26 June 2013

The Jojoba Company Gentle Cleansing Balm

Kay. I've been in bed snoozing for the past two days because it's been SO wet and gloomy in Sydney here.. Don't mind me, ya?

I've been meaning to post about The Jojoba Company's Gentle Cleansing Balm ($29.95/100mL) for the looooongest time. The thing with skincare products are that... I'm always thinking.. "I'm going to post about this tomorrow" and that thing goes on for.. um.. a few weeks. Next thing you know you... BAM! Cleanser finished and no product left for me to photograph.

What I've just told you was what exactly happened to my beloved Love Lettuce Face Mask by LUSH. Sad times, really!

Anyways, I've figured that I'd stop using the cleanser until I get the review over and done with... so my skin right now is disastrously dry and tight. LOL.

Horrible lighting, I know... What can I do with these grey clouds? :(

The Jojoba Company's Gentle Cleansing Balm (97% natural, they say!) claims to "leave the skin feeling cool, calm and hydrated" whilst "dissolving make-up and impurities of the skin's surface". Comes in a nifty pump-bottle which locks and also has a cap -- perfect for travelling.

I've been using this cleanser for about... a month, but definitely not everyday and also NOT twice a day (as suggested). I use one pump everytime I cleanse and I'd have to say that it's a very quick cleanser to finish, even if I'm using it once a day. After about 1.5 weeks of using this daily, the bottle is almost half finished :(

The formula, however, is VERY gentle and doesn't lather up into foam. It's actually hydrates, soothes and leaves my skin feeling supple! Back when it was less "wintery", my skin loved this! I could just use this cleanser and say "PFFT" to moisturisers like a boss. However, as we're almost a month into the winter season, I had to quickly cling to my moisturiser for the extra hydration.

Overall, the cleanser does pretty much what it claims to do -- soothe, hydrate, calm (I'm not totally sure what they mean by "cool" though.. Eeep)... Besides the "make-up removing" part. This cleanser is WAY too gentle to remove a single bit of make-up, so I have no idea why The Jojoba Company decided to chuck in that claim. It scales the product down, methinks.

Nevertheless, it's a lovely cleanser for all skin types. Doesn't leave the skin feeling tight because it's ULTRA-gentle. A cleanser can never be TOO gentle right?!?!?!?

Have you tried ANY products from The Jojoba Company?

YAY!! Now I can actually start finishing up this cleanser! I can't wait to show you guys waht I've managed to finish over the past fewer months.. My bag for "empty products" have been sitting in the corner for yonks!

Disclaimer: Product was provided for review consideration only. All opinions/comments mentoned within this post remains to be unbiased and uninfluenced.

23 June 2013

Saturday/Sunday Steals Vol. 31: Revlon, Max Factor, China Glaze, Mode

Prior to starting the post, I actually couldn't find which chapter my "Saturday/Sunday Steals" series got up to.... Mainly, because my previous post of "Saturday/Sunday Steals" wasn't numbered. I'm not too such what happened and why "past Tram" didn't decide to number the post, causing "present Tram" so many confusions X_X

I guess she felt horrible that the chapters are adding up and we've now hit Vol. 31! 

You know what's even worse?

I actually skipped a few bags from the markets prior to today's haul... I had SO many bags gathered to the corner of my room, but there's now too many so I've decided to just skip them all. LOL. Woop.. 

Small haul today though, because I bought a few of these products at a slightly higher price than I usually would.

  • Mode Nail Polish in Jaded -- 50c only! For swatching purposes... Definitely worth it! ^_^"
  • China Glaze Nail Polish in QT -- This is my second CG polish ever and it was only $1. It's also my first ever holographic nail polish... Wooot! I've been meaning to try holographic nails for yooooooonks!
  • Max Factor's Miracle Touch Liquid Illusion Foundation in Golden -- I've heard much about this foundation on Amanda's blog so when I saw it for only $7... Had to snag it home to see what it's about. I totally forgot that our skin types are on different ends of the scales, but hopefully it'll still somewhat work out!

Along with those products, I also got 3 other lipticks to feed my lipstick obsession (have you seen my Lipstick Tag yet?!)...

  • L'Oreal Paris Color Riche Lipstick in Intense Fuschia -- $5, but the colour is so beautiful! The scent is sickening though.. It was also slightly used, but I made sure to give it a really good rub when I got home (as you could tell, the product is almost like... 25% gone in the photo).
  • Revlon Super Lustrous Lipsticks in Pink Velvet and Love That Pink -- These are brand new and were up for "2 for $15"! However, I managed to haggle these two AND the Max Factor foundation down to only $20 for all 3. Quite a bargain, considering that the foundation itself retails for $35.60 and the lipsticks are $21.95 instore!

I can't wait to try these lippies, but right now.. I'm still trialing Australis' Go Long Longwear Lipsticks... Eeep! I'm alwaaaaaaaaaaays late with reviews.. WHY?!?!?!?!? 

Anyhows, off I go to paint ma nails and catch up on some of Natalie Tran's latest vids...

Hope you guys are having a lovely Sunday!!

Tram x

21 June 2013

Illamasqua PARANORMAL Nail Polish in 'Ouija'

Illamasqua's PARANORMAL Collection has been out for a while now, so I'm very behind with this post! Don't fret though! The collection and its products are still available instore and online at their website ~

The collection features some pretty whack products! If you haven't already heard or seen, I'll give ya a run down of what I thought was interesting from their range...

  • Paranormal Palette -- This fun, colourful and bright eyeshadow palette does not feature your average powder eyeshadows.. But they're not exactly creams either. They have this unique feel to them when you touch them! It's soft and "bouncy" -- I know.. very hard to imagine, but it just is!
  • Lipsticks -- I was told that one of the two shades featured in the collection were.. inspired by dead people. Interesting idea? Ye........no. Ok. Kind of. 
  • Hydra Veil Moisturising Primer Base -- This was probably the most interesting from the range! It has a "jelly" texture and consistency. When swirled, it looks like broken jelly.. but after a short period of time, it merges back into its old form like nothing has ever happened before..

Last, but not least.. There's also their UV nail polishes ($22.50) which are available in 4 shades. The one that I was provided with (to trial) is called 'Ouija' and here it is -

'Ouija' is a medium rose pink, fused with very fine shimmers. Yes, I like to describe all my pink nail polishes as "rosey" pinks. So wot? :P

To be honest, the colour didn't really "wow" me, but there's something about the finish of this particular polish that makes it interesting. It's not exactly matte, nor is it glossy, but then semi-matte isn't quite correct. It's much like a satin finish -- a tad glossy, but a tad semi-matte.

Yeap. That is the perfect description, methinks. Almost as perfect as this:

LOL. I found this meme online yesterday -- pretty perfect, don't you think?!

As for the consistency, it's much thinner than the previous Illamasqua nail polishes that I've tried. However, don't let that fool you, because it actually doesn't apply to be sheer at all. 

Two coats gives quite an opaque finish, so you don't have to worry about the hassle of layering or waiting for it to dry. It dries pretty quick and wears quite well! I can wear this for up to 5 days before having to repaint! However, I did find that the satin finish wore off into a glossy finish after a day of wear or so... which is usually the case with lacquers of mattes, semi-mattes, etc.

Overall, it's a nice polish to have. I love the satin finish it has, but I feel like the colour is just another average pink. Unfortunately, I haven't seen the "UV" version in action. I'd love to show you guys what it looks like under UV lightings too, but I am a noob and I have no idea how to do that :(

Have you tried ANY products from Illamasqua's PARANORMAL range?
How do you like the idea of "lipstick shades inspired by dead people"?

Although I'm not overly excited about these UV nail polishes as I was previously for their Speckled and Rubber Brights, I still DO look forward to see what they'll be releasing in their next collection! Glitters please!

Disclaimer: Product was provided for review consideration only. All opinions, comments featured within this post belongs to myself and remains to be uninfluenced and unbiased. 

19 June 2013

The Lipstick Tag!

I love love love lipsticks! There can never be too many lipsticks in Tram's world, so when I saw The Lipstick Tag going around blogs... I just knew that I'd have to get down to it!


How many lipsticks do you own?
72 -- Sadly, this is not even counting the ones that Mum and my sister has took and kept in their bags!!

What was your first ever lipstick?
Ah.. I really liked nude lipsticks when I started off with make-up so my very first lipstick was Australis' Colour Inject Mineral Lipstick in Mambo.

Swatch of Australis' Mambo

What is your favourite brand for lipstick?
Ahhhhhhh. I'm torn between Australis and Face Of Australia! >_<" I probably would have to go with Australis' as they have two ranges of two different finishes. They also have a wider shade range!

What is your most worn lipstick?
To be honest, to this day.. I still have not finished one lipstick! My most "worn down" lipstick is Australis' Mambo, if I'm on the right track. If not, my most worn lipstick (in terms of it being a favourite) always changes! I'm always going through different phases with different lipsticks... I will post about my lipstick life/phases soon!

What is your favourite finish?
CREAMS! Mainly because they can be worn comfortably without feeling dry on the lips. I rather retouch every often than have my lips feeling dry and flaky at the end of the day.

What was the last lip product you bought?
I still haven't got to this small market haul, but if you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen that I've purchased two new Revlon lipsticks for around $7 each! They are from the Super Lustrous range, and are called 'Pink Velvet' and 'Love That Pink'! I love my pinks!

Revlon's Love That Pink & Pink Velvet

How many lip products do you currently have in your handbag? (Including lipbalms and lipglosses)
I actually don't wear handbags most of the time... I'm always carrying my wallet around, so that calls for no lipsticks! However, when I do... there's about 3 lip products -- two lipsticks and a lip balm!

How do you store your lipsticks?
They are lined up neatly in this paper organiser that I've purchased at the markets (but you can find them anywhere)!

What lipstick do you use to rock a red lip?
I have three red lip products that I hit up whenever I feel red-dy. Lips are always lined with Face Of Australia's Mechanical Lip Liner in Red and then topped off with either... Sportsgirl Fashionista (renamed to Bombshell, methinks) or Max Factor's Ruby Tuesday.

(bottom-top) Red, Fashionista/Bomshell, Ruby Tuesday

What lip products are you currently lusting after?
Lusting after? Hmmmmm.... I'm not heads over heels for any lipsticks at the moment, but I don't mind me some Maybelline's Vivid Lipsticks or some pretty pinks/corals from Rimmel London! :P

That's all the for tag! I don't think there are follow on tags for this Lipstick Tag, but I'd love to see YOUR collection! If you do plan or have already did this tag, please link it in the comment section!

I'm keen to know..

How many lipsticks do YOU own?

Which lipstick have you been obsessed with recently?

*Disclaimer: All products mentioned within this post were purchased by myself. 

16 June 2013

First taste of Lush -- Lush Wiccy Magic Muscles Massage Bar


I bet you are! Probably not surprised by the fact that I've never actually tried LUSH before, but by the fact that my first product to post about isn't a cosmetic product, but rather...a massage bar. Haha.

I was invited to Lush's Blogger Event not too long ago, where I had fun  learning about LUSH's products and also their brand as a whole. As the night came to an end, Lush kindly offered us to list down 3 products we'd like to try, and their Wiccy Magic Muscles Massage Bar ($14.95) was one of the three that I've chosen.

Mumma's sores and aches have been acting up (to be quite bad) lately, so I figured that this massage bar would help out alot, and seeing that it claims to "sort out aching muscles", I just couldn't pass it up!! ^_^

Those beans that you're looking at are "aduki beans" which I'm not too sure why they're there, but they surely do offer a nice texture since you can also use that side to massage the body. I really like how it feels, but Mumma finds no use in those beans.. Not to mention that sometimes when the beans break, they can become scratchy for you to hold... So you'd just have to pick them out eventually.. >_<"

I'm not complaining about the beans though.. I love the idea of using the textured/bumpy side to massage and furthermore, I really like how it feels when rubbed onto the skin! It's not oily, but it's almost like a thicker butter that leaves the skin feeling moisturised and supple! Yes, I sometimes would rub the leftover all over my hands... :P

The bar has a strong lemongrass scent, methinks. Mumma isn't a fan of it, so after this bar runs out, I'll be looking into their other massage bars instead. Mumma also didn't feel like it relieved any of her sores as claimed, so that's a dud!

I'm pretty excited to finish up this massage bar... Not only because I want to try out their other massage bars, but I also really want to see what the end product will look like. LOL! I'm guessing that I'll be left with a bunch of beans... Hahaha.. Oh, can you imagine?!

Have you tried Lush's Massage Bars?
What oils/bars do YOU use for massages?

Please leave me your recommendations!

The next massage bar that I'll look into will be "Hottie", since it also claims to help aching muscles! Hopefully it works!

Disclaimer: Product was provided for review consideration only. I was not obligated to review, mention or post about this product. All opinions featured within this post belongs to myself!

13 June 2013

Pigments Nail Art: The Dark Version ft. Eclipse & Bella Pierre


Ya. I also cannot believe it, because it hasn't been too long ago that I've posted my "Drugstore Launches" for the month of June, and next thing you know... BAM! I need to start compiling info and photos for Drugstore Launches for the month of July. Eeeek.

Time flies when you're older, methinks.

Anyways, in my previous "pigments nail art" project, I promised that I'll also show you my dark version! I'll be showing you that today, but if you're unfamiliar with the idea... In a nutshell, it's a simple nail art method using eyeshow pigments. You start off with a base colour, apply a clear top coat once the base dries and then sprinkle on loose pigments!

This was my "light" version using Models Prefer' pigments...

AND, here is my dark version using Bella Pierre's pigment stack.

Yes... if you're familiar with Bella Pierre cosmetics, their shimmer pigments stack actually retails for $99.95 on their website.. But lucky me, I've thrifted it at the markets for only $1-$2! The colours it features are beautiful and rich. I've been wanting to bring it into some sort of use, besides using it for the eyes. This was the perfect chance!

As for the base, I've used Eclipse #219 흑 장 미. I have absolutely NO idea what its name is, but a quick google tells me that "흑" translates to "black", and "장 미" translates to "chapters"... which makes absolutely NO sense.

Further research for this blog (and just for the fun of it)... Googling images for "장 미" gives photos of roses, and the whole phrase together "흑 장 미" gives me photos of black roses! Therefore, may I conclude that the name of this polish is called "Black Roses"? Yes. Absolutely.. LOL.

Ok. That's it for today's Korean 101 class. Our next class will be held when another Eclipse nail polish is featured.

Black Roses is a very, very dark (non-plummy!) red that looks very much like black at a glimpse. The lacquer applied flawlessly as every other Eclipse Nail Polish. Pigmented, non-streaky, non-gloopy, smooth -- everything you can ask for! But as always, it also chipped after a day or so.. >_<"

I really like the gold and the reddish-purple colour that I've used. I can definitely imagine the gold pigments on a bright red for Chinese New Year inspired nails, what do you say?!

Have you got around to trying Pigment Nails yet?!?!

Also, I will continueing my my series of Saturday's Swatches starting from next Saturday for those who are wondering! I've ran out of products to swatch... eeep! Need to hit up Priceline or Big W to swatch & run, methinks!

11 June 2013

Nail Polish Hoard: Savvy, Models Prefer, Maybelline, COVERGIRL

I hate me sometimes.

I've always wondered which part of me decided to start my series of "Some Outstanding Sales" post. It'd only make sense if I was good at handling myself when great sales are around, right?

Well..... GUESS WOT? (I'm pretty sure you already know anyways...)

I am nowhere near good.. T_T It's a shame to say, but I just have to put this out there......... the goarder part of me has been taking over control these days! Since my previous sales post, I've immediately rushed out to purchase a bunch of nail polishes...

My first stop was at Priceline and these Savvy nail polishes (with a price tag of $3!) caught my eyes.. Picked up some pretty shade that isn't all that similar to what I have in my current collection.. err.. good, right?

Grey, Splash & Dash, Teal

Also snagged these two beauty packs by Models Prefer for only $5 each! BARGAIN!

I actually saw the black and white glitter polish from their larger set of 18 nail polishes first. Was very keen on it, but just wasn't keen on getting the WHOLE set for the sake of 1 nail polish, so I searched around to see if they had a smaller set or individual full size. That was when I found this pack of 2 for $5! SUCH a steal uleh.

The second pack is a better bargain, methinks. A powder blush and a creme blusher stick for just $5! It's a smaller sized powder blush, but I'm still happy with that. The smaller, the better! Mainly because I struggle SO hard to finish any full-sized blush.....................................

Na. I just want to be able to fit in more blushers. LOL..... Just kidding!

Well, second stop was at Chemist Warehouse for $1.99 Sinful Colour Nail Polishes, but I've searched two Chemist Warehouses and found NONE! The ladies said "they must haven't arrived yet", although the range is advertised in their current catalogue. What a waste of time...

Of course, that didn't stop me from making a trip to my third destination -- Target!

Initially, all I wanted to do at Target was to check whether Maybelline's $4 OFF and Covergirl's $3 OFF included their nail range......... but, um, this happened:

What can you say? Maybelline's $4 OFF deal surely does include their nail polish range -- making these drop down to only $1.95 each!

Sapphire Siren, Twilight Rays, Blue Freeze, Wine & Dined

Fierce N Tangy, Green with Envy, Pink Shock, Paint The Town

Checked these babies out, but I TOTALLY forgot to check whether Covergirl's nail polishes were included in their $3 OFF deal, so I went back......

...where this happened... =(

320 Midnight Magic, 230 Golden Opportunity, 190 Wine to Five

240 Coral Silk, 200 Always Naked, 285 Mint Mojito

The after sale price is $3 each for these. They also had a really nice bright candy blue in the range, but I thought.. How many bright candy blues do I really need?

So I picked up all these shades that are quite unfamiliar to my collection.. I'm lacking mints, nudes, foils, wine reds and light, peachy corals :P

Adding to this.. I've also got a huge market haul that I've yet to post about... SIGH. And there are more nail polishes there... >.>

If you are up for $2 Maybelline nail polishes or $3 Covergirl nail polishes,
NOW is the time!

If you're a sales lover, don't forget to check out my previous sales post! ^_^

07 June 2013

Some Outstanding Sales (07 June 13): Priceline, Chemist Warehouse, Big W, Target

There's a sales party across ALL stores this fortnight guys! Not bad sales tooooo... I have already purchased a *few* things and I WILL show you soon! =)

1. PRICELINE: Introductory offers:
  • Max Factor's NEW Clump Defy Mascara -- $12.47.
  • Rimmel London's Accelerator Endless Mascara -- $11.95, and receive FREE Scandaleyes Eyeliner

2. PRICELINE: 50% OFF Model's Prefer Storage Cosmetics range -- brush holders, etc. Ends 17 June 2013.

3. PRICELINE: $3 on Australis Cosmetics clearance items (selected items only), such as: Space Jam Glitter Nail Polish; some of their regular blushers; Mint Lip Conditioners; and eyeshadow palettes. Ends 17 June 2013.

4. PRICELINE: $5 and $10 on Models Prefer BEAUTY PACKS -- they actually are quite nice! There are blusher sets, nail sets and lip sets! Worth a check. Ends 17 June 2013.

5. PRICELINE: Buy One Get One Free (BOGO):
  • Sally Hansen Nail Colours -- They've just launched their Lustre range (duochromatics)!
  • Ardell's entire range -- Lashes, lashes and lashes! 

6. PRICELINE: $3 on Savvy's Nail Colours -- they had some pretty glitters and creme mints, neons and darks. Ends 17 June 2013.

7. PRICELINE: Save 40% on Physician Formula's ENTIRE range! Ends 17 June 2013.

8. PRICELINE: I generally don't include 30%, but it's a great save on nail polishes, methinks!
  • 30% OFF Covergirl -- They've just launched their new [highly-raved] Outlast 3-in-1 Foundation!
  • 30% OFF Bourjois Paris
  • 30% OFF Almay 
  • 30% OFF L'Oreal Paris [All EYES]

9. TARGET: $4 OFF Maybelline -- Includes their ColorShow Nail Colours ($1.95) and Total Clean Express Eye Make-Up Remover ($2.80)! Ends 12 June 2013.

10. TARGET: 25% OFF L'Oreal -- Includes their Color Riche Nail Vernis ($4.50)! Ends 12 June 2013.

11. TARGET: $4 OFF Covergirl -- Good timing to pick up their nail polishes ($2.95)! Ends 12 June 2013.

12. CHEMIST WAREHOUSE: 2 Avene Eau Thermal Spring Water for $19.99! RRP $20 each. Ends 16 June 2013.

13. CHEMIST WAREHOUSE: $1.99 for Sinful Colors -- I've visited 2 Chemist Warehouses and NEITHER had Sinful Colours... Weird. Ends 16 June 2013.

14. CHEMIST WAREHOUSE: All CUTEX Nail Polish Removers for $2.99! Ends 16 June 2013.

  • 50% OFF Rimmel London
  • 50% OFF Revlon
  • 50% OFF Sally Hansen
  • 50% OFF Maybelline

16. BIG W: 25% OFF Face Of Australia -- If you've been eye-ing their Glitterati collection or their NEW BB cream.. go for gold! Not sure of end date.

17. BIG W: 35% OFF NP Set. Not sure of end date.


Priceline: Maybelline Color Sensational Lipsticks ($10 each)
Chemist Warehouse: 50% OFF Maybelline (equates to $8-9)

-- Chemist Warehouse wins (unless you live outside of NSW)
Priceline: Buy Rimmel's Accelerator Endless Mascara & receive FREE ScandalEyes Eyeliner
TARGET: Buy ANY Rimmel mascara & receive FREE ScandalEyes W/proof Black Eyeliner

-- Best buy depends on whether you prefer a free choice of eyeliner OR mascara

I've hauled home a few items from this fortnight's sale.. SHOW YA SOON!

Hope you've enjoyed the post! Let me know which stores (plural because I know you too well!) you will be hitting up!

05 June 2013

Max Factor Colour Elixir Giant Pen Sticks

The looooooooooong awaited review for Max Factor's Giant Pen Sticks! I'm so excited to share this post with you guys, because these are ze bomb. I really like them and I'm hoping that you will too!

To be honest, I was kind of skeptical about these lipstick/balm hybrids. I didn't think I'd like these at all. I honestly thought they'd be annoyingly slippery and sheer on the lips, but most shades from the range are pretty pigmented and are easy to build up on the lips. SO happy to report to you all that they don't slip and slide on the lips. They glide on smoothly and settle really nicely, without making the lips feel dry ^_^!

In terms of the lasting power, I feel like there's only a slight consistency across the 6 shades. Each shade has their own level of pigmentation and ultimately, that also contributes to their longevity.

Probably the most true-to-swatch shades I've ever photographed ~.~

In no particular order....

Couture Blush

Couture Blush was my first pick to trial and it's definitely one of my favourites from the range. I'm ALWAYS in for these muted/nudey pinks and fortunately, it's a shade that I can work with, without looking washed out (or lookin' like a dead fish). It's decently pigmented, but coverage could be built up in a whim! I can sport this shade without any worries for up to 3-4 hours before having to touch up.

Vibrant Pink

Vibrant Pink.. I honestly didn't think I'd like it, because it looked a bit hard to wear/pull off.. HOWEVER! When I applied this... I instantly fell in "like" (possible, yes?). I reaaaaaally like this colour and I would highly recommend it if you are in for bright pinks (*ahem* @sleepandwater). It's BEAUTIFUL and is really easy to pull off!

I felt like the texture of this shade was outstanding. Other shades aren't bad at all, but this one just applied to be amazingly smooth and pigmented. Settles, stains and sits on the lips quite nicely. Truthfully, I can't pin point the exact lasting time for this, but it lasts no lesser than Couture Blush.

Intense Plum (eeek!)

Intense Plum is an intense, dark plummy shade with teeny, tiny purple shimmers.  The purple shimmers give off a subtle (purple-y/violet), metallic sheen on the lips when worn. It leaves a tad of a stain when blotted, but is quite easy to remove. Intense Plum is a high-maintenance shade. I've worn it on the lips for up to 6 hours before removal, but I found myself touching up every 2 hours because the colour kept fading from the centre!

Passionate Red

Passionate Red is described by my sister as an "old lady" colour. It's a deeper red that I'm not too fond off, but somehow looks so nice on me in the photo above (wot?). Nothing bad about the shade, but I just personally prefer brights better. It's quite pigmented and can last for yonks too. It IS prone to bleed after a large meal so please be careful! Also needs touch up!

Designer Blossom

Designer Blossom is a sheerer and warmer-toned red. Very quick and easy to build up. At a sheerer application, it's a really cute watermelon-red! This shade is perfect for those who wants to give red lips a go, or sport red lips without looking too overdone for uni or work.

Hot Chocolate

Hot Chocolate -- the sheerest of them ALL. This shade is more like a tint than anything else. It has a bronzey-base colour with golden shimmers, but once applied, the outcome depends [wholely] on your natural lip colour. For me, it's very much of a MLBB (my lips but better) lip colour, which I don't mind. I can definitely see me wearing it on more natural days, but I still prefer pinks! I also couldn't pin down the exact lasting time for this because the colour is so sheer! However, the gloss that it offers lasted quite a while..

In all, I really like these Giant Pen Sticks (so much that I went out and bought 4 for my Instagram giveaway!). Vibrant Pink, Couture Blush and Designer Blossom are my faveees.

Please note that these Giant Pen Sticks aren't twistable, so you'll need a jumbo sharpener for them. I suggest that you throw these into the fridge before sharpening, to harden up the product. Also, when slotting on the cap, be EXTRA careful because these are so creamy and soft that you'll slide the cap RIGHT into the product... Trust me... I know.... >__<"

What are YOUR thoughts of Max Factor's Giant Pen Sticks?
Which shades are your favourite picks?

Max Factor Colour Elixir Giant Pen Sticks, 6 shades, $9.95, available at Priceline, Big W, Target and other Max Factor stockists.

Disclaimer: These products were provided for review consideration. All opinions within this post are of my own and remains uninfluenced.