25 January 2017

HAUL: Priceline 40% OFF Skincare

If you did not know... YES! Priceline is currently having a 40% off sale on their skincare products! Covers suncare and tanning too, I believe.

I usually skip these sales, but I've decided to go ahead and restock some of my skincare necessities this time around. 

Let's have a look at some of my necessities:

FORMULA 10.0.6 Overnight Spot Minimizing Patches ($4.19 on sale)
These make really good overnight pimple patches -- comes in round, clear stickers. Whenever I get a spot or two, that needs to be taken care of swiftly, these do it for me. Stick them onto the pimples for a consecutive 2-3 nights and ta-daah! Pus heads won't even think about growing.

BIORE Deep Cleansing Pore Strips 14pk ($6.60 on sale)
Figured that the 14pk was more worth in value, so grabbed 3 boxes. Two for myself, and the other for my friend. Not much to say about these. Just decent blackhead removal strips. Have always used this and will probably stick to this forever. 

OK. So I've only heard of NIP+FAB recently, when my sister came home with their Dragon Blood Fix Hyaluronic Shot that didn't really work for her. She passed it to me and...

Let me just say....

This stuff is AH-MAZING! 

For my drier skin, it works as an intense hydration boost for my skin. I use it as directed, mixing 2 drops of it with my Philosophy moisturiser. My skin goes from desert-dry to feeling immensely hydrated, soft and supple. 

I never usually bake my foundation as the powder usually clings onto my dry patches, but having this product now, I can start to include baking into my foundation routine. I'm actually quite happy with how well this worked for my skin so far! BIG THUMBS UP!!

Anyways, story of my life... lol. I haven't restocked that yet, but I will, eventually.

On a side note, I've also decided to give their Kale Fix Moisturiser ($29.99 on sale) a go. 

I do enjoy using my Philosophy moisturiser, but I'm hoping that NIP+FAB won't disappoint me with their moisturiser. If by any chance that this moisturiser becomes my HG, I could always snag it on sale at Priceline too! #beautybudgetqueen

That's all for my Priceline haul. Don't think I'll be getting anything else as I've still got soooo many masks, body creams and body lotions to finish at home. 


I was also supposed to stock up on my LA ROCHE-POSAY Anthelios Nutritive Oil 50SPF ($22.20 on sale), a sunscreen oil, but I think my sister's taking care of that for us, so... yay!

What's YOUR Priceline haul like?
Have you ever tried NIP+FAB products?


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