19 June 2013

The Lipstick Tag!

I love love love lipsticks! There can never be too many lipsticks in Tram's world, so when I saw The Lipstick Tag going around blogs... I just knew that I'd have to get down to it!


How many lipsticks do you own?
72 -- Sadly, this is not even counting the ones that Mum and my sister has took and kept in their bags!!

What was your first ever lipstick?
Ah.. I really liked nude lipsticks when I started off with make-up so my very first lipstick was Australis' Colour Inject Mineral Lipstick in Mambo.

Swatch of Australis' Mambo

What is your favourite brand for lipstick?
Ahhhhhhh. I'm torn between Australis and Face Of Australia! >_<" I probably would have to go with Australis' as they have two ranges of two different finishes. They also have a wider shade range!

What is your most worn lipstick?
To be honest, to this day.. I still have not finished one lipstick! My most "worn down" lipstick is Australis' Mambo, if I'm on the right track. If not, my most worn lipstick (in terms of it being a favourite) always changes! I'm always going through different phases with different lipsticks... I will post about my lipstick life/phases soon!

What is your favourite finish?
CREAMS! Mainly because they can be worn comfortably without feeling dry on the lips. I rather retouch every often than have my lips feeling dry and flaky at the end of the day.

What was the last lip product you bought?
I still haven't got to this small market haul, but if you follow me on Instagram, you would have seen that I've purchased two new Revlon lipsticks for around $7 each! They are from the Super Lustrous range, and are called 'Pink Velvet' and 'Love That Pink'! I love my pinks!

Revlon's Love That Pink & Pink Velvet

How many lip products do you currently have in your handbag? (Including lipbalms and lipglosses)
I actually don't wear handbags most of the time... I'm always carrying my wallet around, so that calls for no lipsticks! However, when I do... there's about 3 lip products -- two lipsticks and a lip balm!

How do you store your lipsticks?
They are lined up neatly in this paper organiser that I've purchased at the markets (but you can find them anywhere)!

What lipstick do you use to rock a red lip?
I have three red lip products that I hit up whenever I feel red-dy. Lips are always lined with Face Of Australia's Mechanical Lip Liner in Red and then topped off with either... Sportsgirl Fashionista (renamed to Bombshell, methinks) or Max Factor's Ruby Tuesday.

(bottom-top) Red, Fashionista/Bomshell, Ruby Tuesday

What lip products are you currently lusting after?
Lusting after? Hmmmmm.... I'm not heads over heels for any lipsticks at the moment, but I don't mind me some Maybelline's Vivid Lipsticks or some pretty pinks/corals from Rimmel London! :P

That's all the for tag! I don't think there are follow on tags for this Lipstick Tag, but I'd love to see YOUR collection! If you do plan or have already did this tag, please link it in the comment section!

I'm keen to know..

How many lipsticks do YOU own?

Which lipstick have you been obsessed with recently?

*Disclaimer: All products mentioned within this post were purchased by myself. 


  1. I just saw this, I am going to write up my own version for tomorrow! Love it!

  2. 72 lipsticks?! That's actually insane!! Haha! Those two pinks you picked up from the markets are gorgeous!!


  3. wow that's quite an impressive collection! :)
    I only have 5 lipsticks and the rest of my lip products are balms and gloss.
    I love looking for bargains at markets! which reminds me, I have to go there soon!

  4. Wooow that's a lot of lipsticks!
    I own around 20-30 haha and I love my pinks too!

  5. Love your collection and storage!
    I'm not sure how much lipsticks I have... Maybe 10-20??

    joyjoii+ {food, fashion, lifestyle}

  6. Cute tag! I love the photos and swatches as well, keep up the great work girl!


  7. That's a lot !!!!! I always curious, isn't make up have the "expiry date" ?

  8. OMG 72 lipsticks?! That's crazy! I'm going to count how many I have right now .... so just checked I have 59?! WOW! Definitely no more lipsticks for me! :/
