27 June 2016

SWATCHES: Stevie K Lipsticks

Way overdued, this post.

I've insta'd a photo of Stevie K lipsticks ($21.95) a few weeks ago if you follow me on IG (@the_beautifool). So much love for the photo!

But what can I say? These lippies look amazing in their suited-up black packaging. Simple, but sleekkkk. I love them!

AND their box packaging... OH MY GOD. If you love colours, or anything abstract... Mmmhhhmm. Take a look at this, guys...

Not ashamed to say, the packaging made me do it. So modern, so abstract, so "teeny", but without the "bopper", if ya know what I mean.

I'm sooooooo in love with the packaging guys! What do you think?

As for the swatches, here they are!

(L-R) Sky High,The New Black, Girl Boss, Sunday Morning, Bee, Berry Squeeze

Aren't they pretty?!

After swatching these six shades, I've realised that I've left one out. I've have another shade called "King Kylie", a nude shade, silently sitting in the corner. I'll make sure to include it in my upcoming face-swatches of these lippies!

These swatched to be nice and creamy. I've worn them for my face-swatches, and found that the matte shades sat comfortably on the lips without drying. Five of the seven shades I own are matte, except for the two lighter pinks, Bee & Berry Squeezed -- these two are more creamy in finish. However, I don't think they slid around too much on the lips, so s'all good.

Don't worry about being confused by the finishes they offer though. The finishes are stated on the packaging, or if  you shop on their website, they state it there too! I'd highly recommend you Google swatches of the lippies before you shop online though. Their stock photos can look a tad misleading.

Haven't worn these out yet, but my favourite pick is DEFINITELY Sunday Morning. It's such a beautiful, deep red. Here's a glimpse of what it looks like on me:

The colour, OMG. Anyone feel the same about the colour?

Anyways, I'll update ya with face-swatches soon! I'll be flying to Melbourne this weekend, so the post should be up sometime after this week!

Have a lovely week!


P.S. Stevie K is a new Aussie-reppin' brand, so if you're keen, do check their stockists or shop online.

Disclaimer: All products mentioned were purchased by myself. I am not affiliated with the company in any ways. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow these look gorgeous!! Great swatches xx

    Jasmine / sweetaholic-beauty.com
