16 October 2011

Saturday/Sunday Steals #13

I can't believe my 'Saturday/Sunday Steals' posts has hit #13!

I know I haven't updated with my market hauls in yonks! The last fewer weekends have been full of crap weather so market sellers don't really come out. I've only been visiting the fruit market and been coming home with fewer box of oranges... I can include them as 'market hauls' if you want. Heh.

But this weekend was so awesome! The weather here in Sydney has been great for the past 2 days and hopefully will stay this way for the rest of Spring and Summer! Woo!

The Sunday markets were jam packed today since the weather has been so crap over the past few weekends, so today, when it's sunny, all the sellers came out and the markets' hauling junkies came out too!

However, let's begin our 13th chapter shall we?

Yesterday, at Saturday markets, Mum and I did manage to grab quite a few shirts, but here are the ones which are for
me! There's this cute coral shirt with printed words and a plain button-up shirt.... Yes. Very simple cas' I'm a plain Jane. Hahahah! I probably have one of the worst fashion sense EVER, so I decided that I will stick to plain tees, leggings, hoodies, shorts and singlets -_-"!

As for cosmetics, I've collected this Australis' Fresh & Flawless Make-Up in Natural Fawn (my shade! yippee!). It's definitely used by someone, but I thought I'd purchase it anyways since it comes in a handy and hygienic squeeze-tube packaging. I won't purchase anything unless they can be sanitized for health concerns... Imagine purchasing someone's lipgloss or mascara... Sick stuff!

Also this brand new eyeshadow quad of pigments by ChiChi! You may or may not know... I actually don't use eyeshadows. I'm only 18 and I do think they make me look a tad older than my age. Some girls pull it off real well though!

This quad of pigments is called 'Pinks/Purples'. Another eyeshadow to my collection!

Last items I got from the Saturday markets are these small sized 'Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion' by Clinique. I DO have combination dry skin, so these will be perfect for me! I've tried out their 'gel' form and I find it okay. Lightweight and moisturising, targeted for oilier skin though.

Now onto my favourite Sunday markets! Why favourite? Because there's more make-up and fun crafty stuff!

My first purchase for today was this stripped shirt which hugs my body really well! It looks so 'winter-y' though! This shirt was for $4!

Second purchase was a Cosmetica brush by Manicare for $5. It was a pointed eyeliner brush, but I don't have it with me at the moment... So I can't show you guiz! :(

Middle section of the market was very boring, so I didn't get anything until the last section where I spotted this Avon Moisture Effective Eye Make-Up Remover Lotion for $2! Awesome deal, cause I actually need an eye make-up remover! Woo!

OK! Lastly! I got these ALLLLLL these cards and gift wraps for $5! It was up for 20cents each, so I chose 23 cards which includes Birthday cards, Mother Day's cards and Father Day cards and 2 gift wraps! Not sure about anywhere else in the world, but over here in Australia, cards at the newsagency are fucking $5 each, unless it's the cheap $1 which looks quite tacky.

This is my favourite card!!!! It's SO pretty!

Anyways, pretty sure I have enough birthday cards for the rest of my life!

I hope you enjoyed this post!


  1. LOL cutie!
    "I have enough birthday cards for the rest of my life!"
    The eye shadow quad looks so pretty!!!

  2. Hey! I'm thinking of trying out the Australis Fresh & Flawless foundation but not too sure about what shade to use! I'm thinking I might try Natural Fawn too.. What Mac foundation shade are you??

  3. You gotta love the Sunday markets for cheeky bargains! I gave you an award http://www.beautyinthesky.net/2011/10/17/blog-award/

  4. @arsy Hahhaa :P

    @Anonymous I'm approx NC25~30. The shade is a tad darker for me, just a tad :P

    @Beauty Thank you!!!!! $_$

    Such late replies! Sorry >_<
