20 January 2016

TOP 15 OF 2015

WAY overdued post, I know! 

Last year was a very.. quiet year for me. Kinda settled down to my usual routine, along with my usual fave products. Didn't really experiment with too many new products, and at one point, I remember even refusing to wear makeup so often!

My skin hasn't improved much, but there are so many days where I just felt really uncomfortable wearing makeup. It's mostly because of not being bothered to deal with the grimy/oily feeling throughout the day, I'm pretty sure!

Nevertheless, there are still days when I'd like to doll up a bit, so I haven't completely abandoned my stash! Hehe.. And even if I don't wear foundation, most of the time, my brows would be intact and highlighter would be lightly applied to show I'm as fresher than a motherrrrrrr.


Here are my top 15 picks for 2015!

AUSTRALIS Lash Length Extensions Mascara
Beginning of 2015, I was ridiculously obsessed with this mascara! You have NO idea! This was my holy grail. Gave me lashes that made touching my brow bone possible. Washed off effortlessly [in tubes] in warm water without leaving smudges. Ohh, such a fave!

The fact that you could see my lashes in photos... yup.

BAD NEWS: They discontinued it... Boooooooo! Out of all mascaras of their collection of 395964028 mascaras, they discontinued this one. RIP.

THE BALM Mary-Loumanizer Highlighter
Can't remember how long I've had this for, but since I had it, it's been a more-than-regular reach. On days when I don't wear foundation, I'd still use this.

What I love about it, is its finish. It's not at all shimmery, the finish is luminous. Very luminous, so depending on whether applied with a light or heavy hand, it can give off a natural glow without looking like a bloody disco ball. Texture is extremely fine. Worth every single penny.

RIMMEL LONDON Wake Me Up Foundation
This foundation is one I've used all year round -- summer or winter. Great, affordable foundation. Lasts throughout the day and I love the natural finish!

I've used this almost everyday that I go out, since May 2015. It's the scent, and the packaging -- simple as that.

TOO FACED Better Than Sex Mascara
My HG Lash Length Extensions Mascara discontinued sometime mid-year, so since then, I haven't touched many mascaras. Until a few days before the New Years, my sister brought home this baby after a co-worker recommended it, and lemme just get this straight...

It is @$&$@)&!? a-m-a-z-I-n-g!

I layered on two coats, with only one eye done, turned around to her and said "OMG, this mascara is... better than sex!" lol, jk. I just told her, "It's freaking amazing."

However, in saying so, still gotta give it trialling time. Hoping to feature it soon~

MAC Soft & Gentle Highlighter
Discovered this sometime in November, because that was when I purchased it. Grabbed it from someone who was reselling at the markets, and as much as I love my Mary-Loumanizer, I can't help to say that I've leaned towards Soft & Gentle towards the end of 2015.

The colour just seemed to suit me a tad more, but I still love you heaps Mary-Loumanizer! Just in honeymoon stage with Soft & Gentle rn, soz.

I've purchased this same time with my ABH Brow Dip Pomade, but I enjoy using this so much more. My stash don't carry too many brow products, so this easily tops all others without much thought. It glides on nicely, sits and stays nicely, and the colour matches.

Just hoping that there's a similar dupe around, something cheaper with easier access to. This thing is tiny, lol, and so probably ends up lasting me only a month of continuous use.

FACE OF AUSTRALIA Glamazon Contour & Highlighter Kit*
Been using this since last year. It's a really handy and affordable kit. My go-to shade for bronzing. The highlighter wished it was as well-loved (lol), but I've got my other fave highlighters, soz.

AUSTRALIS Ready Set Go Finishing Powder
Can't remember how long it's been since I've used this. Probably since 2012. My love for this is still going strong, and don't think I'll be changing anytime soon. I use it as a top off for everything, even if I'm already wearing a powder foundation. It just makes everything feel like skin, smooth and supple. 

I can't stand the sticky-icky or creamy feeling of foundation so this is definitely a need for me! 

AUSTRALIS Fresh & Flawless Powder
Apparently, this makes a great dupe for MAC's Studio Fix Powder. Can't comment on that though since I've never tried Studio Fix. However, this is a great powder for coverage. Easy to build up to medium coverage, and I'm sure full coverage is not impossible! 

(hit-pan'd! yeyey!)

On days when I'm lazy for liquid, I'd be wearing this. The shade range sucks though. It's very limited, but hopefully Australis will be working on expanding it soon to cater to more skintones!

CHI CHI Viva La Diva Lipsticks
Ohhhhhhh, I've owned these for yonks now! And only started using them when my sister popped it's from its packaging. I hoard products, but the have a slight stingy fear for using them. Or they just sit around and wait until I photograph it, only to realise that their time will never come cause I'm real lazy (lol).

(L-R) Game On, Social Climber

These lippies are creamy and are long lasting. Their lasting power shocked me quite a bit when I wore these for the very first time.

MAYBELIINE Sequin Nail Polish in Sea-Quins
My favourite manicure of 2015, hands down (or fingers down, in this case) is this manicure:

Original post here >

It's not so much what lays as the base colour, but it's what sits on top that gives it such a pow! Maybelline Sea-Quins from their Sequins collection is what I've used, and I regret not buying other shades from the Sequins range!

FORMULA 10.0.6 Overnight Spot Minimizing Patches
Products that make it to my top fave list are products that I'd always turn to, whether it be for a while, or for short term. However, this is a product I hope to stay away from, lol. Just because they're pimple healing patches, and whenever these patches are around, means I'm breaking out, again.

I'll stick these on for days whenever I breakout. They stay on to reduce redness, and somehow, always shoo away the pus. Other products from this brand don't work for my skin, but these help a tonne with my pimples!

MODELS PREFER Infinite Lasting Lipsticks
I loved these so much in 2015. They were my go-to lipticks for a long while, until I forgot about them. Loved them so much that I collected almost the whole colour range! ^_^

What I love most about these, is its long-lasting power. They're completely matte, lasts long and are extremely affordable! "Hidden gems of Priceline", I call these.

These lippies were also thrifted from the markets, for $15 each. They are from the Matte Revolution range. Formula is creamy, lasting and non-drying (yay!). They make really great more-than-decent lipsticks with beautiful packaging! Smells yummy too!

Those are my top 15 favourites! Before I go, here's a swatch battle for the three highlighters featured (including one from the FOA duo):

(L-R) The Balm Mary-Loumanizer, MAC Soft & Gentle, Face Of Australia Glamazon Kit*

That's allllll!

It was so hard to gather 15 products at first, but as I started writing, I ended up with more than 15, lol. Then it became hard to take products off the list!

Hoping to do swatches of the lippies mentioned soon. 

What were your top favourites of 2015?

If you've blogged about them. link me! If you don't blog, then leave me your first in the comments, or, just start blogging! Haha (@´_`@)

Disclaimer: Products marked with (*) were provided for review consideration only. 


  1. Ooh I also recently hit pan on my Australis Fresh and Flawless! The MAC one seems to have more coverage but this one is so much cheaper and it does the trick. Lucky on picking up those Charlotte Tilbury lippies - they look gorgeous! :)


  2. Whhhat, $15 for a CT lipstick from the markets? Haha, I have no idea how that happens. Were there any other items from that brand?

    I do like the Rimmel foundation but it's a bit on the thick side and also I bought the totally wrong colour for me, so I have to mix with a lighter foundation (usually CoverGirl Outlast 3-in-1). It does have a nice dewy finish though and pretty good coverage.

    MAC Soft and Gentle is such a classic! Been reading about it for years. I'm good with highlighters for now but that one is always an option should I feel like expanding my collection :p

  3. Gorgeous pics sweet!! The MAC Soft and Gentle is on my wishlist!
