24 July 2014

Face Of Australia Dark Side Collection: Jarfar

Oops! This post was NOT suppose to be published a day late, but I eventually got carried away after I finished editing these photos... o_o"

If this collection released a year earlier, I would be all over Jarfar. Last year, I was all over dark-vampy nails, especially dark burgundy reds! Very unusual of me, but yes!

Unlike my previous post which featured Ursula, I have zero problems with Jarfar's brush. However, the colour was a tad harder to work with.

On first coat, it was quite sheer, so I needed a total of 3 coats for a full opaque finish. 

Whilst the formula was smooth just like the previous two, I felt like this particular shade applied to be a bit blotchy and uneven. I THINK it may be the colour that caused the problem, rather than the formula since I've tried plenty of other dark-reds and they've behaved in a very similar way

Oh, have I ever mentioned to you about how glossy they are without top coat?? For all three posts so far, all photos were taken without top coat! Sooo glossy right?

Somewhat off-topic: I had no idea who Jarfar was until I google'd!!! Ahhhhhh, the dude from Aladdin. Grrr, I don't watch half of the movies these villains are featured in! Yes, I have no childhood. And yes, you can expect these mini-rants for the next fewer posts. But no, you may not call me silly!!!

These buttons will be updated after every post for your reading convenience!

Face Of Australia Dark Side Collection, $4.95, 8 shades, available at Priceline, Big W and Face Of Australia stockists. 

Disclaimer: This product was provided to me for review consideration only. I was not obligated to review nor mention this product. All opinions expressed in this post are of my own and remains to be unbiased/untruthful. 

1 comment:

  1. Oww I love this colour too!!
    Nice and deep and very wintery!!
    xo Holly xo

