23 July 2012

What's Been Happening #3

Heya! I'm late for this week's What's Been Happening post, but I swear I wasn't being lazy!

I was thinking of switching to post these fortnightly since I'm a pretty boring beauty person, so there's actually not much to feature within these posts... What do you think?

Current nails: Minnie Mouse inspired nails -- red with white polkadots! I attended a dress up party as Minnie Mouse, so yeap! 

Hot reads: From Valerie's blog [again].. Beauty Bloggers must-haves!

Most recent favourite product: None............ again :'(

New product: I've tried out Vixen Body Art's Eyeliner Stickers!!! I was actually so excited when I received these eyeliner strips can ya believe? Pretty whack!

Most excited for: The day when I will completely recover from this sore throat. This is what happens when you eat too much Sweet Sesame Chicken from KFC.. but holy golly, they're so tasty!

Wanting to try: Essence products. They're actually 20% off at Priceline at the moment!

As always: Teaching Mum new English words.


New in the mail: Face Of Australia's PR kindly sent me some nail polishes that I've requested to try. It's from an older collection, Molten Metallics, but the shades are SO me! I honestly cannot wait! They are still available on FashionAddict, just in case you're wondering!

I'm excited for more mail! I'm not sure what I'm waiting on since I haven't been doing any online shopping, but something has gotta come! LOL..... -_-"

On another note, how has everyone's weekend been!?


  1. The nailpolish colours are so gorgeous. Like toadstools haha! I like your eyeliner stickers too! Hope your throat gets better. :]

  2. omg the Minnie mouse nails are soo cute yet so simple! I think you're very creative tram! :)

  3. minnie mouse nails are too cute! I havent tried any FOA nailpolishes, are they good?
