26 January 2013

Saturday/Sunday Steals #28: The most awesome haul ever.

Okkkkkkkkkk! So I haven't stopped going to the markets! I've just stopped posting about it because I've only been purchasing a few products here and there each week so it's really not enough to put together for a post!

But it's been a few weeks of hoarding now, so here's what I have since two to three weeks ago..

Sunday markets (Trash & Treasure) are the best! I picked up:
  • Sally Hansen Xtreme Wear Nail Colour in 'White Off' -- $2. The consistency seems perfect for nail art! The whites I have at home are all thick, gloopy and disgusting.
  • OPI Lacquer in 'Sparrow Me The Drama' -- $1. Thrifted this in a random box full of crap.
  • Rubi Nail Polish in 'Pina Coladas' -- $1. Already have this at home, but it was too cheap to pass up so this is going in my 'beauty bag for friends'! :P

Over the weeks, I've also collected some Sportsgirl Nail Polishes..
  • Hello Sunshine! -- $2. An extremely bright yellow.. one of the many nail polishes that I purchase only for blogging purposes.
  • Mermaid -- $1. A very pretty aqua with shimmers. Keep this one!
  • WOW -- $2. Bold punch of purple. Purchased this for blogging purposes also, but I think my Mum will like it!

Now.. moving onto the 'awesome' part of this post... I seriously would never expect to find my favourite brand at the markets............ Let me tell ya now.. My jaw dropped when I walked pass a basket FULL of heavily discounted Australis products!!

Although I've never been a fan of Australis' nail polishes (from the ones I've tried anyways), I decided to purchase 3 because they were SO cheap! They were $1 each! 

Across is Blue Tiger, Titania and Satine. I still can't believe the girl were selling these for $1! She was also selling Napoleon Perdis brush sets (that she said she bought for $70-$75) for $20!

From her, I also picked up:
  • Australis' Lipstick in 'Salsa' -- $4. This is one of my favourite pink lipstick, so when  I just had to get it since it was so cheap anyways! 
  • Australis Eye Pencils in 'Grape Cake' -- $2 each. I already have this at home, but as they were so cheap.. I'm going to be giving these away to friends.. :)

Last products from her stall were these two Mineral 'High Lights' Face Highlighters in Gold and Pearl! I've always wanted to try these... Here's FINALLY a chance and they were only $4 each!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly, the best market haul ever! I'm hoping she'll come by the markets again next week! 

OK. Now for the last product of the post.. It's pretty unnecessary for me. You can full tell that I'm a hoarder because I can't see myself bringing this into use anytime soon.......

Bellapierre's 9 Stack Shimmer Pigments in 'Bella'. The shades look gorgeous, but I have no idea what i'll do with this.. I'll probably end up making nail polishes by mixing it with a top coat.. Most likely. 

I searched this product up and it retailed for a whopping $99.95 on their official website.. I got this at the markets for $2. Cheers!

OVERALL, I'm super happy with the Australis products I purchased! They were so cheap! I hope this doesn't happen too often or I'll be forever broke...

If you are wondering which markets I go to.. I go to Sydney's Paddy's Markets in Flemington on Saturdays (great for thrifting clothes and shoes) and Trash & Treasure in Prestons on Sundays (they also have branches in Melbourne, check their official website).


  1. wtffffff guuuuuuuurl.
    those highlights are so cheappp

  2. So where exactly is this place and how can I get in on the action? Haha
    Seriously love all of your buys!

  3. awesome haul!
    i reckon she's a beauty blogger and hoards for solely for blogging purposes and never got around too it!
    seriously, majority of the products you got are new stuff!

  4. Wow you got AMAZING things for SO CHEAP! Wow like everything was a $1 :p


  5. Oh wow, I'm very impressed - those are some serious bargains!
