19 August 2013

Collective Haul: Markets, Ulta3, Smudged Polishes

Just cause I've taken a break from frequent blogging, it doesn't necessarily mean I'll ever stop haulin'! Hohoho...

Hitting back with a haul post to share with you some of the products that I got from the markets and when I was out and abouts! :P

As silly as this may sound, three weeks ago, I simply couldn't find anything to buy at Sunday markets, so with the $20 that I had in hand... I redeemed it for these two L'Oreal Nutri Shine Lipsticks! It was up for 2 for $15 which is.... NOT a price I'd usually look at. Not sure why I felt so desperate to have something in hand on the day. It just didn't feel right going home empty handed!

Strawberry Juice, Shiny Grapefruit

They didn't have any testers, so I stood there googling swatches! Strawberry Juice looks quite red in the tube, although swatch images from Google showed that it was pinker and more subtle.... Hopefully it doesn't swatch to be overly bright and red since I'm not looking forward to expanding my collection of red lippies! Shiny Grapefruit, on the other hand, looks quite nice for an everyday lippy to wear! Hohoho...

Then I passed this guy's store where I've picked up quiteeeeeee a "few" things... 

Models Prefer Moisture Lust Glossy Lip Tints in 4 different shades -- Black Cherry, Marsh Mallow, Raspberry Ripple and Tutti Frutti! These were $2 each! I've used Marsh Mallow only so far. The colour payoff and formula is not bad at all!

Also picked up three nail polishes for $2 per bottle also...
  • essence's Little Miss Sunrise -- I don't have a mustard yellow colour in my collection at all so I had to get this! 
  • Savvy by DB Nail Polishes -- My sister decided on these and then went ahead and complained how it's not densely packed with glitters... Errr. Seriously.. How could you NOT tell for its liquid-y consistency! @_@

Some more products for $2 per... why not, right?!?!?! I've also been wearing these Models Prefer Lip Liners and they're not bad also! Good pigmentation, lasts and the good thing is that it's also not too drying on the lips! I've got three shades in Ready Rose, Pouty Pink and Ravaging Red!

Also purchased a bottle of Maybelline's Super Stay Foundation in True Beige! There were also other shades, but was the most yellowed-tone from the bunch. I already have a lighter shade at home, so now I can start mixing and adjusting my own shades!

That's all for the market haul, but let me tell you about my recent dilemmas!

I've been scratching my head and pulling my hair over the disappearance of ALL the white nail polishes in my home. I had about 3-4 bottles of white nail polishes in my collection, and suddenly... BAM! They've all disappeared when I need them for nail art.......

I had to run out to my local Ulta3 stockist to pick up a white nail polish... and.. Errr. They were having 3 for $5 so I picked 3! =D Hohoho...

And last, but not least... I've also made my very first indie-purchase from an Aussie indie polish brand! I've been following Sylvia of Smudged Polish on Instagram for a while now, and seeing her repost of swatches made me a keen bean on her creations.

These were the two I picked up.. Pastel Galaxy ($9.50) and Fuchsia Field ($9). I've tried both already so a review post will be up soon.. hopefully! >_<

That's all for now.. I've been spending every single day, catching up on Japanese classes that I've missed! The class is up to lesson 9 and I'm still stuck at lesson 2... Let me show off to you some more..

Arigatou gozaimasu.


POOF! *disappears for another week or so*


  1. That's an awesome haul!! Love all the colours of the MP lip tints, they are colours I would definitely pick for myself. The nail polish from Smudged Polish and Ulta look really pretty!!

  2. Love the products from the haul!
    Those Smudged nail polishes look gorgeous :P

  3. Shiny Grapefruit is my favourite out of the Nutri Shines! They are a great alternative to Dior Addict!

  4. Nice haul!! You found some really good bargains!

  5. the smudge polish looks tempting!!! where can i get them???

    1. Sorry for the late reply, but you can purchase the Smudged polishes @ http://www.etsy.com/shop/smudgedpolish X

  6. Always love reading your haul posts! Can't wait to see swatches of the indie polishes since I've never tried them.

    For Jap I really recommend trying to stay up to date because it's really difficult to learn. At my uni, the Jap teachers zoom through the workload as well @__@

  7. Your hauls are always full of bargains! Would love to see swatches for the smudge nail polishes ^_^

    à la foliee

  8. Lovely haul! Gosh I miss learning Japanese! xxx

  9. That I am not a massive fan of Modelsprefer, but Only 2 dollars each? What a bargain!!

  10. Pastel Galaxy looks awesome! I wonder how markets get legit products so cheap, lol. I quite like Shiny Grapefruit - it's a good everyday colour that peps up the face, nice texture, though it is a bit shimmery.

  11. Hi Tram, just wondering what markets do you usually hit up? If you want you can privately email me at emily.ng@live.com

  12. Which markets do you go to? :) I'd love to go there!

  13. Hey Tram, interesting haul you got there! Too bad there's no such market near me.

    Ty's Blog of Epiphanies

  14. Good hauling! I really like the look of those lipliners.. especially the price hehe xx
