27 October 2013

Think Pink! -- Essie Nail Lacquer in 757 Super Bossa Nova

My nail stash consist of many, many pink varnishes! Probably 3 handfuls of pink lacquers, and most are of medium to deep tones, just like this one by Essie, called Super Bossa Nova! This is probably my first Essie feature by the way (thanks to my sister.... again!). 

Unlike my other cremes, Super Bossa Nova is a deeper pink which sides with fuschia/magenta tones and is infused with fine fuschia shimmers. 

It applies with a lesser glossy finish, somewhat dull. I wished it'd apply to be more glossy, as I am rarely bothered to apply my own top coat! 

The formula is very opaque, which honestly didn't surprise me, after all the raves within the beauty community! I could hit opacity easily within two coats, but I did find the brush to be a tad too small for my nails. The brush is probably half the size of OPI's brushes (along with many other lacquers I have within my collection) and as you could tell, I have really large nails so it does take me that extra effort. @_@

But overall, although I have nothing against this shade, I feel like there's no interesting spice to it. Sad to say, but it's just another pink in my collection really. Not very interesting, and I don't quite like the fuschia shimmers that's paired with it.

Oh well, since I'm done with using you Super Bossa Nova, time to return you back to my sister's room! As for my readers, will make sure to update you with other Essie shades my sister owns! Hah.. (fingers crossed that she's not reading this).

What are your FAVOURITE essie shades?!
Must tell me!

Essie Nail Lacquer in Super Bossa Nova, $17.95, available in a bunch of shades ranging from cute pastels to lovely deep darks. 


  1. I love Essie nail polishes! I love "Watermelon" but I want to purchase Bikini So Teeny!

  2. I quite like the fuchsia shimmer in this! While it might not be the most exceptional shade, it's still a pretty pick and you wear it well :) My favourite Essie shade is by far Absolutely Shore. I wish I had picked up Shine of the Times when I was in the US last year though!

  3. Ooh it's quite pretty, I'd use it as an accent or something.
