09 August 2012

Colour Me In: 4 Affordable Pink Blushers!

'Colour Me In' is a series of posts in collaboration with Alice of ArsyParsy, Tezza of Myteeefine and Amanda ofThai-Tales!


Yeap yeap, it's Thursday! My post this week will walk you through some of the most affordable pink blushers! Last week, I've posted about 4 Ravishing Red Lipsticks, so check that out if you are into the brights and bold!

My blusher collection are majority pinks and they are all quite affordable, nothing pricey actually!

So first up, I have Sportsgirl's Get Cheeky Cheek & Eye Shimmer Trio in Rose. I think many people do avoid Sportsgirl's beauty products, but they're actually not that bad at all! Promise! This trio is actually decently pigmented with a shimmery bronze, pale pink and deep dusty rose shade. I only use this on days I skip illuminators to avoid lookin' overload shimmery!

..and on days that I do use luminous/shimmery highlighters, I do opt for matte blushers instead. That's when I lean towards Australis' Paparazzi Perfect HD and alternate between Flash It and Shoot To Thrill*! I wholey heart this range! Besides the awesome pigmentation and price, I love that they're available in trios which allows you to mix and match the shades!

Lastly, is my least favourite pink blusher from my little collection. Yeap. It's the Maybelline Fit Me Blusher in Medium Pink. I have nothing against the shade, although I have to say it's probably not best suited for me as it's too light. What I loathe about this product is its sheerness. Sheer is okay! It's not always bad! But this Fit Me Blusher is so incredibly sheer that it can pass as 'not pigmented at all'. Ya know?

And of course, here are some swatches!

From left to right:

1. Sportsgirl Get Cheeky Cheek & Eye Shimmer in Rose (middle strip)
2. Australis Paparazzi Perfect HD Blusher in Flash It! 
3-5. Australis Paparazzi Perfect HD Blusher in Shoot To Thrill
6. Maybelline Fit Me Blusher in Medium Pink

So that's four affordable pink blushers that you may (or may not.. *ahem* Maybelline Fit Me) want to look at if you're seeking for a pretty pink blusher.

What colour blushers do YOU prefer? Coral? Pink? Purple?
I do think corals suit me better, but I love pink lippies which doesn't really work with coral cheeks! Gah!

You love being pretty in pinks don't ya? Check out Tezza's Real Technique babies, Amanda's collection of pink lipsticks and duo two-toned lips and also Alice's go-to pink lippy!

Disclaimer: Products marked with (*) was from ABBW2011's goodie bag. However, I am not obligated to review or post about the product. All opinions are of my own and are truthful and unbiased.


  1. What a shame about the Maybelline blush, it's always disappointing when something is so sheer that it has no colour at all!!

  2. I didnt expect Flash It and Shoot To Thrill actually looking so pretty :O!
    Love this post as I love pink blushes too :D!

  3. I must agree, Sportsgirl does have some decent makeup products and the swatch you have of the blush is nice and not chalky like a few of the others.


  4. A great collection of blushers you have. I suggest you pink colour for your cute face.

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