22 November 2013

Priceline 40% OFF Haul


Priceline had a 40% OFF sale on all cosmetics earlier this week, on Tuesday and Wednesday. Sorry for all who've missed out (hopefully none of you did), but for those who knew of the sale, tell me.. what did you hoard!?

The night before the sale, my sister actually told me it was going to happen tomorrow. I wasn't pumped AT ALL, to be honest. I didn't really look forward to purchasing any more products, nor did I look forward to spend any more money on unnecessities. However, the question still remains:

Did I, or did I not?!

Of course I did! T~T
Besides the title of this post giving it away, if you know me well, then this should come to you with no surprise. Hmph!

Ok... now onto what I bought!

For Priceline's kickass 40% off sales, the first brands I look at are actually essence and Savvy by DB. Mainly, because they rarely have sales, and not to mention that their products are already quite cheap, so a further 40% off will drop their price down to less than a penny............ K, maybe not that less, but still!

Hit up essence, and saw this range of lippies that I've never seen before. Picked up 5 out of the 7-8 shades! They were only $4.10 each (RRP), so they costed around $2.50 per lippy. I don't like their other regular range (packaged in red tube), so I just skipped those.

Yessssssss. Also some of these eyeliners. Pray that they actually will last. Costed around $1.50 per eyeliner only! I went back the next day to check if they have a navy blue colour, but all gone!

Huehue. Nail polishes!! That's What I Mint and The Boy Next Door by essence. Dirt cheap. I actually have a candy blue colour by essence at home already, and it's ALSO named as "The Boy Next Door". Eeeeep. what's going on here?!

Besides that fuss, my sweet mother also showed me this lilac colour (Grape Jelly by Savvy by DB) that "you should get". Sneaky mumma has always loved lilacs, so this one's for her! ^-^

....And of course, I couldn't pass up these Face Of Australia Carnivale Nail Lacquers! I felt kinda bummed when I didn't see them at the FOA stand, but I'm glad I found them on the top shelf, next to the stand! I picked up the remaining four colours that I didn't have from my previous swatch post.

I shall play and swatch them soon! Promise!!

As for now, back to dramas and being a couch potato in this gloomy, rainy Sydney weather! :P


  1. Great haul :) The essence lipsticks were all sold out at the two pricelines I visited :o

  2. I picked up one of the new essence lipsticks too :)
    Nice haul!

  3. The essence stand at my local priceline was pretty much empty by the time I got there so I didn't get any of their products but I did pick up two of the face of australia nail polishes, love the colours but not too keen on the texture - maybe its something that might grow on me?! :-)

    1. I wasn't too sure at first but you do get used to it - apply a top coat and it makes the texture much less offensive!

  4. Great haul! I'm jealous. My budget didn't allow me to take advantage :( love the look of those essence lipsticks, I haven't seen them around! I'm also a huge fan of savvy. Also been eyeing off the foa polishes!

  5. Ooh good haul! I can't wait to see reviews - and the FOA polishes are gorgeous :)

  6. Lovely haul! I was so tempted to get some more Canivale polishes!

  7. The Essence lipsticks look amazing - definitely worth more than $2.50! I wish my local Priceline stocked Essence and FOA, would've been interested in the stuff you picked out :)

  8. I went to the 40% off sale at Priceline too, I was in makeup heaven!
    Have you tried the Australis lipsticks?


