08 September 2012

Vixen Instant.... Eyeliner Strips?!

Happy weekend y'all!

Ok. So a few weeks ago I've received a care package from Vixen Body Art in the mail and believe me when I say this...I literally SQUEALED when I saw one of the products... Close your eyes and take a wild guess!

It's their Instant Eyeliner Strips!

I was so excited because I LOVE eyeliner art! But at the same time, I really suck at eyeliner art too.. and I don't think it could ever be helped! Purely because I have the patience of a 5 year old and my eyelids are VERY hard to work with... so it has never worked out :(

After receiving that package, I quickly found some time to try out a pair of eyeliner strip from their Burlesque 1. Here are some photos and short description..

Perfecto application!

Basically, they are eyeliner stickers. You just peel it off and stick it on. Quick and easy and you could really never go wrong. The product is very sticky, so don't fret! You can make as many mistakes as you want and it will still adhere :)

Lookin' a tad sloppy..

Expectedly, they did feel a tad unnatural on at first, but not at all irritating and sloppy looking if you apply it correctly (and it's really not hard at all)!

Awesome small-somes!

The downfall to this product is the stickiness as like I said, it's very sticky which also means that it could irritate your eyelids if you peel and stick on continuously! Also, I did find the inner corners of the strips irritating so I snipped it off and went over with a liquid eyeliner instead!

I've only used 1 pair for this post and saving the rest for special dress-up occasions!

What do you think of eyeliner strips? Would you give them a go?

Vixen Body Art Instant Eyeliner Strips retails for $8.95 with 4 pairs of strips.

Disclaimer: This product was provided by PR for review considerations. However, I am not obligated to review or post about the product. All opinions remains uninfluenced and are of my own. Please refer to this site's review policy.


  1. Awesome!!! haha I love the quirky tail at the end :D

  2. Replies
    1. They're cute aren't they?! I can't wait to use the others! Other designs had rhinestones too!

  3. Aw they look nice and I like the ends :) I would give them a go cos it looks like they'd be a time-saver - eyeliner application with no mistakes!

    I wonder how they would look on monolids =o Would they double up as double eyelid stickers... hmm...

    1. Jen!! That's a really good question! I forgot to mention, but they did make my eyelids feel and look a tad bigger and I have small double eyelids.

      For monolids, there would definitely be a change to the eyelid crease! I'm just not sure whether id' be dramatic or not..

      Thanks so much for the questjen! :P

  4. I think they look well.. unnatural :O now we have instant everything, even eyeshadows :] probably I wouldn't buy them, a little bit more of time with eyeliner pencil worth more ^_^ but you are really pretty btw >:D <3

    1. Aw! I'm assuming you're very good with eyeliner art then!! LOL! I suck so I'm not gonna even try! Thank you Minnie!! <3

  5. These are sooo cute. Whoever came up with this idea is a genius! haha You gotta have really steady hands to put them on though

    1. I thought so too, but I had no problem with applying these! Wasn't that hard! :P Agree with you that they're so cute and quirky!

  6. OMG I think this is the best creation next to faux lashes!!!!!!!! I simply SUCK at putting on eyeliner, and imagine how useful this would be !!! AHH thanks for introducing this to me. :)

  7. I love the idea of 'stick on' eyeliner looks, especially for lazy or not so artistic people like me! Just wondering, are they similar to the texture and feeling of eyelid tape? ><
