19 November 2012

I Love Drugstore Make-Up TAG!

Hi everyone! Sorry, I've been away from blogging. I've been doing practical work at a childcare centre and that calls for 8-4 shifts which are........ extremely tiring. Adding to that, I've been sick so to have children crying and screaming around me for 8 hours a day... what can I say? It really drives me nuts!

Not to mention that some even 'dobs' to me that another kid has been calling them "poo poo bum bum". LOL.. Seriously. Cute, but not when I'm sick ok?!

So I'm hoping to whip up a quick tag to share with you today! I've seen this tag by Jaci @ JaciWalker, I think!

1. What is your favourite drugstore make-up brand?
I LOVE Australis Cosmetics. I'm sure you've seen their products featured everywhere on my blog. I just love them as a brand. They're cruelty free, high quality but affordable! I also adore Face Of Australia!

2. What are your favourite face, cheek and lip products?
I absolutely need foundation in my life, so if I were to pick one foundation.. it'd be Face Of Australia's Lasting Looks Natural Foundation! I love the formula, it sits nicely on the skin without grabbing on my dry patches, nice and natural full coverage and lasts long! However, there's only 4 shades, so that's a shame.

For cheeks, I'm with BYS Blushers. They're quite underrated, in my opinion! I've tried 'Candy Floss' and it gives a very nice and naturally luminous finish!

Lip products... Hmmmm. I LOVE lipsticks and I do look for lipsticks which are mosturising, but stays so I'll have to go with Australis' Colour Inject Mineral Lipsticks! Second runner up is Sportsgirl Lipsticks (they are holy golly pigmented, but only has matte finishes and can be drying). I'd also say Face Of Australia Lip Quenches but their scents really sickens me! :(

3. Least favourite drugstore product?
Not sure if you'd consider this as a 'make-up' product.. Australis 3-in-1 Make-Up Remover wipes? I feel like I'm advocating for how crap their make-up wipes are, but it's true.

If not, I'd say Almay Smart Shade Make-Up... you can find a list of products that I don't like here.

4. Best drugstore bargain?
Big W sometimes have their $5 OFF Max Factor products sales... and that's when I hoard all Mini Nail Polishes available home for........... $0.79 a bottle. Yeap. You read right!

5. Favourite underdog product?
Waa.. I don't know! I really can't think of any! Skip!

6. Overpriced drugstore product?
I think Bourjois, Revlon and L'Oreal is pretty exxy. I think Revlon's foundations are holy golly pricey for drugstore products though... $35-$37 for a bottle of foundation. Thanks, but no thanks.

7. Best drugstore dupes?
I'm not a high-end girl so I have no idea how and what high-end products are like! The only 'high-end' products I own are Benefit's Powda Wowza and MAC's MSFN.
The fewer that I've heard/know of are:
*Revlon ColorStay = MAC Studio Fix Fluid (no surprise)
*Bourjois Blushers = Chanel Blushers (not sure from which range)
*Australis Fresh & flawless Press Powder = MAC Studio Fix Powder

Yeap! That's all! I hope you enjoy the tag and if you do get a chance to complete this tag.. don't forget to link me!

I will busy until next week, so I will see you in about a week's time! Stay in touch with me via Twitter or Facebook Page!

Stay safe everybuddy!


  1. Love this tag. Drugstore makeup rocks. lol Austraalisssss! :DD

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  3. It's no surprise that we have a very similar taste in terms of drugstore favs! Love love love Australis! And especially that comment about their wipes. So so bad. I think I might do this tag too! (Will definitely link you if I do so!) :)

  4. This tag is awesome, it's great to see Australis getting so much love!
    I love your blog btw

    Check mine out? I'm a new blogger
