22 June 2012

Johnson's Moisturising Day Cream Review

Hi everyone! After so many nail polish reviews, here's something different! A moisturiser review! Yippee!

I've been using the Johnson's Moisturising Day Cream since end of April, so that's a really long trial time for me to finally put up a review post! Yikes!

Truthfully, the main reason was because I couldn't find anything I didn't like about it! So I kept trialling and trialling, and finally came to a conclusion of overall thoughts about the product.

Eager to know? Read on!

Jonhson's claims that their Moisturising Day Cream will provide your skin the moisture it needs with quick absorption, leaving it soft and supple without feeling too heavy.

Johnson's Moisturising Day Cream is a jar-packaged cream moisturiser with a quality ensurance seal. I think the jar is actually pretty cute, although it's not very sanitary. :S

Anyways, this cream moisturiser moisturises really well and is somewhat soothing. Nothing special with its absorption times -- pretty average rate of time frame.  

Although it's creamy, it feels quite light-weight which was pretty surprising for me! Adding to it, no matter how much more moisturiser I layer on, the weight will still remain just as light-weight which will come handy for those Winter days when my skin needs ALOT of moisturiser to do!

My favourite way to store this is on its side and in the fridge! It'll feel sooooo refreshing and even more soothing when applied in the morning and as the cream moves to the side, I won't need to dip my fingernails in, but use the back of my nail to scoop out some product! 

One slight downer I've noticed that when too much is applied to the skin, it can leave this very (very!) slight greasy layer/feel on the skin which although is probably unnoticeable to most, I thought I'd just point that out.

Besides that and the not so sanitary packaging, the cream doesn't contain SPF which means it can be used as night cream, but on the other hand, you'll have to use an extra product for sun protection in daytime. I don't really mind since I always use my own SPF product anyways.

In the end, it's of nice quality, the amount provided is overwhelming (fully filled jar!! Talk about releasing your inner Asian :P) and the price is just awesome! ^_^ $6.59 baby!

What do you think?

Johnson's Moisturising Day Cream retails for $6.59 at leading supermarkets, variety stores and pharmacies nationally.

Disclaimer: This product was sent for review considerations from PR, however, it does not influence our opinions at all. This post features our honest and truthful experiences. Please refer to our disclaimer policy.


  1. NICE! I would love to try that and leave it in the fridge :D sounds great for hot summer months!

  2. That seems like a such a lovely moisturiser! I think the price point is awesome, I might recommend it to my sister to try out. Great review!

  3. I have this, I have been using it on my decolletage and legs because for some reason my face only likes Rosehip/Jojoba Oil. But I love it on my legs/decolletage haha. Smells good too.

  4. Eep! I really want to try this! I wonder if we have it over here, I didn't even know Johnsons made these types of moisturizers, I've only seen body lotions around here.

  5. Love this and have been using it for years. I love the price, I love the texture, I love that the scent is very, very mild (I've used other brands which are totally overpowering), and I love that it's one of the only moisturisers I've been able to use twice a day that hasn't caused my skin to break out.

    Would be nice to have it packaged in a squeeze bottle, but since I always use this fresh out the shower, I figure scooping out the jar isn't going to be too much of an issue.

    I also appreciate not having SPF in it. The reality is, I'm indoors all day - literally - so I hate the greasiness that SPFs add.... and these days it's in moisturisers, and foundations, and BB creams and almost impossible too avoid. If I want a sunscreen, I'll wear a sunscreen. If I want a moisturiser, then I just want a moisturiser.
