24 April 2015

Recent Hoardings

I've recently came to realise that the eyeshadow that I've always used for my brows, can be wayyyy too dark. And it's such a hassle to use because it's a cheap eyeshadow from a cheap palette.

So I decided to pull out the card and hopped onto Beauty Bay to search for the brow-product of ma life. And yes, it's for the Anastasia Beverly Hills Brow Dip and Brow Wiz, if you hadn't already guessed.

My friend, @teemeister had recommended to me! Thanks Tezz!

I know there's been some complaints about Beauty Bay's shipping in the past. Mine was fine to be honest. I paid for the Brow Wiz and Brow Dip in two different transactions, so separate shipping times.

I chose INTERNATIONAL SAVER as the shipping option, which states "7-10 days", and it's free [if you order more than $20]. Sounds good, but what they really mean is 7-10 business days, which still isn't bad. I'm just glad there's free shipping, haha. Stingy ass, I am.

The Brow Wiz (~$20) arrived on the 10th business day after I ordered, which made it just in time. I actually tweeted to @BeautyBay on Twitter to complain as to why it hasn't arrived, and they replied moments later. Well, moments later, the postman also passed by with my Brow Wiz. Woops. My bad!

As for the two Brow Dips, I ordered them on the 14th and only received them on the 30th. Took 11 days to come by, though it felt like forever. Perhaps it was because my excitement for it made it felt even longer!

A snap~~~ =D

Overall, very happy with BeautyBay! And YAY for longer, lasting brows!

I also haven't updated you on the Priceline 40% sale! I only purchased a Maybelline Velvet Lip Pencil in In The Coral ($9.95). Nothing else. I tried to find my HG Australis Lash Length Extensions Mascara, but unfortunately, it is discontinued.

Yes, I said I purchased one. I was running low on kaching at the time, so I couldn't splurge too much. However, my friend popped up one day with a little bag of gift in her hands! She gifted me the Fuchsia Desire, a bright fuchsia purple. Thanks @didipyon!!! ^_^

She also included two nail polishes, Revlon Colorstay Gel Envy in Sky's The Limit ($16.95), which I've swatched here, and the Diamond Top Coat ($16.95).

The last of my hoardings: the markets.

I haven't been in yonks, but last time I got something good, I purchased these three Cosmetica brushes. All for $3 each. Surely is worth it!

That's all for my recent hoardings!

I'm so sorry for abandoning you guys lately! I miss you all, but I've been too busy with some stuff happening in my personal life.

I'll make sure to find time to blog! ^_^


  1. I have yet to try the Anastasia's brow products and I confess I still use eyeshadow for my brows too! (I mean there's nothing wrong with that but it's definitely worth upgrading!)


    1. Anytime you're looking for an upgrade, I recommend the Brow Wiz! :D


  2. Glad you able to get the medium brown shade :) But one thing I don't like is how fast the dipbrow dries up! Halp

  3. I've been using the MUFE aqua brow for years and I love it so there's no incentive for me to try the dip brow but I did invest in the brow wiz recently and I do like it for more natural make up days!

    Chloé⎪ status.chlo
