31 December 2012

Round Up: Aussie BB Creams 2012

Second last day of 2012! I thought I'd compile a post of BB creams which are now available in Australia and a list of trends that I thought was really interesting this year!

First up, we now have a total of 17 BB creams readily available in Australia. 

BB creams have made a remarkable hit to the Western cosmetics/beauty industry this year, made famous by beauty communities from South East Asia. I'm pretty sure BB creams existed way before that.. sure did a take a while for BB creams to be noticed by the West!

We'll start off with drugstore brands ^_^ I'm not going by chronological order, but who doesn't know "Australia's first BB cream"? Yeap. That's right! Garnier came out with the very first BB cream (I was so annoyed with their ad!) and soon introduced another version for combination to oily skin types. 

  • Garnier Miracle Skin Perfector BB Cream ($13.95) -- review here.
  • Garnier Miracle Skin Perfector BB Cream for Combination to Oily Skin ($13.95)

  • Chi Chi Super BB Cream ($19.95) -- haven't seen this around before!
  • L'Oreal Paris Revitalift Total Repair 10 BB Cream ($35.95)
  • L'Oreal Nude Magique BB Cream ($26.95)

  • Innoxa Skin Perfecting Foundation 5 in 1 BB Cream ($24.95)
  • Nude By Nature BB Cream ($19.95)
  • Palmer's Eventone BB Cream ($9.99) -- review here.

  • Sanctuary Spa Skin Perfecting BB Cream ($29.99) -- never heard of this brand, but it's exclusive to Priceline.
  • Rimmel London 9-in-1 BB Cream ($12.95)
  • Maybelline Dream Fresh 8 in 1 BB Cream ($15.95) -- available from Priceline online shop for the moment.

  • Models Prefer BB Cream ($19.99)

 Now, for the high end brands --

  • Bobbi Brown BB Cream SPF 35+++ ($60)
  • Biotherm White Detox Translu-Cell BB Cream ($49)
  • Jane Iredale Glow Time BB Cream ($72) -- available from professional clinics, plastic/cosmetic surgeons, dermatologists.

  • MAC Prep & Prime BB Beauty Balm Compact SPF 30/PA++ ($49)
  • MAC Prep & Prime BB Beauty Balm SPF 35/PA++ ($49)

From the list, I've only tried 3 BB Creams.. not much at all. I'm not crazy over BB creams though. Foundations will work fine!

Are YOU a BB-lover? Which BB creams have you tried?

Any listed BB creams sparked your interest?


  1. OUt of the 3 BB creams you've tried, which was your favorite? I am looking for a decent one(:


    1. I tried Garnier (original), L'Oreal Nude Magique and Palmer's! Palmer's was the one I really liked! I have a review on it :)
      L'Oreal Nude Magique wasn't bad except that it didn't transform to the correct skintone for me. It turned a bit pinker. As for Garnier.. I didn't like that stuff!

  2. Hi.. Just thought I'd comment on the L'Oreal Nude Magique BB cream. I tend to have oily skin and can't use foundations or tinted moisturisers, but decided to try this and am hooked. It's lightweight, doesn't clog my skin and gives a subtle glow. It comes out in a white liquid and feels like an exfoliator but contains Micro pigment beads that when you blend turns to the appropriate shade. 2 shades available but SPF is low so I apply a high SPF moisturiser first.

    1. Thank you so much for your input! I've tried it and I must agree with you on those good points! It does look and feel like an exfoliator too! Too bad it was too pink for me! I didn't know that it had SPF.. hmm.

  3. I've got the Garnier one but never liked using it and it's been sitting in my stash for a while now without being touched. Too transferrable and odd for me. I'm excited to try the a few of these myself - particularly the L'Oréal, Maybelline and Rimmel ones - when I get around to buying them :) I use a Korean one from the Face Shop every day and love it to pieces (onto my 4th bottle I think).
    After reading this post the first time I saw the Chi Chi B.B Cream in stores, an interesting concept with Caviar Extract... haha
    Thanks for a great roundup post :) xo


  4. I love the Garnier for oily combination skin, has amazing coverage and looks great on. I tried the original Garnier Skin Perfector but didn't like the shimmery finish and I also felt the coverage wasn't that great. I've also tried Palmers and Biotherm but I didn't like them as much as the Garnier for oily combo skin so I highly recommend that one.

  5. Personally, I wouldn't use a BB cream under 30+ SPF. Remember that Australia has the hole in the ozone layer right over us (me, specifically, in Melbourne)!

    I'm using overseas brands which are 35+++. Sadly, at the cusp of 54, anything that sits like a thick foundation on ageing skin screams, "Look, there's stuff set in my fine lines &, if you haven't noticed that my pores have stretch-marks, you can see 'em now!" No amount of primer (save epoxy resin) can save me, & it means using a half a kilo of expensive setting powder to even begin to blur the death mask and the shiny T-zone.

    One thing I can advise: stay away from Jane Iredale. Approach only with a crucifix, holy water & a pair of scissors aimed at your credit card. I've been suckered into buying Jane Iredale so many times when I go for my botox. I've spent vast amounts of money on foundation, mineral powders, eye makeup, lipsticks. Everything made by her turns into something resembling a layer of honey on your face. I know a lot of people swear by her products, but I've seen those people in the flesh while I was making my purchases. They look like something out of a wax museum. I swear I could tap their faces & hear their skin knocking back at me pleading to be let out. Top that with enough filler to make Tori Amos look normal & you've got the picture.

    The worst part is that, when I returned the no-budge cream-to-powder eyeshadows & eyeliner, there wasn't any kind of refund, just an, "We'll tell the representative next time she comes in." Okay, I can live with forking out $70 on a powder that I don't end up liking... but when I spend a couple of hundred on an eyeshadow & liner that go on like honey, stay that way & turn into a murky, sticky crease combo within an hour, I do expect some sort of apology at least!
