23 October 2013

Think Pink! -- Australis Color Inject Mineral Lipstick in Honky Tonk

Another lippy that I wanted to share with you today!

If you've read my blog for a looong time now, you would've already know that Australis' Colour Inject Mineral Lipstick in Mambo was one of my very first lipstick love. Besides being a flattering nude shade on my lips, its formula is surely worthy of a mention.

I have quite a few of their Colour Inject Mineral Lipsticks (CIML) in my collection actually! Besides their limited edition shades from a few years back, the rest are mainly pink colours except one red shade. The pinks I own are called Mambo, HonkyT Tonk and Salsa. YES! All named after fab dance styles.

Honky Tonk, was one that I had high hopes for. It swatches to look sooooooooooooo pretty in store, but sad to say, I rarely reach for it. It's a warm-toned, lighter pink which is a pretty pink shade itself! The only problem I have with this is how digustingly yellow it makes my teeth look with its undertones. It's not exactly the colour's fault, but I really wished that this shade worked for me without bringing out all the yellow tones in my teeth. Sigh!

It's such a pretty and cutesy girly-pink @_@

Oh, actually, besides that, due to the bright shade, it also tends to stick around flakes a tad.

(currently trialling out a new foundation, so don't mind me! Q.Q) 

The formula is creaaaaaaaaaamy and if you haven't tried Australis' CIML before, they apply with a tad of a thick (but creamy!) feel. Lasts for a decent amount of time, is decently pigmented and affordably priced!

Argh.. I haven't shopped any Australis Cosmetics products in such a long time. I really need to hit up Priceline when I could find some time! @_@

Disclaimer: This product was purchased by me.


  1. The colour is so pretty! Gotta hate colours that make your teeth look yellow though.

  2. Hi from India!

    I am loving this series. keep going and be motivated.

    Sadly, we do not have Australis in our country.


  3. This looks like my kind of color!
    It looks really pretty, and I STILL haven't tried any of the australis lipsticks.

  4. Such a pretty lipstick colour! I've never tried any Australis lipsticks before but they sound like theyre really great quality.

  5. very pretty shade of pink!! love it!!

  6. I always buy this shade whenever I do a swap or a giveaway for international readers, as it's just so perfect and flattering! xx

  7. I love the look and sound of these lippies, I'll have to try them out!
