11 March 2012

How (Else) To: Use Nail Polish

We all know it’s heaps easy to double up the use of a make-up product: foundation as concealer, lipstick as blushers, eyeshadow as lipgloss… but have you ever wondered if there was any other ways a nail polish could be used?

Let me tell you…


LOL. Just kidding! Don't do it.

Okay, so the other day, as I was sitting on my sweet old desktop being my usual self, enjoying my Age Of Mythology game, I suddenly felt unbearably itch on my inner thigh and toes.

They were mosquito bites!

Inner thighs? Fair enough. Toes?!?!?!!?!?! How the hell am I suppose to scratch that uleh?

As usual, I’d apply ointment and all that, but nothing seemed to help, so I decided to bring Google into the game. To my surprise, I found out that applying nail polish to a mosquito itch can actually help!

I’ve tried it. It worked [for me]. So I thought I’d share with you another way to use a nail polish and another reason as to why a topcoat should be carried around in your handbag.

I’m definitely carrying one around now, so when a friend gets victimised, I can whip out the polish and be like, ‘Wsup y’all! I’m gonna paint yo’ mozzy bites today’. I kidz.

Has anyone heard or has already tried this remedy?


  1. LMAO. Eyelining... *silence*. I've never heard of this before :S Might try it out sometime... BUT I'M STILL WEIRDED OUT BY IT ALL. :O

    1. Hahahhaha! Try it next time :P Not weird at all! Just make sure you use a topcoat or clear base coat! :P Walkin' around with a red patch is quite weird!

  2. HAHAH eyelining.
    top coat? but can it peel off easily?

    1. After a day or two, the top coat should dry up and peel off :) You can just use nail polish remover to remove it after it stops itching! I tried peeling it off, but I found that it provoked the itch again :'(

  3. Have never heard of this o.o Interesting..

  4. LOL when I read eyelining I literally stopped and was like huhhhh and tried to imagine how it would work in my head. Then I kept reading haha.
    This sounds like something I'd definitely try!! I think I'm allergic to mozzie bites or something cos whenever I get them they always get MASSIVE!!!!!!! And I mean like literally up to 10cm in diameter - GROSS! That's not normal!! I didn't really get any mozzie bites this summer though, come to think of it! Oh well, will defs keep in mind :)

    1. Omg! That's horrible!! 10cm in diameter is whack!! >_< I hope you find this post helpful... and LOL, don't try eyelining kay?

  5. I've actually heard of this before, but I'm a little unsure of doing it because of all the chemicals in nailpolish. Do you think that liquid bandaid would work the same way, because it blocks off the air?

    Oh and I love age of mythology. :3!!

    1. Awwe, I personally don't think nail polish can do so much to the skin. Idk the science behind it though, but hey! As long as it's not applied on the face, should be fine! :P Our body's skin is thicker and not as sensitive! :P

  6. wow never heard of this but hey if it works im willing to try lol

  7. WTF!! Eyeliner??

    I knew about this before.
    My mom used to (still does) take my nail polishes just cause of the mosquito bites.
    Of course now I have to hide all my clear nail polishes.

    Please follow my lovely nail blog

  8. WHAAAAAAAT!!! I've never heard of this before. I can KIND of understand the theory behind it.. so interesting. I don't know how well it'd work for me though since I'm allergic to insect bites and always swell up. lol
