02 April 2011

Saturday/Sunday Steals #4 + When you white out your lashes

So this is pretty much a Saturday steal post! However, I didn't wanna ruin the links so let's just count it as Saturday/Sunday!

This is what I've got today...

Target beige wedges $5

I like it, you? I think it's quite cute and simple :)

ROC Booties $8

These items ain't new, but the upcomings will be.
I love love this cuteeee pair of booties! Grey... hmmm would've been great if it could be black! :D

I also bought 6 eyeliner pencils which I do not know the brand of... I got them and a cake eyeliner for $1, altogether! Yay!

They ARE double ended which is a bonus! Yippee!

I'm happy to see metallic green and metlallic purple pretty exciting!
I'm excited to use itttttttz!!
And also the brown in the mid! Yay! Or the navy blue! Yum!

Ok. I'm definitely looking forward to the gold, and the top two's which I don't know how to describe the finish... pastel?

This is the cake eyeliner duo!

I don't know how to use it.. so I'll be researching! Yap yap

So today's total comes to........................................

$14 for all of the items listed above! Yay!!!

Now... here's another exciting make-up look. I love looking through make-up books so here's one I picked out to do. I find it quite fun to do!

Black sleek eyeliner with white mascara!!!

Here's my take on it....
wait for it!!

Camwhore pics!

Yap that's all!

Yay!! Today's been a fun day! I actually had started packing so moving houses would be easier when the time comes! Yay!

I hope you guys are having a great time! Drop me a comment telling me how you guys are doing, okay?

Talk to you guys soon... or tweet me.


  1. Oh wow girl! Those are pretty impressive cat eyes! Wow you got steady hands ^^ I love itttt


  2. Those wedges are so cute! :)

    I want those liner pencils!

  3. Love your take on the liner look. I think you did an amazing job!

  4. @Ice Pandora & Celeste Thank you!! !:D Heheheheh xx

    @Vintage Yap I love the wedges. So neutral and it's not THAT high because I suck at those ultra high stilletos.. :) x

  5. Gosh....I'm so loving your beige wedges! Nice pick! <3 silversparklesandshine.blogspot.com

  6. Those are some really nice deals you got! And the eye makeup looks great! You look like you belong in a Korean music video hehe :D

  7. You are so skilled with eye makeup! Pretty!!! And I love your new shoes!


  8. Thanks galz!! :D

    @Rinny HAHAH a Korean music video? lulul that's a first!! x

    @Viv LUL thank you hun ^^!!! It is a really simple black eyeshadow look! that's all! x

    @SilverSparkShine Thanks!! :D I think I picked the right pair too! Yayz x
