16 November 2013

Sally Hansen Lustre Shine Nail Colour in Scarab

Finally back to regular blog posts! Of course, starting off with nail colours to get myself back in blogging mood!

I'm not too sure when this nail colour came abouts to my collection. I'm actually not sure if it's mine at all, as I don't remember purchasing this from the markets, and I have never ever purchased any Sally Hansen nail lacquers from the stores!

Sally Hansen Lustre Shine Nail Lacquers actually doesn't retail for that much... not as much as I thought they would anyways. They're only $9.95 in stores, with occasional sales. But really, even with 50% OFF, I'd still give this range a second thought! As nice as these look in the bottle, I'm not too sure if duochromatics are really my thang.

This particular shade I have called 'Scarab', is... er... what it is.... Give me a break guys! I struggle to describe basic cream colours, so let alone duochromatics!

I actually don't think I'd ever touch this shade if it wasn't for my sister. She was just casually posting her nail photos on Instagram, which popped up on my feed! Yes! She has a nail Instagram, her handle is @bailmynails. She described the colour to be "disappointing", but I don't think so! Do you?

Yes, it photographs to look somewhat streaky, but hey! Isn't that just within the nature of foily duochromes? Not to mention that you can barely see it in real!

As for the formula, it's quite thin, but still remains to be impressively pigmented. Two coats is enough, but three coats for a fuller opacity! The brush looks like this...

Squared, but easy to use for my square shaped nails. However, for its long-lasting power, it's sad to say, but I actually have no idea! I never apply nail lacquers directly to my nails anymore. I always use a peel-off base coat, so it wouldn't be fair for me to comment upon how long it lasts, right?!

Have you tried Sally Hansen's Lustre Shine range?

I'm aware that Sally Hansen has came out with a few new hyped ranges recently, such as their Fuzzy Coat range and Sugar Coat range~ I do have a few shades of their Fuzzy Coat range, but I've still yet to post about them as I don't know how to coordinate the colours nicely. Other bloggers' swatches looks soooo nice, and then there's mine... meh.

I'm not the most creative person, so give me about ten more years. I'm sure I'll find a nice colour combination by then! :P


  1. Omg, this is the EXACT type of shade I once wore for 6 months only because I love teals! Its sooo beautiful!

  2. What a gorgeous color! I love the shimmer to it. It's so glamorous!

  3. Wow, it's absolutely BE-AU-TI-FUL. I want to paint the world that colour x

  4. Wow it's sooo pretty! I've never tried this line from Sally hansen but I may now!! <3 I've just followed you on GFC, looking forward to your next post love!!

    xoxo, Mango ❤
    MangoRabbitRabbit's Blog | Holiday Party Outfit: Little White Dress
