22 November 2011

Australis Nail Colour in Rub-a-dub-dub Photos, Swatches & Review

Australis nail polishes! I have tried some of their nail polishes in the past, both their normal and Paint The Town range.. I was never impressed with the formula although the shades and names are the cutest!

Rub-a-dub-dub (such a cute name!) is a true, pale yellow colour of a creme finish. Very cute and summery/springy shade which will brighten up any gloomy Autumn day! Love this colour!

Although this shade didn't apply streaky and gloopy, I can't seem to work the brush for a flawless application. The bristles of this brush is not as soft as other nail polishes I own, so as I lay the brush on my cuticles, there will always be that 'brush mark/dent' which altogether makes me look like a nail polish noob. Hopefully, you'll understand what I mean!

So since the brush doesn't really work for me, I always end up painting on three thick coats which chips off quicker after around approx 1-2 days, but on average, should be fine for up to 3-4 days. Nothing so extraordinary about drying time and lasting power, to be honest!

I like the shade though! Definitely a shade that I'm looking forward to pair with greys in manicures or other pastel shades! It's a colour which will brighten up the days of the upcoming cold and gloomy season in Aussie here!

What's a nail polish colour that will brighten up YOUR day?
Also, have you tried Australis Nail Colours?

Disclaimer: Product was provided as goodies from the Australian Beauty Blogger Weekend 2011.

17 November 2011

Tagged: Tell Me About Yourself

Right now in Sydney, the weather is extremely nice... So nice that it makes me feel so lazy, therefore today's post will be a laid-back and relaxing post (for me... maybe for you too). Nothing about make-up, skincare or haircare!

I was tagged and awarded the 'Tell Me About Yourself Award...... Of The Year (jokes!)" by Priyanka from TwinxNTrax. She has a wonderful blog, so do check it out! ^-^

Besides that, I'm just gonna jump straight into what I gotta do, which is to list 7 random facts about me.... LOL. This is gonna be interesting... I think.

1. I have this strange fear with sharp objects. Yes. We're talking about knives or scissors here! Sometimes when my mum (or anyone) holds up a knife which is pointed towards me.. I feel like there's a possibility that *what if* she accidentally stabs me or something along the lines of that... or dropping the knife and chopping off my 10 toes.

2. I also have this fear of turning on my Asian 'stove'. It's connected with this gas bottle which you have to turn on first, before turning on the stove. I'm always scared that it might explode into my face or something... I think I just might list out all my fears!

3. I'm very picky with my food, the reason why I always stick with Vietnamese/Chinese restaurants unless it's the basic English food such as my local steak. To share with you, I don't really enjoy Korean food, because I've grew up with Vietnamese food being super flavoured that Korean dishes most of the time are a tad too plain and bland. Just my personal taste.

4. I personally don't like the look of blue nails on me.

5. I read blogs, but most of the time I don't leave comments! Poo!

6. My favourite animals are pigs! They are just SO adorable that I really can't get over it. Hahaha! My first plush toy was a pig :)

7. I have this green blanket from Qantas Airlines which I've had since I was born (yes!) and I do hug it to sleep every night! Not sure why, but the blanket feels very cool!

Ah, that's 7 quirky facts about me! Hope you've enjoyed and thank you Priyanka for tagging me!

12 November 2011

Saturday/Sunday Steals #14

Hope you're doing well whether you beauties are at MBBE or K-Pop 2011 Festival or anywhere else in the world tonight..

As for me, tonight will be a relaxing one (like always)... Dramas, blogging, Twitter, YouTube and everything. And also sharing with you what I've gathered from the markets in the past two weekends!

Cheap brush sets!! This particular black set of *artistic brushes* which you most likely would find at your local bargain stores, I bought for $1. I figured that I could use this brush for applying a
face mask or painting (I ain't no artist).

The next set of brushes are pointed in shape, similar to those pointed eyeliner brushes which I plan to use for nail art or face-painting since they are definitely too scratchy for eyelining. I bought this for 50 cents.

Pack of three plastic spray bottles which is most likely used to contain the custom mix of my Revlon ColorStay Foundation and brush cleaner! $1! Hopefully I will get a post up about custom mixing your own foundation soon! ^-^!

Headbands! These remind me of when I was younger... Used to wear this around all the time! These were $1 each which I won't probably end up using, because my mum did pressure me into purchasing these... LOL! But that's okay. Hopefully I will bring it to use.

Finally something beauty-related! As you are aware (or maybe not), I did purchase a Cosmetica Pointed Eyeliner brush last time for $4 last week. As for this week, I did also purchase a Powder and Lip brush from the same lady for $3 each since she lowered the price because she couldn't sell them. I thought I'd give it a try anyways since 6 bucks won't hurt although I don't use lip brushes often and I have many powder brushes at home already.. *sigh

That was probably the only make-up related item, now onto my fewer last nail-art items! Rhinestonesss! I bought this for $3, but you probably could find it on eBay for cheaper!

And also these three palettes which contains cutesy fruits, flowers, stars, hearts, butterflies, Big Bird and bears! These palettes were also $3 each, but I actually grabbed all three palettes and the rhinestones above for $10 altogether! Wooooo! You can find these palettes on eBay for $1.50 with free shipping though...

So that's all that I've hauled for the past two weekends of markets!

Hope you lovelies have a wonderful weekend and enjoyed this post!

06 November 2011

Maybelline SuperStay 24HR Foundation Review

Today's review is on the SuperStay 24HR Make-Up by Maybelline which I hope you find helpful.! ^-^

First of all, this foundation comes in a glass bottle (which I'd probably drop one day) packaging with NO pump. Yes, it's a new trend yo. Wished it came with a pump though since it'd save the messy application and also allows me to control how much product comes out.

I have this shade in Sandy Beige which is probably like ten thousand shades lighter than my skin-tone (ok.. maybe not). Adding to that, I have quite a strong yellow undertone to my skin, so this shade tends to look too neutral when applied and sometimes a little too pink. So I guess another downfall of this foundation is that there are only ten shades and it only covers light~medium skintones. There are no shades available for dark skin tones (or available here in Australia) so that's a shame...

Now that I've got all the downfalls out of the way, we shall move onto the good stuff!

The consistency is perfect. I love how it's not too watery, therefore it doesn't slide all over the back of my hand, especially when it doesn't have a pump.

This foundation offers a medium-full coverage with an 'inbetween of dewy and matte' finish. You can use a thin layer for a medium coverage if you like, but an average layer will offer a tad heavier than medium cover (in between of medium~full). As for me, I have to apply a corrector and concealer (even though the foundation can build to full coverage) because I do have red scars which still peeks through.

I actually really like this foundation! It claims to be an 'oil-free and fragrance free' foundation which 'stays comfortable and looks naturally flawless all day'. True to its word. This foundation does looks incredibly natural when applied which lasts for at least 8 hours to a maximum of approximately 10 hours, depending on the temperature.

Maybelline also claims that this foundation contains a 'Micro-flex formula which provides 24-hour wear and no transfer'. It also 'withstands heat, humidity and sweat' and is 'dermatologist tested'. Sadly, I do find that it does transfer quite easily onto my t-shirt's neck-line and when using tissue near my face. As for the 'heat and humidity', I work in KFC's heat and humidity and this foundation does bear it pretty well, though I find that it does become more easily transferable after at the end of the shift and I do notice that my t-zone becomes more oily and shiny too.

At the end of the day, would I repurchase?
Yes! It's similar foundation to the Revlon Colorstay except that it lasts up to a decent 8-10 hours only, feels more light-weight and has no unattractive chemical smell.

This baby retails for $21.95 at Target, Big W and Priceline with occasional sales.

Disclaimer: This product was bought by me.