22 February 2013

Max Factor's Fantasy Fire Nail Polish wins "Miss Photogenic"

It's here, it's here! Today I'll be featuring one of the most raved about nail polish (well, I think so anyways) by Max Factor. As I'm writing this post, it's 3:14AM so please excuse my laid-back style and typos, if there's any!

So I've grabbed this nail polish when Max Factor had a $5 off sale at Big W (they no longer have these mini nail polishes included as part of their sales) which dropped its price down to $0.72. This nail shade 'Fantasy Fire' is one I've been lusting over for yonks after seeing SO many beautiful swatches over the web! I just couldn't bring myself to spend $5 on such a teeny tiny bottle so I'm glad I've waited out for a sale to grab the last bottle for myself.

Well, what do you know.. I'm glad I purchased this for 72 cents. Don't get me wrong! It's a BEAUTIFUL deep purple with beautiful reflects of red shimmers and this pretty blue sheen which gives off a very mutli-deminensional look.. Reminds me alot of galaxy desktop wallpapers I used to have on my PC (yeah, you know those days). I'd award this "Miss Photogenic" if I could really, because it truly looks amazing in photos! However, to be honest... it's not all THAT noticeable in real life, heh.

As much as I was hyped to try this particular shade, I won't be repurchasing it for it's nothing special in terms:
  • wear time -- lasted me 2-3 days before it started to chip
  • pigmentation -- it's extremely sheer, needs 4 thicker coats or 5-6 thin coats to hit opacity
  • size -- I wouldn't care for this so much if it wasn't so sheer. I've used this 4 times and it's almost finisheddddddd can ya believe?
The colour, however, is so gorgeous, but.. just not gorgeous enough to hit my repurchase list. Meep. I honestly thought I'd like this better! What a shame!

What do you think of Fantasy Fire?
Have you tried this shade or any others from the range?


  1. Ah such a shame! 6 coats?!?! My gosh. And I did not know there would be 72 cent nail polish sales at Big W? Although from this, looks like I didn't miss out on much anyhow. But the polish photographs beautifully.


  2. Wow, that's a lot of coats! But it's so beautiful! xx

  3. This looks like a gorgeous colour shame about it needing a lot of coats

  4. I love this polish, I wear it over a bolder purple shade, so you don't need to wear so many coats!


  5. Oh no, why is it so sheer? Maybe you should wear it over a opaque dark blue or purple polish to get the illusion of more opaque-ness :D The shimmer is simply wonderful... <3

    1. Aw I want to! I'll give it a go, but I really want the polish to stay true to its base colour hehe!

  6. That polish is Beeeeautiful. Sucks it doesn't last. =(
