15 October 2012

Bullet Proof Nails with Mirenesse

Hi. I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend because it's time to get your suit back on for work. Boo ya! Hah!

Lucky for me.. no classes on Monday, so here I am.. sippin' on my cuppa tea whilst playing with pretty Bullet Proof Nail Lacquers by Mirenesse!

I've received 3 shades to play with... Charleston Me, Flapper Pash and Berry Boa. 

Of course, the very first shade I've picked to trial was Charleston Me. As you can see, it is amazingly sparkly so it stood out to me as the most exciting colour of the three!

Charleston Me is such a pretty, amazing, gorgeous, beautiful, <insert other lovely words> shade! It has a metallic purple base, full packed of silver shimmers.. too pretty for words :')

I'm super impressed with the formula as it still remained so sparkly after 4-5 days wear as foily nail polishes like this usually fades down after a day. Truly my favourite out of the bunch!

Flapper Pash, I actually thought was just your typical pink shade from what it looks like in the bottle, but it applied much brighter, maybe a teeny tad neon, but not quite. I was pretty surprised as to how bright it looked in comparison to what it looked like in the bottle!

Although I probably have 15-20 shades of pink in my nail polish collection, I can't find one to compare to Flapper Pash -- poppy, but cute!

Berry Boa also applied brighter and lighter than what it looks like in the bottle. In the bottle, it looks much like a dark vampy red shade, but I do like the colour better when it's applied! Very much like a vintage red... so classy and beautiful!

Overall, Mirenesse has done a great job with these nail polishes! Talk about perfect consistency, smooth application, great pigmentation with hi-shine finishes.. I really have no complaints!

However, for my budget, $29.95 a pop is rather pricey, but if you can afford em.... go wild!

Have you tried Mirenesse Bulletproof Nail Lacquers? 
Which is/are your favourite shade(s)?

Mirenesse Bulletproof Nail Lacquers are $29.95 each, available at their official website. Ships within Australia only.


  1. Charleston Me is such a beautiful sparkly polish! It looks amazing on your nails :)

  2. I love Charleston Me!!!!! But wow, those are super pricey.....

  3. I like the colors, too bad they only ship in AU:(
