05 January 2016

CHRISTMAS GIFTS 2015: Beauty Edition

CHRISTMAS, was quite festive for me this year!

My family and friends have never really celebrated Christmas, or not the gifting tradition of Christmas at least. But this year, everyone started gifting and all.

Makes me feel bad, because this year, I didn't put in enough effort in comparison to them. You know, too broke to really afford anything, lol. Sorry frenz.

But wanted to post about the beauty products I've received this year! *happy dance*

MARC JACOBS Dream Daisy Forever, was from my sister. This year, I started getting into fragrances! Been lovin' Marc Jacobs, for not only their packaging, but scents tooo~ I really really loved Daisy that I received for my birthday this year, so this was perfff!

THE BALM The Manizer Sisters. Lemme get this straight -- I LOVE my Mary-Lou Manizer. Since seeing this little set, I've always wanted it. It's smaller (probably half the full-size), but it's perfect. Considering that a little goes a long way, this will probably last me until I get married and have kids (lol, which is a long-ass way to go, according to mama).

These three CHARLOTTE TILBURY lipsticks were from my boyfriend (thanks boi!). They're from the Matte Revolution collection. Although they retail for $48 a pop, we thrifted them from the markets for only $15 each! Yay!!

Birkin Brown, Bond Girl, Walk Of Shame

I know these shades look real ugly as a bullet, and in my photo (lighting error) but I promise they don't look that bad! Showcase them to ya soon!

TONY MOLY Shocking Lip in 01, was from a good friend. I'm pretty sure this is the lipstick that she almost always wear. The one that I see on her, which NEVER ever rubs off. Lasts damn well. Quite excited to see what this one's about.

Same friend also purchased for me, LUSH Peeping Santa Bubble Bar! Smells amaaaaazing!

(poor disfigured Santa)

Aaaaaand my highschool girlfriends, got me so many things. Amongst them were OPI's Romancing the Frog Duo Pack and MY BEAUTY DIARY face masks (not pictured).

My boyfriend's sister also got me a lil gifty!! (ノ*゜▽゜*) She got me my first BOBBI BROWN products: Luxe Lip Color in Atomic Orange, and Lip Pencil in Tangerine.

These two are PERFECT for me. Atomic Orange is a lovely addition to the lipstick-fam since I don't own any true-orange lippies (that lasts, at least). And Tangerine is exactly what I'd wear as a peachy-coral, the colour is right up my alley!


...was from a friend, I haven't seen in yonks. And all I can say is... she knows me. Quite well (lol).

This Nail Care Bag, a minty lip balm, RIMMEL LONDON Provocalips in I'll Call You swatches of whole collection here >, and LUSH Ultrabalm.

Love everything minty, yellow or grey! Can't wait to transform that minty pouch to a coin-pouch or make-up pouch! ヽ(゚∇゚)ノ


That's a wrap of my Xmas presents~

What did everyone receive for Christmas? 

Whether it's beauty or not, let me know!


Thanks for checking,

Tram xx


  1. Looking forward to the Charlotte Tilbury showcase!

  2. Oooh you're going to love the peeping santa bubble bar! I just tried mine on the weekend and it's fantastic! I think all of the Lush Christmas bars/bath bombs are really great - it's a shame they're LE!


  3. I love the balm! great products http://maybemayhemmakeup.blogspot.com.au/

  4. Oh my gosh Tram! I'm gawping at the fact that you managed to get the Charlotte Tilbury lippies for $15 a pop at the markets! Which markets were they? Amazing steal!! Looks like you had an amazing xmas! I'm jealous!!

    xx Wendy.

  5. theBalm The Manizer Sisters is gorgeous, definitely going on my list!
