23 June 2013

Saturday/Sunday Steals Vol. 31: Revlon, Max Factor, China Glaze, Mode

Prior to starting the post, I actually couldn't find which chapter my "Saturday/Sunday Steals" series got up to.... Mainly, because my previous post of "Saturday/Sunday Steals" wasn't numbered. I'm not too such what happened and why "past Tram" didn't decide to number the post, causing "present Tram" so many confusions X_X

I guess she felt horrible that the chapters are adding up and we've now hit Vol. 31! 

You know what's even worse?

I actually skipped a few bags from the markets prior to today's haul... I had SO many bags gathered to the corner of my room, but there's now too many so I've decided to just skip them all. LOL. Woop.. 

Small haul today though, because I bought a few of these products at a slightly higher price than I usually would.

  • Mode Nail Polish in Jaded -- 50c only! For swatching purposes... Definitely worth it! ^_^"
  • China Glaze Nail Polish in QT -- This is my second CG polish ever and it was only $1. It's also my first ever holographic nail polish... Wooot! I've been meaning to try holographic nails for yooooooonks!
  • Max Factor's Miracle Touch Liquid Illusion Foundation in Golden -- I've heard much about this foundation on Amanda's blog so when I saw it for only $7... Had to snag it home to see what it's about. I totally forgot that our skin types are on different ends of the scales, but hopefully it'll still somewhat work out!

Along with those products, I also got 3 other lipticks to feed my lipstick obsession (have you seen my Lipstick Tag yet?!)...

  • L'Oreal Paris Color Riche Lipstick in Intense Fuschia -- $5, but the colour is so beautiful! The scent is sickening though.. It was also slightly used, but I made sure to give it a really good rub when I got home (as you could tell, the product is almost like... 25% gone in the photo).
  • Revlon Super Lustrous Lipsticks in Pink Velvet and Love That Pink -- These are brand new and were up for "2 for $15"! However, I managed to haggle these two AND the Max Factor foundation down to only $20 for all 3. Quite a bargain, considering that the foundation itself retails for $35.60 and the lipsticks are $21.95 instore!

I can't wait to try these lippies, but right now.. I'm still trialing Australis' Go Long Longwear Lipsticks... Eeep! I'm alwaaaaaaaaaaays late with reviews.. WHY?!?!?!?!? 

Anyhows, off I go to paint ma nails and catch up on some of Natalie Tran's latest vids...

Hope you guys are having a lovely Sunday!!

Tram x


  1. I'd be interested to hear how you go with the Miracle Touch foundation...

  2. omg I LOVE NATALIE TRAN!!!!!
    And great deals you got again!

  3. The lipstick Love That Pink looks freaking gorgeous!! It's so awesome that you get such amazing products at such discounted prices, you have an eye for this stuff!

  4. I'm excited to see swatches your the CG polish! and I'm a bad friend LOLOL
