16 September 2012

Lust-Have: Max Factor's Fantasy Fire

Hey beauties! So sorry for the lack of posts in the past fewer days -- my mood has been like a roller coaster! I think it may be due to stress by my studies and personal stuff... -_-

Anyways, I think I'll be sharing with you guys every often about what's on my lust list! I usually wouldn't have a lust list as most products I want are usually from lower-end brands that I could afford...


I've put myself on a cosmetics ban... so I'm slowly building up a beauty lust list now :(

First on my lust list is Max Factor's Mini Nail Polish in Fantasy Fire! I've mentioned it in my most recent launch post -- New Drugstore Products for Aussies (September).

Yeap this is it!

Yeap, I know. It doesn't look too appealing in the above press photo. LOL! It's like a bad passport/I.D photo! Much more prettier in blogger swatches/photos though!

I mean, take a good look at these photos...

Photo credits: Nailipedia

Photo credits: The-swatchaholic

Photo credits: Nail Stories UK

Such a captivating shade! I can really say that it's lust at first sight... But I haz too many nail polishes!
Still so tempted! I mean.. it's only $5.95! Perhaps I should?

Would you?


  1. Ummmm yes you should! I should too, it is gorgeous!

  2. I'm so glad I bought this nail polish but it requires a LOT of coats for it to be opaque and pretty :)

  3. OMG soooo beautiful I love it ^^

