so check it out, you might find some really nice shades!

Australis Nail Colours retails for $7.95 and can be found at your local Priceline, Big W, Target, K-Mart and selected pharmacies. Only available in Australia.

Disclaimer: Product was provided as goodies from ABBW 2011. I am not obligated to review, mention or post about this product. All opinions expressed are of my own and are 100% truthful.

16 June 2012

My Top 5 Winter Essentials 2012: Skincare/Nail-care

Damn, the past fewer weeks have been extremely wet and windy here in Sydney. Aussie's Winter is actually on time this year! This post is running a lil late though :P

I just wanted to share with you my top 5 skincare and nail-care must haves for Winter, which I enjoy using very much to provide hydration for the skin in this cold, wet and windy weather.

So here we go...

1. A facial moisturiser!

It doesn't matter if you have oily, normal or dry skin, everyone needs an effective and hydrating moisturiser for Winter!

My skin is naturally quite dry so ever since we hit Autumn here in Aussie, I've already switched to a richer moisturiser. My favourite pick is Sukin's Facial Moisturiser*, which although isn't a cream, is a very rich lotion, making it very suitable for drier skin types! I'm not too sure how this would go for oily skin types, as I personally find this to feel a tad heavy when applied until it fully sinks in.

2. A multi-functional lip balm.

Who can survive Winter without a lip balm?

I have quite a few favourite lip conditioners, but if I could only choose one, that'd be Lucas Paw Paw Ointment. I love applying a heavy layer of this at night so I can wake up to nicely primed lips, but alternatively it can also be sheered out to sit comfortably under a lipstick without adding too much slipperiness! It also makes a convenient cuticle cream for on-the-go's, which is necessary for me.. just because I take my nail swatches at TAFE in the early mornings and I really don't wish to bring with me my whole manicure kit! Lol.

Uh-huh. Not weird at all!

3. Some handy hand cream!

Most people think hand creams aren't important, but the truth is.. they're just as important as our facial moisturisers! Why? Because they're still of skin, meaning as we age, they have the tendency to wrinkle as well! So please, go grab yourself a tube of hand-y cream (ooo punny!) now!

Admittedly, I never started using hand creams until a month ago when I saw how disastrously dry my hands were in photos for nail swatches. I really enjoy using my Innoxa Restore Hand Cream* (that's been sitting around for too long) which isn't as thin as others and is actually moisturising :)

4. Body cream for soft and supple skin.

I know some of you may not need a big tub of body moisturiser, but I certainly do for my frosty and dry cracked legs! LMAO Sorry for the image :P

I'm super lazy when it comes to body moisturisers, but when I do use one (lol, reminds me of those memes), I prefer Aveeno Skin Relief Moisturising Cream for Winter. It's a very thick and heavy moisturising cream. Way too heavy to be used in the warmer seasons, but for right now, this cream can keep my skin feeling soft and supple for days after application.

Gosh, talk about ultimate laziness... *roll eyes*

5. A non-drying nail polish remover that actually works!

lol. You probably lol'd at me for featuring a nail polish remover, but it's an essential Winter product for nail polish lovers like me ok? :P

I'm quite a fan of nail polishes, I wear em' all the time (and swatch em!), but what gets to me is the removal application. Most removers I've tried really dries out my nail and cuticles although they do a great job, but I'm happy to say.. I've found *the one*! It's the Australis' See Ya Later Nail Polish Remover! It's gentle, but does its job and isn't drying for my nails! Yippee!!

So that's it for my top 5 skincare and nail-care Winter essentials!

What's your top five Winter products?

Disclaimer: Products marked with * are provided for consideration by PRs. However, I am not obligated to mention, feature or review the product in any posts. All opinions are honest and truthful, and are of my own. Please refer to this site's disclosure policy.

15 June 2012

B Collection Nail Polish in Moscow Photos, Review & Swatches

Another b collection post!
I've mentioned b collection's nail polishes several times before in my blog so you should be very familiar to these! For your convenience, you can view the posts here.

Today's shade is 'Moscow', a shade that I won't ever purchase myself. It just looks too gothic and I'm not a fan of dark nail shades at all.

I only have this shade because it was $3 at the markets and Mum actually purchased this.  As neither of us are fans of darker shades, I've concluded that Mummy only bought it because I told her many times that these b collection polishes are $15 at Target! loool! Mummy, you hoarder! :P

Anyhows, a closer look at Moscow reveals that it's not just a true black nail polish. Surprised!

Moscow is a very, very dark blueberry shade which makes it look almost black and is of a creme finish. It's actually really hard to see the blue tones, unless you have really (really!) good eyes or else it'll only be visible in a sheer application of the shade.

It applied very well -- not streaky, gloopy, clumpy or anything, so I'm happy about that. Two coats is enough for opacity. However, the shade wears only for a day before minor tip wear starts to show and wears for about four days before chipping starts to occur.

Pretty sure I've said this before.. but I think for the price, the wear time could do better, and in my opinion, maybe the shade could be adjusted so the blueberry tones would actually show and won't be mistaken as a regular black shade?

You know what I mean, jellybean?

B Collection nail polishes retails for $14.95 at Target and is only available in Australia.

08 June 2012

Belated Big W Haul!

Yikes!! This beauty haul is long overdue.

Yonks ago, Big W had a lovely sale on Face Of Australia, Australis, Max Factor and Rimmel London! It wasn't a big sale. Each brand took a few dollars off, which although doesn't sound like it's much, but it really did pull down the prices of the items which were cheaper!

Most of all.. the nail polishes and wipes!

Rimmel was having a $3 off, I think. So I was able to purchase these Rimmel Lasting Finish nail polishes for $1.84 each! Even cheaper than the markets! I purchased Misty Jade, Lively Lilac, Apricot Punch, Lemon Drop and Strawberry Fizz. Yes, I've purchased two Lively Lilacs.. one for my friend! Can't wait to try out these bright and cute colours!

And Face Of Australia was also having $3 off, so I couldn't resist these $1.95 FOA Barbados polishes although I already own the collection. Not hoarding though! These are also for my friends as small gifts! I've picked up Orange You Glad You Came and Another Daiquiri Please. I'm so sure they'll love it as much as I do!

And MORE nail polishes! Ok.. you definitely cannot blame me for purchasing these many Mini Nail Polishes. They are so extremely tiny and were only 50 cents each, because Max Factor was having a $5 off! These bottles are so tiny... lol.. $5.50 for a bottle is absolutely ridiculous. 50 cents seems to be a more suitable price for these.. Or maybe a dollar :P

Same deal same deal, a few are for friends. I picked up Diva Coral, Sunny Pink and Ivory. I'm really looking forward to try out Sunny Pink, the purpley shade with the lovely golden sheen!

For Australis, with the $3 off or so.. I've picked up three packets of their 3 in 1 Make-Up Remover Wipes which are absolutely ridic'. I'm hoping to review em' soon (as long as you don't mind me overloading you with too many Australis reviews) but as for right now.. I am so disappointed!

And two bottles of their See Ya Later Nail Polish Remover! I've seen this product featured on Amanda's blog so many times. She swears by it and buys so many back ups, so having the chance to pick these up at less than $2 a bottle, I just had to! Wouldn't you?

I've been using this and been loving them. I can definitely tell why she loves em! 

Yikes! Long post, but hope you enjoyed the read! 

So sorry, haven't posted in a long time! I've been on working at a childcare temporarily for the past two weeks. Lotsa paper work so I haven't had time at all.. Sigh!

I've never missed blogging oh so much!

Blog soon, but meanwhile, don't forget to enter my Herbal Essence Giveaway!