15 June 2012

B Collection Nail Polish in Moscow Photos, Review & Swatches

Another b collection post!
I've mentioned b collection's nail polishes several times before in my blog so you should be very familiar to these! For your convenience, you can view the posts here.

Today's shade is 'Moscow', a shade that I won't ever purchase myself. It just looks too gothic and I'm not a fan of dark nail shades at all.

I only have this shade because it was $3 at the markets and Mum actually purchased this.  As neither of us are fans of darker shades, I've concluded that Mummy only bought it because I told her many times that these b collection polishes are $15 at Target! loool! Mummy, you hoarder! :P

Anyhows, a closer look at Moscow reveals that it's not just a true black nail polish. Surprised!

Moscow is a very, very dark blueberry shade which makes it look almost black and is of a creme finish. It's actually really hard to see the blue tones, unless you have really (really!) good eyes or else it'll only be visible in a sheer application of the shade.

It applied very well -- not streaky, gloopy, clumpy or anything, so I'm happy about that. Two coats is enough for opacity. However, the shade wears only for a day before minor tip wear starts to show and wears for about four days before chipping starts to occur.

Pretty sure I've said this before.. but I think for the price, the wear time could do better, and in my opinion, maybe the shade could be adjusted so the blueberry tones would actually show and won't be mistaken as a regular black shade?

You know what I mean, jellybean?

B Collection nail polishes retails for $14.95 at Target and is only available in Australia.


  1. It's so pretty.
    But aren't they kinda weird. You can't tell if it's black or blue.
    I still like them.♥

    Please follow me

  2. oh so pretty~ but I agree that with the price it should last longer!!!!

    xoxo HitomiNeko xoxo

  3. I loveeee dark vampy colours like this. It looks really pretty.


  4. wow that is so cheap! if only you can see a little more blue, that would be amazing :D


  5. um dude your swatches are AMAZING!!!!!!!
    i love me a good dark polish ;)

  6. Agree with Tez that your swatches are amazing, so pro!!! Your nails are so pretty too. I wouldn't have noticed the blue colour if you didn't point it out!

  7. I didn't know that they have Target in Austrailia. I thought it was just in the US.

