13 August 2015

DUPING THAT: Sigma Brush Cleansing Mats

I'm back again (two posts this week, impressive eh?), but not to haul, review or swatch this time. 
I'm back to DUPE

Ok, maybe not an exact dupe-dupe, but it works well and the idea is more than similar, so why not?
I've tweeted about this a long time ago, but not sure why it took me so damn long to post about it, so here goes!

I was prancing around at the markets one day, and came across a stall that sold these rubbery textured gloves and mats. I had no idea what they were, until I saw them at The Reject Shop weeks later.

I bought one anyways, the [photographed above] orange mat with textured honeycomb patterns only costed me $2!

From the title, you've guessed it...

I've purchased it to wash my brushes, lol. They're used for baking, I think. Not sure what for exactly, ceebs researching~ :P

The mat makes a great textured surface to wash my big face brushes! All I need to do is add baby shampoo and a bit of water, then go ahead with the washing process!

The hexagons are a tad bit for smaller eye, concealer and lip brushes, but don't you worry! If you're keen... head to your nearest supermarket, or Reject Shop, skip to the baking/cooking section and you can find yourself something like this...

They have smaller-shaped bumps, so it should be less harsh for the smaller brushes, and not to mention their convenience of being glove-like. They only cost $2-$4 too!

Could even buy them online! ;)

Hope this comes in handy for ya. x


  1. These sound super great, I have always wanted to try one of these things from Sigma. Yay for reject shop. Thanks for sharing!
