11 May 2013

Sautrday's Swatches: Max Factor Colour Elixir Giant Pen Sticks [Lipsticks]


I bet you're all surprised by Max Factor's new launch of their Giant Pen Sticks from their Colour Elixir range. Don't fret yet.. The prices of these will even be a BIGGER surprise! But let's talk about that later..

When I first heard of these Giant Pen Sticks, I truly thought they were eyeshadow sticks to be used as bases for eyeshadows! But then they arrived at my home (twas a sweet surprise), the range turned out to be lip balmy-crayons!

There are 6 shades in the range and I'd say the shade range is planned out pretty well with decent variations of pinks and a mix of plum, red, coral, and.. err.... bronze?

Hot Chocolate, Intense Plum, Passionate Red, Designer Blossom, Vibrant Pink, Courture Blush

A shade-y run down:
  • Hot Chocolate: Very sheer honey-to-bronze tint with a glossy finish and little shimmers.
  • Intense Plum: Intense, dark plummy colour with shimmers. I think they may be purple shimmers. Not too sure, because they're quite reflective when swatched!
  • Passionate Red: Sheerer warm-toned red.
  • Designer Blossom: Beautiful neutral-to-cooler toned medium red.
  • Vibrant Pink: Quite a vibrant medium pink.
  • Courture Blush: Warmer toned nude pink.

First Impressions: I've only used Courture Blush, and so far and I am very happy with the formula! It's not as slippery on the lips as Face Of Australia's Lip Crayons and that instantly puts a smile on me face. I hate slippery lip products. It turns me off sooo bad. 

When swatched, Hot Chocolate and Passionate Red are both quite sheer. The most intense shades are Intense Plum, Designer Blossom and Vibrant Pink. Courture Blush has quite a decent pigmentation, not too sheer, but not exceptionally pigmented. I love how Courture Blush looks on me though! 

I've Instagram'ed a photo not too long ago with it on.... --->

Yeap. That's me with Lush's Love Lettuce Mask and Max Factor's Elixir Giant Pen Stick in 'Courture Blush'. SUCH a babe... 


Anyways, I just feel like Courture Blush is much more flattering on me than other nude-pinks that I've tried. Doesn't make me look like a dead fish which is super lovely!

OK. Now.. to the surprise factor....... The PRICE.......................................... $9.95 EACH! <--- Highlight here to see the price!

I know right?! Besides their nail polishes, Max Factor has nothing for under $10! Finally, they've created something affordable to add to their range so even those beauties-on-a-budget could get taste of what Max Factor is like!! 

BIG YAYs and hip hip hoorays!

Are you a fan of these balmy lip crayons?
Which shades are your faves, babes?

To be reviewed soon, so please stay tooned. 

Max Factor Colour Elixir Giant Pen Sticks, 6 shades, $9.95, Priceline, Big W and other Max Factor stockists.

Disclaimer: All products mentioned in this post were provided for review conisderaiton. I'm not obligated to review, mention or post about these products. All opinions within this post belongs to me and remains uninfluenced and unbiased in ANY ways. 


  1. So glad the word on these got out! I saw them last week at Target and purchased Vibrant Pink- it was $5 off and I couldn't walk away without one! PS: I think you may have confused Passionate Red and Designer Blossom- I'm fairly sure the sheer coral-red is Designer Blossom. Just lettin you know ;)

    1. Thank you A BUNCH for that Cherie! Some of the lids of these fell out so I must have mixed it up when I slotted on the caps! You are sooo lucky that you've snatched up the $5 off deal! I wish I knew!

  2. What!!!! That's sooo cheap for Max Factor :D I will be on the look out now.
    Love that photo of you haa!


  3. $10?!!!!!?!?!?!? No wayyyyy! Insane! The pink looks great on you!

  4. That's such a good price! whoa!

    And you look hot in that photo ;)

  5. I love these so much... your swatches are amazing! Vibrant Pink is my favourite xx

    Gemma | ♥ | Miss Makeup Magpie

  6. The shades are pretty, thanks for swatching! Passionate Red and Designer Blossom would be my favorites, I think

  7. Hahaha I love the "highlight here" for the reveal. I saw these at PL the other day so I already knew the price ;) Must. Resist. Vibrant Pink.

  8. Ooh, they're gorgeous colours! ^^


  9. Courture blush looks so cute! ahh i have to resist from more lip products :x

    à la foliee

  10. Are they twistables? Or do we have to get a jumbo sharpener for these?

    1. They are not twistable! You'll need a sharpener for these. There are some really cheap ones at Priceline! :)

  11. They're buy one get one free making them $5 each at priceline at the moment. Think I'll pick some up....for that price how can I resist?
    Great swatches, thanks for sharing :)
