16 April 2013

Saturday/Sunday Steals: The Body Shop, Avon, Shoes & Clothes!

Hallelujah! Got more shoes, beauty products and clothes at the markets guys! READY? 

Ok. Leggo!

SHOES! I'm slowly building up on my shoe collection, but I'll have to admit that I'm not sure if I'd ever find chances to wear these pretty pair of booties. Eep!

Grabbed for myself two pair of booties -- one grey heeled booties and one black pair of booties. Eeep! For less than $5 each too! The other pair of flat boots is actually for my sister since she doesn't own any pair of ankle boots.

Onto a bunch of beauty products that I've gathered.............. :(

I got these Avon Mini Blush Sticks for $1 each! I actually purchased 8 sticks -- 1 for myself, 4 for Amanda, Tezza and Alice and the other 4 are for my TAFE buds who I'm hoping to catch up with soon!

Then I stumbled across this girl selling ALOT of products from The Body Shop including their foundations. I've grabbed these two for $5. The Radiant Highlighter was $4 and the Puree Body Lotion was $1.

She also had the CUTEST voice! She sounded like a lil mousey. Hahaahaah.. In a good way, of course!

Then I came across this girl's stall where she was selling some nail polishes........ for 20 cents each. YEAP. 20 cents! So I picked up 3 -- two by Sportsgirl and one by Face Of Australia from their older LUXE collection. Of course, being the generous person I am, I gave her $1 and told her to give me the change. LMAO. Just kidding. I told her to keep the change...

She was soooooo pretty too! She looked like she could be a model, no joke!

AND THEN AND THEN... I saw my FAVOURITE Savvy By DB eyeliners at the markets for only $2 each! The lady actually had these eyeliners for 2-3 weeks now and EVERYTIME I ask, she'll say $5. Well! Next thing you know, these babies wouldn't go so she finally lowered them down to $2 each! These eyeliners are incredibly creamy and pigmented, so I thought I'd purchase them for friends or host giveaways on Instagram since I already have quite a few at home! =)

These are the last fewer beauty products from the markets... SWEAR! I've got:
  • Prestige Skin Loving Minerals Baked Blush ($1): Sealed, brand new! There can never be too many blushers.
  • Nutrimetics Lipstick in Bejewelled ($1): Too cheap to let this pass! I'll probably ask friends if anyone wants it! Eep!
  • Nutrimetics Hot Fudge Lipstick ($1): Not sure why I purchased such a DARK lipstick. Geesh! Wonder what I was thinking that day... 

And lastly, some other stuff I got for my sister!

The bag was for $4. I also got myself a bag, but totally forgot to take a photo of it! Meeep! And the shirt is actually a sleep-in shirt for my sister since it's totally her. LOL. Don't tell herrrrr okay?!

That's all for my market haul peeps! Sorry for the delayed posts and the skipping of posts lately! 

I was in bed all day yesterday.. being sick. Now I have assessments to do, so I'm off!

Have a lovely week beautifools,

Tram xx


  1. Um you have like the coolest market ever!!! Haha. Never see anything this good when I used to go to the markets, that bag is adorable. And that yellow nail polish looks so cute!!


  2. Wow some great buys there! Wish we had markets like these!

  3. Oh my goodness you have the coolest market! I can never find anything good at my local market! Love the backpack and avon mini blush sticks!!!! Hope you are feeling better now and goodluck with your assessments! I'm off to write an essay now too....just doing a little procrastination :p

  4. Hmm can you take me with you on one of these market trips please?!?! I'm so jealous oh all the great stuff you pick up!

  5. Do these markets always sell new products? EVERYTHING you haul from the markets looks brand new and insanely cheap too! Why don't we have these here! When I'm next in Sydney I'll definitely have to pay a visit!

    1. Not always new! :P But I'm extremely early in the morning so I always get the best goodies! You'll def need to go when you come down to Sydney Sue! There's some in Melbs too!

  6. Can I know what markets did you went? Would like to pay a visit when I have a chance go to Sydney!

    1. Flemington Sydney Paddy's Markets and Trash & Treasure (Prestons), lovely! xx

  7. what is this miraculous market you always post about! LOL about the bit 'told her to give me the change'

    à la foliee

  8. Ugh, is that Brilliant Bronze (the Savvy by DB eyeliner)? Looooveeee those. I haven't tried the reformulated ones but the shade isn't the same - I think the new one is a bit darker.

    1. Yes they areeeeeeee! They're great aren't they?! :P I have one at home already, but not sure if it's the older of newer shade.. Will have to see!

  9. Can you believe that I've never been to the markets before? Ever? Now I'm really tempted to make my way to one! I'll definitely need to go to one in Sydney the next time I visit *_* Such steals you got there Tram! Those ankle boots looks lovely :)

  10. great haul! seems like a great little shopping trip you had!
    (formerly known as msmadameamekup)

  11. You always seem to find some amazing products at such a cheap price! I'm so envious. What time do you usually go to the markets?

  12. How do you manage to get such good bargains?! I wonder how these people also manage to sell stuff for so cheap! You lucky girl :) The Body Shop products were a steal!

  13. Are there markets like this in melbourne? :)
