16 February 2015

Mani-Monday: essence Yes, We Pop! Confetti Topper!

Heya~~~ A must check-out today. I think this is one of the cutest toppers I've came across in a while. Can't remember the last time I've posted about any nail toppers.

This week, it's essence Yes, We Pop! Confetti Topper in Bubblegum*. I'm not sure which collection this is from, or if it had even made its debut yet. Either way, it's a really cute one!

Start off with the base -- I've used essence That's What I Mint.

Bottle is stained yellow because I haven't used it in a while :(

Really liked this colour on my nails! It's light and pale, and just real fresh lookin'! Not to mention that I've also been getting into the mint-y trend~ As you could tell, from my blog's layout recent revamp.

The formula is smooth with this one, as with most essence polishes I've tried! I still needed three coats though!

Anyways, moving along.. I've chosen this as the base for the cute essence confetti topper! And I think it looks pretty cute!

What do you think?!?!?!

I've also asked on my Instagram what base colour you'd suggest for this topper, and I've received two replies.

@arsyparsy suggested a nude, so here's it layered over a nude, Travilla by Face Of Australia*.

And then there's white, suggested by @katjab22! I've used Lily White by Ulta3.

Thanks both Instagrammies for the suggestions (and participation)!

Although the topper is def' cute, but like some toppers, the clear coat is a tad too thick, and the glitters are too scant. I needed to focus on fishing out as much confetti pieces as I could before I applied it to my nails, so the clear coat doesn't pile to be overly thick.

Now it's YOUR turn to participate!

Which is your favourite pick of the three combos?

Disclaimer: Products marked with (*) were provided for consideration only. 


  1. I love essence nail polish, they always bring out something fun in their limited collections and its always affordable. Plus, the polish tends to stay on really well!

  2. That's What I Mint looks so gorgeous ! I think the mint and the nude look the best with the topper :)

  3. Aww so cute! The mint colour is so nice! I like the nude best with the confetti.

    Sheri | Behind The Frames

  4. The mint is so so nice. Loved it and looks awesome on you.
