02 January 2013

Best of 2012 -- Bring it ON 2013!

Hey! If you're reading this.. you're still here! I'm glad you're here with me! It's been a hectic year for me, and if you're feeling the same... guess what?

We've made it! 

We've made it this far through 2012 with only a few more days to go until we hit a brand new start, so cheers to the better beginnings! 

I wanted to share with you some of the best things that has happened to me throughout 2012...

1. You're still here with me. 
Thank You Black StickerI started blogging on 16th January 2010, so it's been almost 3 years. Throughout the years, my passion for everything beauty has grown, my writing style has changed.. I have changed. I don't know whether the change in me is good or bad, but you're still around with me... reading and supporting this blog!

I wanted to take out the time to truly thank each and every one of you who are reading this. Thank YOU for sticking around. Thank YOU for supporting and reading my beauty blog! :) 

2. Friends. 
Old friends from highschool! I haven't seen them girls in ages now, but when we meet, we are still as close! I can't wait to see them again! I think the last time we went out together was.. er.. in September. Meep. 

And then there's Tezza, Amanda and Alice who I've grown with this year... I'm grateful for meeting every one of them girls! We can talk about anything... anything! ^_^

(Stolen from Alice) She made us her very own pop-up Christmas card! Cutest!!

3. My Phanily.
The Phan's family (lol) has gotten alot closer this year. I've got ALOT closer to my Mum. I've finally came to appreciate her work for the family, to raise up my sister and I. It seems like the bigger we're growing, the smaller she's getting... meep.

(One of our many cute photos together... LOL)

To acknowledge the hard work and effort that she puts into this family, I've been showering her with kisses.. she always pushes me away, but we all know that she secretly loves it. ^_^"

4. Finished my Certificate III course, on to Diploma!
I've finished my Children Services Certificate III course this year and I've started my Diploma course which should finish at the end of 2013. Fingers crossed that everything will be okay, despite being constantly told by graduates that it'll only get harder T_T

Here's me at TAFE with Tiger, Jeffrey the Giraffe and Bambi!! ^o^ Cute as hell!  >>>

I think that may be it.. LOL. I know, I'm a boring person. Meep. But I'm not sure how 2013 will be yet. I have my list of resolutions though.. hopefully I'll follow them through:

  • Stop slacking in class. Put 110% of effort into work and stop failing those easy-ass classes.
  • Be more punctual to class and to outings.
  • Stop hoarding home make-up, finish the stash. 
  • Forget about the past and look forward to the future!
I think the hardest of the list is not holding into the past. I hold onto too many things, way too many things. It's time to let go and look forward to the brand new year ahead of us! 

I'm also going to be turning 20 this year... a brand new chapter of my life! How scary, yet somewhat exciting... maybe. 

I'm wishing you guys a lovely New Years! Let's make the best of 2013 buddums! 


  1. Aw what a lovely post Tram :)
    Those little pictures of you guys that Alice made are adorable! And so is that picture of you and your family :')

    Good luck with your diploma!
    Haha 'stop hoarding home makeup" should be my resolution too but it's just so satisfying seeing my collection grow o_o

  2. this was such a nice post :) i really enjoyed reading it,happy new year!
