09 December 2012

Over The Rainbow, there's a Candy Shop!

I've never been much of a glitter person, simply because they don't appeal to me and I just don't see the oft-ness in them. I know, I know!

But I decided to give it a try anyways after knowing that Ulta3's Over The Rainbow may just be the most affordable dupe to Deborahh Lippman's Happy Birthday, a very well loved multi-coloured glitter coat which isn't readily available to Australia.

Since its launch, Over The Rainbow quickly became the most favourable member of the 'Get Your Glam On Glitter' collection. I've seen so many bloggers post about this with positive mentions, or request for help to search for this particular shade!

It's a beautiful multi-coloured glitter coat with small rounds and medium-sized hexagons. Happy to share that it applied with a lovely consistency which isn't too thin or thick with the perfect amount of glitters! It also dried quite quick! ^_^

For the base colour, I used Face Of Australia's I'll Take You To The Candy Shop -- a soft (and slightly muted) baby pink which reminds me alot of yummy pink cupcakes! Oh, how nom chommy!!

The formula of this particular shade is better than 'Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy' [from the same Pastels collection] that I featured in my last nail post. It's somewhat sheer, but SO much easier to work with! Doesn't mean that I'm impressed though... You wouldn't be either if you had to layer 5 medium coats to hit opacity... right?

I'd like to blame it on the natural of Pastels, but I own a few similar colours which applies fine so no excuses this time Face Of Australia!

Whatevz! All I'm thinking about now is which colour I should pair with 'Over The Rainbow' in my next manicure...

Glitter nail polishes -- yay or nay? What are your faves?
 Which other colour/s would you pair Ulta3's OTR with?

Disclaimer: Products were purchased by me.


  1. Cute nails! :)
    I love that milky pink base colour you had on. But I want to find the perfect pastel that is also opaque :)
    I hate having to layer polishes!

    1. Thanks Sheri! Erryone hates thick and clumpy nails! Yucks!

  2. Aw that's so pretty! I've been searching for this a couple of times, but I think it goes out of stock often. I've heard of complaints about the glitter formula in this collection, that the smell of the polish is quite strong. >__< Hope that's not the case with yours! xx

    1. Michelle! I didn't sniff it (having a blocked nose), so I don't know! I'll have to check!

  3. I love the rainbow specs of glitter! Very pretty on your nails!

  4. Ooh - what a pretty mani!
    I have a large collection of Ulta 3 polishes, but haven't picked this one up yet. I really must!

    Sharleena xx

  5. Where did you get this polish from? And where can you get Ulta3 polishes?

    1. I got it from my local pharmacy which stocks it! Jaci, you'll have to check via their Facebook or website!

  6. fiddy cent.
    ill take YOU to the candy shop ;)
    LOL but srsly tho, i thought it might be more dense glitters dan that, but ya. doesn't it remind u of deborah lipman's happy brthday?

    1. It does! I mentioned that, but the glitter looks much smaller!

  7. I love glitter polish. I own OPI Rainbow Connection so wasn't going to get Over the Rainbow - But it looks like the glitter is a lot smaller (and for $2, why not?) I think Over the Rainbow would go will any of the colours from the FOA pastel collection.

    1. I JUST googled OPI's Rainbow Connection swatch and it looks so nice! Nicer than this one! Do you think it would look good on dark colours too?! Hmm!

  8. it looks cute! love the first picture with the rainbow btw. nice shot!

  9. This looks so gorgeous! Love how the glitter are unevenly sized

  10. That looks so pretty. I have a large Ulta3 as well, but im yet to come across a glitter one!!


  11. Yay! Been looking for a nail polish to Deborah Lippmans, do you think it would be possible to get the nail fully covered in the Ulta glitter without it being too thick?

  12. Yes! Definitely, I have two coats on my left (I didn't photograph it because I don't like how it looks..) I'll update you on it though! ^_^

  13. I love Ulta3 nail polishes, they have such an impressive formula! Over the rainbow looks great and is perfect for the festive season too :)

  14. That combo is just beautiful!!

