06 November 2011

Maybelline SuperStay 24HR Foundation Review

Today's review is on the SuperStay 24HR Make-Up by Maybelline which I hope you find helpful.! ^-^

First of all, this foundation comes in a glass bottle (which I'd probably drop one day) packaging with NO pump. Yes, it's a new trend yo. Wished it came with a pump though since it'd save the messy application and also allows me to control how much product comes out.

I have this shade in Sandy Beige which is probably like ten thousand shades lighter than my skin-tone (ok.. maybe not). Adding to that, I have quite a strong yellow undertone to my skin, so this shade tends to look too neutral when applied and sometimes a little too pink. So I guess another downfall of this foundation is that there are only ten shades and it only covers light~medium skintones. There are no shades available for dark skin tones (or available here in Australia) so that's a shame...

Now that I've got all the downfalls out of the way, we shall move onto the good stuff!

The consistency is perfect. I love how it's not too watery, therefore it doesn't slide all over the back of my hand, especially when it doesn't have a pump.

This foundation offers a medium-full coverage with an 'inbetween of dewy and matte' finish. You can use a thin layer for a medium coverage if you like, but an average layer will offer a tad heavier than medium cover (in between of medium~full). As for me, I have to apply a corrector and concealer (even though the foundation can build to full coverage) because I do have red scars which still peeks through.

I actually really like this foundation! It claims to be an 'oil-free and fragrance free' foundation which 'stays comfortable and looks naturally flawless all day'. True to its word. This foundation does looks incredibly natural when applied which lasts for at least 8 hours to a maximum of approximately 10 hours, depending on the temperature.

Maybelline also claims that this foundation contains a 'Micro-flex formula which provides 24-hour wear and no transfer'. It also 'withstands heat, humidity and sweat' and is 'dermatologist tested'. Sadly, I do find that it does transfer quite easily onto my t-shirt's neck-line and when using tissue near my face. As for the 'heat and humidity', I work in KFC's heat and humidity and this foundation does bear it pretty well, though I find that it does become more easily transferable after at the end of the shift and I do notice that my t-zone becomes more oily and shiny too.

At the end of the day, would I repurchase?
Yes! It's similar foundation to the Revlon Colorstay except that it lasts up to a decent 8-10 hours only, feels more light-weight and has no unattractive chemical smell.

This baby retails for $21.95 at Target, Big W and Priceline with occasional sales.

Disclaimer: This product was bought by me.


  1. thanks for the review.
    the shade looks to match you skintone pretty well from where i see, though i agree with you on it is difficult to find a right shade of drugstore foundation.

  2. Great review, although the only down side is the packaging with this product )"=. however the coverage looks really good!!

    CMPang x

  3. Thanks for the detailed review! :) I knew your blog from attending ABBW! x Btw, I was thinking of getting naked palette (I'm so behind on this lol) - is eBay our best bet? Since we don't have urban decay...


  4. great review!
    love maybelline foundations (:


  5. Your wear so much foundation. Don't you feel dirty/sticky/cakeface as time goes by?

  6. @Anon I actually only applied a thin layer in the photos shown in the post. As mentioned, the foundation itself offers a nice medium coverage so I don't need to use too much on a daily basis. It also doesn't look cakey on my skin and doesn't feel sticky. As for 'dirty', I don't know what you mean, but the foundation is lightweight so it doesn't remind me that I'm having it on through the day. ^-^


  7. I wouldn't have even responded to Anonymous who wrote on the 17th...it was so obvious it was a pathetic attempt at one of those cheap subtle put downs. I own the same makeup and it is very pigmented, doesn't even look like your wearing much in the picture. Though if I had your skin I wouldn't be wearing foundation at all because I think it is about as perfect as foundation-less skin gets! (Some of us jealous people choose to compliment the person, and be happy they have a good thing even if you want it yourself, others do sneaky put downs they try to disguise as just curiosity...don't listen to those. Ever) But props to how you handled it!

  8. I have the classic beige and at the shop when I swatched it I thought I finally found a perfect yellow toned foundation. After using it for months Ive come to learn about oxidisation (Thanks MUA), and this foundation oxidises like crazy. When I swatch it on my hand, leave it for a while and look at it in normal daylight its definitaly not the exact yellow toned foundation I saw at the shops, its turns very orangey! Definitely moving onto something else.

    Try this out, swatch it on the back of your hand and check on it throughout the day and let me know if this happens to you.

    1. :) Hii,

      I've the same problem like u, but have u tried another product that gave u the yellow undertone u want, or fail to found like me :) , and what about l'oreal?

      thnx dear
