15 August 2011

Tag: IMATS Tag 2011

I saw many Youtubers respond to this tag, so I'd thought I'd contribute via my blog! Please tell me if you have already/will be doing this tag too! Link me! :)

1. Which IMATS are you attending?
I will be attending IMATS in Sydney which is in the upcoming September! *excited*

2. Have you ever been to IMATS before?
Nope. Pretty sure this is the second time they are hosting it in Australia!

3. How are you getting there?
I'll be busing it to the nearest train station and then train it to the City!

4. Are you bringing anyone along?
No. My sister isn't interested and I don't want her to be hanging around alone as I'd be participating in the ABBW.

5. Is there anything else in the IMATS host city that you want to see?
I live not far from the city (Sydney), so I won't be super excited to be in the city... but if I'd be there early in the morning, I'd love to see Darling Harbour's view early in the morning! At 7AM, the view is amazingly beautiful!

6. What days will you be in the city that IMATS is in?
I will be in the city for IMATS on the 24th of September, on the Saturday only.

7. Who do you want to meet?
I really want to meet some of blogger friends. Like.. Tezza? Ailing? and more Aussie bloggers from the ABBW! I'm too much of a shy girl though... :$

8. What companies exhibits are you most excited to see?
I'm most excited to see Make-Up Forever! I've heard so much about their products, especially their HD foundations and HD blushes! Waaah!! I'm also excited to see Ben Nye as I love love theatrical make-up and Showface too!

9. What products are you looking for?
I already wrote up a shopping list (LOL!) and it consists of:
  • MUFE HD Foundation and Blushes
  • Ben Nye Nose & Scar Wax and Liquid Latex
  • BEN NYE Eyeshadow and Blusher palettes
  • MUA Magazines
...and many more items of course! Hahahha!

10. How much do you plan to spend?
Umm.... $250? Hopefully :(

11. What do you want to get out of IMATS?
I would love to see the student competitions and see what it'll be like! I cannot wait! I'd also love to see some professional make-up artists to see how they perform and if there's any tips and tricks they'd love to share :P

That's all! I hope you enjoyed this post and link me if you decide to do this tag too!



  1. Great tag! I really want to go to Imats someday. :)

  2. What a wonderful tag! I too am going to the Sydney IMATS, it will be my first time there (IMATS and Sydney) so I am very excited! I'm shy too, but am practicing so I can make new friends while I'm there=) I'm going to do this tag on my blog now, I'll link to you=)
