06 April 2011

Deal with it #1 (AU only)

Hey everyone! Haven't posted in a few days now... I've got more stuff from the markets but I'll post them either tonight or tomorrow night!

But here's Oz freebies for you ALL!

Like the name says, only for Australia residents! Sorry other countries! :(

Click and fill out the form to receive a FREE sample of Maybelline Baby Lip Balm!

Click HERE

Yours deerest,


  1. Thanks for the link, but I can't seem to find the form where you input your information.

    Could you please post the url or instructions to redeem?

  2. @Jaci here's the direct link http://minisites.ninemsn.com.au/mobile/maybelline/default.aspx

    @Vintage no problem! :D
