26 June 2012

Make-Up Don't: Have too many colours!

Hey there beautifools!! ^_^

I've been longing to share with you some tip posts and I've finally got to it. Hehehe... I've been quite lazy lately. All day playing the Sims 3, but that's ok! My sim is gonna become an A-List celebrity soon! Yay!! 

I'm so silly!

Anyhows.. without further ado, let's quickly get to one of the most important thing that we should all bare in mind when it comes to applying make-up!

Playing and changing up the usual make-up look and routine is fine, but try to keep all features in the same colour suit! Obviously, if you're wearing a red lipstick, you don't have to go monochromatic and do red eyes (yikes!) and red cheeks, but you can always try to find other shades which compliments the bold red lip. It'd be a start to avoid this:

Smoky navy blue eyes, apricot cheeks and a bright fuchsia lipstick? I don't think so!

Too many different contrasting colours on the face can make you look quite funky and instead of being flattering, it can really make you clownish and unnatural!

I guess some people do get away with it, depending how well blended the features are, but so many don't! Anyways, whether you do get away with it or not, let's just avoid it altogether!

Tell me! Have you ever been a victim of clownish and mismatching make-up?!
(I promise I won't giggle!)

For me, I know I certainly have -- definitely during my younger years! At the time, a blush was a blush and nothing more! Of course, I didn't care and know about colours and didn't know the best thing to do was to match it up with lips! Yikes!


  1. ive seen a few girls with colorful faces and some of them look quite okay with it. i guess it really does depend on the blending and to the person herself wearing if she can carry it well :)

    and for the question, i think i have been a victim way back, when i was younger and i still dont have any idea about make up and all. hahaha but i wont let that happen again :)

  2. I remember I picked up MAC Melon pigment and it was a pretty peach/neutral shade. Wore it to uni and didn't realise until I got there that it looked like I was wearing orange eyeshadow.

    <a href="http://jaciwalker.blogspot.com>Jaci Walker</a>

  3. a girl at work had this exact look from your facechart on yesterday lol! i was giving her a side eyes, she didn't do it right....BUT a different coworker was a magician with makeup and had a similar as well that looked FAB on her, so you never know

  4. Lol I reckon all the clashing colours makes people look like prostitutes ...
