18 April 2012

Bellabox Australia: April's Edition

You're probably gonna find this weird, but I've decided to subscribe to Bellabox although as you know, last month's box didn't really impress moi.

You're probably wondering why, but have you heard? Benefit's is Bellabox's newest partner after the last box!

So as I saw the announcement on their Facebook Page, I decided that I will subscribe for this month only, hoping that this month will contain a Benefit goodie.. maybe a sample of their High Beam highlighter that I've been lusting about? Hehe.. sneaky!

So shall we take a look at this month's box?

Arrived in the usual cute & nifty box.

Open the black wrap to see the box packed full of goodies, or maybe the box itself is just smaller in size.

This month's Bellabox'brings to you the best of global skincare and beauty' in 'celebration of the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week', which includes:

sample | Benefit 'Hello Flawless Foundation' Foundation 5mL Sample
sample | 1.5mL packs of moisturiser, facial serum and facial exfoliator from Comvita's Brightening Range
sample | pureDKNY Verbena 1.5mL

full size | OP Therapy Summer Glow Sea Salt Scrub 75mL
full size | Ulta3 Nail Polish in Burnt Orange

| Hollywood Feet Heel Cushions 2 pairs

I thought it was pretty odd that the heel cushions were included. I very rarely wear heels, but these might help my mum with her struggles in heels.

Besides that, everything in this month's box are products I would use and it's nice that they've included 3 different product samples for the Comvita Brightening Range. However, I'm generally disappointed that beauty boxes these days focus way too much on skincare and hair care. Where is all the make-up?

Beauty boxes contain 80% of either haircare and skin care that everyone may react differently to due to skin concerns (or hair concerns). How about switch it up and do 80% make-up instead? LOL.. If that's not too much to ask for!

Nuff rant.

I'm genuinely happy about the Benefit's foundation sample I've received and can't wait to try it out although the shade I receive looks a tad too dark for me!

Which are your favourite beauty box subscription companies?

Bellabox monthly subscriptions are $14.95 per month, all details can be found at their official website.

Disclaimer: Product was purchased by me.


  1. Seriously? Ulta nail polish? I don't see anything in the box that looks lucrative aside from a sample of Benefit and that's it. Pretty disappointing! Glad I'm not entertaining the idea of going back!!

    1. Haha retail value for ulta nail polish $2 I actually have never used it so i don't want to judge but I wasn't exactly delighted with it totally rather have a sample of a high end brand that you can't go and get for $2 anyway

  2. Agreed, where is the makeup? The Benefit foundation sample is probably the only thing I'd be interested in. I've yet to see an Australian beauty box that's really impressed me :\

  3. Beauty brands dont give away much makeup, it's too costly. Skincare, body care and hair care samples are cost effective and will mean more repeat purchases than if they gave away makeup. Beauty brands have to budget for their samples, why would they give you a colour product when if they give you a skincare product, the are more likely to get sales? Beauty sampling is all about lifting the profile of their brand to ultimately result in sales.

    1. Good point! Thanks for sharing!

      But then.. why would they be called 'beauty box subs' when all they provide are 50% skincare, 40% haircare and 10% makeup! No need for full size. Samples for make-up are okay too! :P

      What do you think?

  4. Try Lust Have It, they include at least one makeup item each month and also try to include a nailpolish each month. They also say that you won't find any of the products in their boxes in a supermarket.
