20 August 2015

LOVE N' LOATHIN: Velourlips in Rio-D

There's something about coral lips, for me. Especially the bright, poppy ones, like today's feature -- Rio-D ($9.95).

These Velourlips have been hyped for quite a while now, so I've always been keen. Can't remember when I purchased Rio-D. All I remember is purchasing it with another lighter pink shade, Ho-Chee-Min.

Doe-foot applicator

Well, what do ya know?

Both shades are two of the most unwearable shades in ma collection. Can't remember the last time I've picked up such unwearable lip shades... lol. The last that made such an impression was probably Revlon's Nude Attitude (eep).

Rio-D, is an extremely bright... um, coral. One of those shades that you'll see Shannon of Shanxo (Youtuber) wearing. It's not one that many can pull off for its intensely bright hue, and I, yours truly, purchased this with hopes that I will be one of the selected fewer who'd be able to pull off such a shade.


I think I could, and kinda did. Eeek. Its brightness is immeasurable with words. Look!

I wouldn't mind wearing such a bright shade out, but the matte formula does not mix well with the brightness.

The Velourlips are formulated to be creamy, matte, pigmented and long-lasting. The key-term is "long-lasting". Bright colours generally put enough emphasis on the flakes and lines of the lips, and to have it with a matte (aka drying) formula... Mmmhhhm. Nay.

As nice as it looks in the photos, on my lips, you can see every single flake. And streak. It requires layering for a full opacity, but my problem with this is that the more you layer, the streakier and drier it could look.

Sad to say, but I won't ever wear this out for that reason, so I'm not exactly sure how to finish this tube up. It's a miss for me.

Such a bummer.

17 August 2015

MANI-MONDAY: Parrot of a kind

Happy Monday everyone! 
(kinda... when are Mondays ever happy unless you are at home sleeping in, haha)

I feel like I call every lighter green nail polish "one of a kind", but it is quite hard to spot a light green colour within nail ranges.

They'd have 9 tones of red, 7 tones of blue and 1 tone of green -- that is, mint. Hahaha. The last time I've came across a true light green, was probably four years ago, from Australis' limited edition range. (。・・。)

Well, if you've been prancing around, looking for a true light-green.. This is Parrot ($14.95) by Sally Hansen! 

As with most Sally Hansen nail polishes -- no complaints on the formula! (〃▽〃) 

Hahaha, as lovely as it looks in photos.. I actually don't quite like how it looks on my nails and most of all, against my skintone. It's just too light for me, this tone of green. 

Will be passing this onto a friend, or someone else who'd bring it into better use. Can't see myself wearing this again~ (⌒_⌒;)

On another note, whilst I'm typing up this note, I can't help but fidget with these new make-up products I bought at the markets for $20 altogether! 

Can't wait to post about them! ^_^

13 August 2015

DUPING THAT: Sigma Brush Cleansing Mats

I'm back again (two posts this week, impressive eh?), but not to haul, review or swatch this time. 
I'm back to DUPE

Ok, maybe not an exact dupe-dupe, but it works well and the idea is more than similar, so why not?
I've tweeted about this a long time ago, but not sure why it took me so damn long to post about it, so here goes!

I was prancing around at the markets one day, and came across a stall that sold these rubbery textured gloves and mats. I had no idea what they were, until I saw them at The Reject Shop weeks later.

I bought one anyways, the [photographed above] orange mat with textured honeycomb patterns only costed me $2!

From the title, you've guessed it...

I've purchased it to wash my brushes, lol. They're used for baking, I think. Not sure what for exactly, ceebs researching~ :P

The mat makes a great textured surface to wash my big face brushes! All I need to do is add baby shampoo and a bit of water, then go ahead with the washing process!

The hexagons are a tad bit for smaller eye, concealer and lip brushes, but don't you worry! If you're keen... head to your nearest supermarket, or Reject Shop, skip to the baking/cooking section and you can find yourself something like this...

They have smaller-shaped bumps, so it should be less harsh for the smaller brushes, and not to mention their convenience of being glove-like. They only cost $2-$4 too!

Could even buy them online! ;)

Hope this comes in handy for ya. x

10 August 2015

MANI-MONDAY: No-one on the corner have Swagger Like Us

Waaaay overdued post.

This lacquer was kindly sent to me by Australis over a month ago, before I went overseas, haha. Only slowly getting to it now. 

Swagger Like Us* ($6.95) was a feature of their Autumn collection, which I'm pretty sure, can still be found at their stockists. 

It's a light gold, with a pearl finish -- almost contrasting against my skin tone. *has tanned skin* 

Despite leaving it sitting around for over a month, the application was still so incredibly smooth. Most Australis nail polishes are like so, smooth to apply and pigmented, so this one was no exception!

Two layers for full opacity! 

On a more non-beauty related noteeeeee, I've started posting about other brands' launches on my Instagram (@the_beautifool). And will be doing so from now (hopefully) for brands which I don't think appeal to my audience ^_^

We all know I'm a bit more of a budget-beauty blogger, so for higher-end products, I've decided to pop them onto my IG instead (with self-made banners, yay!). 

Disclaimer: Products marked with (*) were provided for review consideration only. 

05 August 2015

THRIFTIN': It's a 3 for $10 deal -- give me them all!

Wanted to share with you a tad more about my overseas trip! 

I spent a month in Vietnam and Taiwan from mid-June to mid-July if you didn't know! Vietnam, not so much, but Taiwan, is pretty much the country of beauty after (or on-par with) Korea and Japan.

You know it's a boss country when they even have products such as hand masks! Hehe.

Surprisingly, I did not buy one beauty-related item for myself overseas. I bought a few handful of Model 21 false eyelashes (one does not simply return from Vietnam without Model 21 lashes) and two bunches of eyebrow pencils -- but they were all for my sister!

I seriously thought the hoarder in me died. But... nope nope nope!

Sunday proved me wrong. I bought...

2 Revlon Ultra HD Lip Lacquers in Fire Opal, Garnet

The top of these lip lacquers are so pretty! Love the packaging. However, I was surprised upon opening em. They have those brush applicators... that I dislike! Eeeep.

Adding to that, I also purchased.. 

Rimmel London Oh My Gloss! in Rebel Red

Australis Velourlips Lip Creams in , Buda-Pash, Bar-tha-Lona, Shang-Hi

Avon Ultra Color Lipstick in Daffodil Petal

Those were all sealed and brand new, and priced "3 for $10". I grabbed 7, so the lady generously gave me the one extra for free! (read: I bargained with her until she gave me one for free haha jk).

I've only tried on Australis Velourlips in Shang-Hi so far.

Australis Velourlips in Shang-Hi

The deeper shades of the Velourlips are so much more forgiving than the lighter, brighter shades methinks. I've tried Rio-D, a bright almost-neon coral, from the same range and although it's beautiful, it's ridiculously drying and patchy!

Minus the rant, I'm looking forward to try the pretty Revlon Ultra HD Lip Lacquers!

Has anyone tried the Revlon Ultra HD Lip Lacquers?! 
What are they like?

Let me know if you have, and let me know how you've been!

On a side note, wanted to share with you guys this incident when we were playing Uno... My friend... (smh).

Who does that, right?!?! Hahahaha...

If you have Snapchat, please feel free to add me! ^_^ @the_beautifool

See ya in ma next post! x