30 January 2014

Lunar New Year Inspired Nails

So I've been thinking about Lunar/Chinese New Year Inspired NOTDs for the past fewer days! Finally managed to whip up a quick and simple one, which I think, can be altered by colours to suit alot of events and occasions! 

Here it is.....

Quick, simple and easy! 

In case you're wondering, I've used gold nail art tapes that I've purchased from eBay yonks ago. You can easily search for them on eBay by "nail art tapes". They cost less than $2 for a pack of 5-8 colours. They're tiny though, so if you're looking to use these more often, I'd suggest to purchase at least 5 sets. Most sellers offer free shipping anyways!

As for the red, I've used Rimmel London's Double Decker Red from the Lasting Finish range.

I'd like to try and whip up more NOTDs for Chinese New Year since I'm flooded with ideas (not really), but I don't think I'll have enough time before CNY hits....

If you don't see me posting, I wish you, your family and loved ones, a happy Chinese New Year. May the Year of the Horse be a great year for you all, in terms of health, luck and fortune!! 

Keep safe xx


  1. Wow!!! This is so pretty. I love this idea for its def perfect for the Lunar New year because of the color and design. But I think its perfect for any occasion. Love it!

  2. I love them they look great.

    Followed you, please do the same. :D
