30 October 2011

Recent Haul (Maybelline, L'Oreal & Urban Decay)

*This post was written a two weeks ago*

I've hauled these items sometime in the last month and never actually shared on my blog! Below is pretty much a collective haul which may also be my last haul in a while as I'm extremely satisfied with my current make-up stash after items from IMATS Sydney and goodie bags from Australian Beauty Blogger Weekend!

So about a month ago, Priceline had an awesome deal on Maybelline which was 'Buy 3 face products for $30'! Woooooo! I've always had a few things I wanted from Maybelline, but never picked those items up because they are quite pricey for me (professional gambler here!), ranging around $20~$30. Pretty pricey if you think about it!

On my list.. I've always wanted to own their Mineral Power Natural Perfecting Foundation (powder form) since I'm running low on my American Beauty Mineral Powder. So far so good, I say. The powder hasn't caused my skin to react negatively or anything and provides a decent coverage too. Normally, this powder foundation is already $25~27.

The second item I knew I had to grab from Maybelline is their Instant Age Rewind Double Face Perfector, which is a double-end pen consisting of a concealer and a highlighter. This concealer has ALWAYS been a favourite concealer for under-eye bags! It covers my eyebags complete, lightweight (unlike cream concealers), don't sink into my fine lines and is SO handy for its 2-in-1 packaging. Definitely a steal since this concealer retails for approx $17.

The last item of the three-for-$30 deal is their 24HR SuperStay Foundation, which I bought since Pinkiecharm from YouTube has raved much about it. I'd say we share similar skin conditions though my t-zone does look shiny, but is actually flaky and dry. I blame this on Roaccutane. This foundation so far serves to be great, I'd say it's the 'younger' sister of the Revlon Colorstay foundation, but I'll do a more detailed and further review soon! This stuff retails for at least $20, I believe.

As you've calculated Asian-ly (hehe), the three face products above would cost me at least $60! Therefore, being able to purchase these 3 items for $30 is one of the most awesome deals Priceline has ever offered!

The next item I've got is from CosmoCosmetics, which is a discounted make-up store located in Liverpool Westfields, but you can also find them at Stocklands in Wetherill Park!

I just happened to stumble across their store and saw this primer for $10 ONLY!
It's the L'Oreal Studios Secret Magic Perfecting Base Primer! I believe this has been discontinued and they now have something similar in their normal L'Oreal line called the 'Base Magique Primer' which is identical in packaging and consistency.. just not entirely sure if they've changed anything about the formula or whatever... But I have no problem with this primer. Especially when it's for $10 and not $39.95!

Lastly, I've finally got NAKED!

Shoo! I'm speaking of the all-time raved Urban Decay Naked Palette! I've bought this from BeautyBay for $65 including shipping and oddly, their site states it'll take 7 days to arrive, too bad it took a whole 30 days for it to arrive, so I don't think I'll order from them anymore (unfortunately) though their customer service was awesome.

I still don't know why I've ordered this palette when I don't even use eyeshadows to start off with! And that goes to all the eyeshadows I haul! Hahaha! I just enjoy collecting them and believe one day I will eventually get to that stage to use eyeshadows....

At the moment, I enjoy being 18 and I personally think eyeshadows ages me a tad.. Yes... I'm also covering up for my crappy eyeshadow skills! Hehehe.

Well, back to the eyeshadow palette! It comes with a mini-sized UDPP and a brush now instead of the Urban Decay eyeliners! Apparently, it's because the ingredients used to make the eyeliners are quite rare and hard to find, therefore the palette is out of stock all the time. But now that they've replaced it with a brush, it's gonna always be in stock! Yay?

I still wished it came with the eyeliner though...

That concludes this haul post! You won't be seeing haul posts for a long while now! Boo!

26 October 2011

Slit Mouthed Woman Inspired Make-Up

Today's gonna be another Halloween post, on another horror movie. This time, it's inspired by the main character Mayumi Sasaki of 'Carved' which is also known as 'A Slit-Mouthed Woman'.

The movie is based on a Japanese myth (interesting!) about Kuchisake-onna ("Slit Mouthed Woman").

According to Wikipedia, basically... there was once a woman whose mouth was slit from ear to ear by her jealous husband. She then return to town as an evil spirit wearing a surgical mask (to hide her slitted mouth) and stops children who are walking home alone by questioning them "Am I beautiful?".

If the child or children answer 'yes', she will remove her mask to reveal her slitted mouth and ask 'How about now?'. If the child or children answer 'no', they will be cut in half or if they answer 'yes', she will slit their mouth(s) like hers... from ear to ear.

So I just bought special effects recently so here's my nooby recreation on the mouth....

One thing I wish to improve is blending the latex with my skin better! I will put in more effort next time... you can see at the red arrow that there's a thick layer of latex just sitting dried there! It looks like hives or something!

Lastly, I did over-exaggerate the slit a little too much than the movie's make-up, but I can tell you that I'm NOT disappointed for it's my first time using latex and scar wax! I also wished that I had a pair of plain white contacts and mask to complete the look.

I will give this look another try in the future with proper eye make-up and props! :)

Now... time for you to answer my question.

"Am I pretty?"


24 October 2011

Bride Of Chucky Inspired Make-Up

There's only a few days left to Halloween and it's a shame that I haven't done much Halloween make-up looks for this end of the month!

But I did complete one look yesterday and I wanted to show you guys! :P

It's an inspired make-up look from one of my favourite horror movies, Bride Of Chucky. Yes. Chucky, the creepy doll who kills! But the movie 'Bride Of Chucky' also features Tiffany, who ends up to be Chucky's partner later on!

So I thought I'd give it a shot and do an inspired make-up look by Tiffany (the doll)! Here's a photo, I used for reference:

My inspired look...

I could've done better though! I should've also contoured my face and spent more time sculpting my lips so it looks much more sharper! I should've also researched more photos of her so the eye make-up could be more precise and accurate... so I can only call it an 'inspired' look.

But at the end of the day, I'm pretty happy with the eye make-up because it compliments my tiny eyelids (Asian eyes) and eyeshape better than if I did exactly the make-up that Tiffany had!

Hope you like this inspired look! If you have tips or suggestions about what I could've done to improve the look, please drop a comment below!

16 October 2011

Saturday/Sunday Steals #13

I can't believe my 'Saturday/Sunday Steals' posts has hit #13!

I know I haven't updated with my market hauls in yonks! The last fewer weekends have been full of crap weather so market sellers don't really come out. I've only been visiting the fruit market and been coming home with fewer box of oranges... I can include them as 'market hauls' if you want. Heh.

But this weekend was so awesome! The weather here in Sydney has been great for the past 2 days and hopefully will stay this way for the rest of Spring and Summer! Woo!

The Sunday markets were jam packed today since the weather has been so crap over the past few weekends, so today, when it's sunny, all the sellers came out and the markets' hauling junkies came out too!

However, let's begin our 13th chapter shall we?

Yesterday, at Saturday markets, Mum and I did manage to grab quite a few shirts, but here are the ones which are for
me! There's this cute coral shirt with printed words and a plain button-up shirt.... Yes. Very simple cas' I'm a plain Jane. Hahahah! I probably have one of the worst fashion sense EVER, so I decided that I will stick to plain tees, leggings, hoodies, shorts and singlets -_-"!

As for cosmetics, I've collected this Australis' Fresh & Flawless Make-Up in Natural Fawn (my shade! yippee!). It's definitely used by someone, but I thought I'd purchase it anyways since it comes in a handy and hygienic squeeze-tube packaging. I won't purchase anything unless they can be sanitized for health concerns... Imagine purchasing someone's lipgloss or mascara... Sick stuff!

Also this brand new eyeshadow quad of pigments by ChiChi! You may or may not know... I actually don't use eyeshadows. I'm only 18 and I do think they make me look a tad older than my age. Some girls pull it off real well though!

This quad of pigments is called 'Pinks/Purples'. Another eyeshadow to my collection!

Last items I got from the Saturday markets are these small sized 'Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion' by Clinique. I DO have combination dry skin, so these will be perfect for me! I've tried out their 'gel' form and I find it okay. Lightweight and moisturising, targeted for oilier skin though.

Now onto my favourite Sunday markets! Why favourite? Because there's more make-up and fun crafty stuff!

My first purchase for today was this stripped shirt which hugs my body really well! It looks so 'winter-y' though! This shirt was for $4!

Second purchase was a Cosmetica brush by Manicare for $5. It was a pointed eyeliner brush, but I don't have it with me at the moment... So I can't show you guiz! :(

Middle section of the market was very boring, so I didn't get anything until the last section where I spotted this Avon Moisture Effective Eye Make-Up Remover Lotion for $2! Awesome deal, cause I actually need an eye make-up remover! Woo!

OK! Lastly! I got these ALLLLLL these cards and gift wraps for $5! It was up for 20cents each, so I chose 23 cards which includes Birthday cards, Mother Day's cards and Father Day cards and 2 gift wraps! Not sure about anywhere else in the world, but over here in Australia, cards at the newsagency are fucking $5 each, unless it's the cheap $1 which looks quite tacky.

This is my favourite card!!!! It's SO pretty!

Anyways, pretty sure I have enough birthday cards for the rest of my life!

I hope you enjoyed this post!

13 October 2011

Dare to Wear #4 Challenge by FunnyFaceBeauty (Illamasqua)

Hello beautifools! Another quick post for today...

I recently stumbled across FunnyFaceBeauty's blog and I saw that she has put up a 'Dare to Wear Challenge' blog post. In her most recent Dare to Wear post, she features fewer photos by Illamasqua which which was from their recent collection called 'Theatre of the Nameless', I believe.

I actually don't know much about the brand, so correct me if I'm wrong!

But on another note, Illamasqua's stash of photos looks amazing! Ooft! This has to be my favourite photo of their collection:

I love the thick black outline of the facial features and that little circle on her cheek... I don't know what it is, but to me.. it looks like a cute mole. Hahahaha! Or 'beauty spot' if you'd like to call it.

Of course, out of FunnyFaceBeauty's post, I picked this look to recreate! Too bad I don't have any necklace and accessories for props!

So here's an attempt of my recreation if you're ready....


I actually like the photos with flash better as they didn't wash out the intensity of the black eyeliner and all...

Overall, this was a very fun and messy look! I definitely enjoyed seeing my mum's reaction when I blocked out my brows also!

One more thing about this look is that, I actually only blocked out half my eyebrows, so I had to go over with Photoshop to actually remove the traces of me brows! I also used Photoshop to intensify the black eyeliner in the first two photos as the lighting did wash it out a tad..

Besides that, I did not airbrush my skin or whatever - just in case you're wondering!

There's fewer things that I do need to improve or change about this make-up look also! I need to work more on highlighting the cheekbones and also my eyelids. And more blush too! Cry!

Hope you liked this post!

P.S. I look like a man with my outlined lips LOL!

10 October 2011

Quick fix for oily/greasy hair!

Hey everyone! I thought I'd do a quick tip post for fixing oily or greasy hair.

We all have one of those mornings when we wake up to oily/greasy lookin' hair and then realise there's really no time to wash our hair... sucks!

Anyhows, you may or may not know... dusting some translucent powder or baby power over your hair will help absorb that oil from greasy hair!

I personally never tried a tinted powder since I think it's a waste and I have quite a few translucent powders to go through, but I think it should be fine! Keep in mind to go with the cheapest option, so don't go MAC Studio Fix over your hair (lol!).

Hope you found this tip helpful!

Have a wonderful day!

06 October 2011

Top 5 Picks: Australis Cosmetics

If you've followed my blog for a while now, you know that I'm a big fan of Australis cosmetics!


They have the most simple, but stylish and sleek packaging and great products at affordable prices. Most of all, they have the very fewer products which most lower-end brands still lack such as a make-up finishing spritz, HD products, eyeshadow primers, crackle nail polishes, lip butters and gloss sticks. I think for this reason, it makes the brand itself very unique!

However, don't get me wrong. I'm aware that no brands are perfect and that Australis DOES have those products which makes you squeal 'wth'. But forget that, I'll be sharing with you my top five picks from the brand in this post!

Ready Set Go Finishing Powder ($12.95)

This is my very first translucent powder and I'm extremely impressed with it! Read my review here. It's a lightweight, talc-free, mattifying translucent powder which keeps the oil at bay and actually makes my make-up feel like skin! The only downfall of this product would be its packaging as there's a tad too many sifting holes and not to mention that each hole is the size of a straw. Just kidding. Seriously though, too many large holes... you can patch it up with a piece of tape though. Should be no problem.

Colour Inject Mineral Lipsticks ($10.95)

No way on Earth will I leave this lipstick out of my 'top 5 picks'! I don't think I'd ever drop it out of my list of fave lipsticks even! It's moisturizing, pigmented and affordable with a decent long-lasting power. My favourite? Mambo. Lovely nudy pink. I do also own some very whacky discontinued shades (walla!) as you could see.. purple and orange. I LOVE them! I hope they'll eventually bring out a green and yellow lipstick somewhere in the future heh, it'd be fun and awesome! You can read my review here.

Colour Inject Mineral Lipgloss ($10.95)

I've only ever love two lipglosses in my stash of lipgloss (most are lower end) and it's the Estee Lauder Pure Colour Gloss and this baby. They are both very similar with their non-sticky formula, provides a healthy gloss and hides dry/flaky lips really well. The only difference is that the EL Pure Colour Gloss lasts a tad longer. As for the pigmentation of this, I'd say it's quite sheer but buildable. You can read my review here.

Paparazzi Perfect HD Blush ($12.95)

Proud to say, I'm the owner of Shoot To Thrill and Flash It! I've always wanted to try these blushers, but their '3 for 2' sale at Priceline still hasn't came so I could swipe out the whole
collection. LOL jk. I really love this blush though and Australis definitely should come out with more shades! These blushes are pretty much a trio of three shades of blushes which allows you to mix and match to your desired tone/shade. Awesome right? Not finished yet though. They are also crazily pigmented at the price of $12.95!

Now this last one was hard to pick... I was deciding between Australis' Nail Polishes or their Make-Up Spritz... but I'm actually not a big fan of their nail polishes besides the lovely limited edition green shade, so I figured I'd go with their spritz.

Make-Up Finishing Spritz ($14.95)

This baby, I've also carried home from ABBW and I quite like it. I wouldn't say it's anything I can't live without, but I'd definitely recommend this for those hot sunny days when you're in need for a refreshing and cooling spritz. It also claims to sets make-up while it's there, but I personally don't notice any difference. However, the spritz is still quite nice to use considering that it contains aloe vera (extract?) and rosewater with a lovely scent!

P.S. You can also use this spritz when applying mineral make-up (using the wet application).

So that's my top five picks!

Have you tried any Australis products?
What are your top picks?

Disclaimer: The Paparazzi Perfect HD and Make-Up Finishing Spritz are goodies from the ABBW bags. I am not obligated to review or mention these products in my post, please refer to this site's disclaimer policy.