03 February 2013

Giveaway WINNER!

It's TIME!

Time for me announce my giveaway's winner! Thank you everyone for entering! If you don't win this time or you've missed it, it's okay! I'll make sure to hold more giveaways because this one is only half of the prizes that I bought.. LOL. I'm planning to hold giveaways on my Facebook and Instagram in the future, so keep out for that!

So who's the winnerrrr of my huge-ass Australis giveaway?! Is it you?!?!

*Drum rolls, rolls, rolls, rolls, rolls*







Just kidding.. The winner is...






Ok I'll make sure to hurry. 


Ok no more!

Rena (@sparklenshine0)

Congratulations Rena! Please check your email's inbox for my email! And please note that if I don't receive a response within 48 hours, I'll have to draw another winner! :)

Once again, thank you everyone for entering! ^_^!!


  1. I LOL'ed when I saw "Tram!"
    Haha :)

  2. You are such a funny woman I swear xD When I saw "Tram" I thought, "wow, surely it's just a coincidence?" Hahaha - congrats to Rena!

  3. Yay! So excited! Off to check my email now! =)
