06 April 2012

Saturday/Sunday Steals #19

Woooooo!! Nineteenth post of what I've purchased at the markets! Thank you everyone for still being with me!

So on my Facebook Page, I said that this post will be up after studies yesterday. I lied. I came home with a massive headache and Mumma was using my laptop, so I wasn't able to edit photos at all!

Anyways, I've finally caught up to the market hauls! This is my most recent haul at the Sunday markets (finally able to go again after yonks!), I didn't pick up many items at all, but I thought that the $15 was well spent.

At home-time, I had $5 spare so I decided to go back to purchase this Maybelline Instant Age Rewind Make-Up Primer! Retails for $15.95!

The following items were 2 for $5 or $3 each, so I decided to purchase four items. The lovely lady had about 6 shades of B Collection By Bloom nail polishes, but I chose Santorini, Memphis and London. Others were just the usual black and regular shades. These retail for $15 a pop, so $2.50 each is... oh my god! I now own 8 B Collection polishes which are all hauled home from the markets! Yay!

In this photo, London looks like your regular black polish with glitter, but it's truly not. It's a beautiful colour and I'm hoping to show you a swatch of it soon!

The other item I chose was Max Factor's Colour Elixir Lipstick in Ruby Tuesday. Not really a red-lipstick person, but the other Max Factor lipstick I own had a great formula, so I thought I'd try this out..... sometime. Heh! It's new by the way, so don't freak out!

$15 for 3 nail polishes, a lipstick and a primer.. I'm not even joking when I say you will be seeing me featured on Hoarders!

Anyhows, thanks so much for reading!

Happy Easter everyone! Hope you all a safe and wonderful Easter!


  1. Which markets did you get them from? Didnt even know Sydney had markets to buy makeup products x)

  2. omg such a good price for all those products!

  3. Such a good price for all of that! Great finds love!

    Sharleena xx

  4. :O I love your market hauls! Which markets do you go to??

  5. Woah, what amazing bargains! :) The Bloom nail polishes especially, the shades are gorgeous and such a fantastic price.

  6. OOooh I really want to see you try out that red! looks like a delicious shade!

  7. Hi honey, love your blog! What markets did you go to?
