25 June 2011

Saturday/Sunday Steals #8

This was last week's haul from the markets!! I haven't been picking up so many things from the markets on Sunday, so since I'm on holidays.. I might even start going on Friday if Mummaphan has time.

She said they sell alot of cosmetics there and she did pick up a few polishes from La Femme Hot Colours which I assume is supposed to be expired in 2007! But it still works fine... so I don't see any doubt for 50 cents a bottle! :)

Anyhows, on Sunday.. I did manage to pick up a decent and inexpensive pair of ankle boots for $4. Because it's winter, that means the spammage of boots!

And ironically, I did pick up a pair of stripped shorts for $2. Not that I'm gonna be wearing shorts around in Winter! Hahaha :) It's pretty, but it's a size 10... and I can only wear a size 10 when I'm super bloated! :(

And lastly, the items below!

I picked up an Inglot Nail Polish in #851 or if you're classy, 'Nail Enamel' OR even classier... "Vernis a Ongles". Hahaha

Anyways, I picked it up for $1! How cheaaaaaaaap!

And then my mum went around and saw BYS nail polishes and decided to grab hold of a Nail Art Lacquer in her favourite purple colour for $1 and also a BYS Foundation for me.

It's cute when mummy buys me a foundation LOL! She swatches it so it's side-to-side with her skin shade on her hand. LOL And her hand is even darker than my hand, and my face is one million times lighter than my OWN hand! Hahaha! So I'm assuming it's gonna give me a nice "early" tan.

But yes. That's all I got from last week... Wondering what I'm gonna get tomorrow :P!!!


Hope you enjoyed the post! Love you'se and have a wonderful weekend!

Yours deerest,

20 June 2011

Swatches: Australis Lipsticks - Mambo, Honky Tonk + Limited Edition 1

As promised, I wanted to swatch the three lipsticks for you.

These are the Australis Colour Inject Mineral lipsticks which I love love and have reviewed in my previous post!

First off is this Limited Edition 1 lipstick.. straight-up cool-tone orange which leans more yellow than red with a satin finish.

Flash ^

No flash ^


Next up is my favourite shade, Mambo. I love my nudes and nudey-pinks, and for my skintone, Mambo is the perfect nudey-pink for me. It's a pink-beige colour which does make me look a little dead at times, but blush and playing up on the eyes fixes it all!

Flash ^

No flash ^


Next! Honky Tonk. I picked up this pink expecting it to be really pop. A nice dramatic in-your-face pink, but it comes on my lips quite normal. It's a unique pink, but not as dramatic as I expected.

What can I say about this pink? I wouldn't call it a 'Barbie' pink, it's a "coral-pink" according to Australis. Definitely judge for yourself!

Flash ^

No Flash ^


That's all girls! Hope you enjoyed the post!
Goodnight, I'll be off to getting ready to enjoy Masterchef AU and Amazing Race AU!

Yours deerest,

18 June 2011

Australis Colour Inject Mineral Lipsticks Review

Yes, I did do a review on the Colour Inject Mineral Lipsticks before, but now I've got more things to add to the review.. so I decide that I will RE-review it!

First of all, this product is bought by ME, not sponsored at all! Even if a product is sponsored, it'll be with honest comments anyways.

Australis' Colour Inject Mineral Lipsticks (CIML) consist of 20 different lip colours you can choose from, including their 2 Limited Edition lip colours. Happy to say that I own three of their lippies: Mambo, Honky Tonk and Limited Edition 1 (printed tag is wrong).

They come in very simple black-and-hot pink packaging with a 'long lasting, moisturizing and nourishing lip colour', Australis claims. "It also contains Kakadu plum which is the world's highest known source of Vitamin C", they also say... so it's 'an inject of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants'.

Let's get started.

The lipstick consist of a creamy texture and most shades from the line has a satin finish rather than shimmery finishes. There are no mattes. And that's exactly why I love it. I love creamy lipsticks so I really never shared love for NYX Round Lipsticks [with a velvety texuture] because I also feel like it's slipping and sliding around on my lips.. not cool.

Is it moisturizing? Yes, it is. In fact, its moisturizing properties is the first thing you'll realize upon the application, however, don't expect it to replace your lip balm. Dry lips still needs to be treated with lip balms.

Is it long-lasting? Yes. It last up till an hour for me until it starts to make my lips feel a tad dry, however the lip colour is still there and will stain my lips until I eat, drink something epic and/or wipe my lips.

Nourishing lip colour? Even though Australis lists 'Vitamin E, UV filters, Peptides, Kaduku plums' as active ingredients, I honestly don't notice anything extraordinary.

So what I love about the lipsticks includes it moisturizing and long-lasting properties. Definitely a lipstick I would recommend to friends and family... especially at its affordable price of $12.95 [with regular sales at Priceline] and not to mention, each lipstick [from the first collection] has a matching lip liner too which is essential if you want your lip colour to stay well primed and even longer-lasting.

I'll provide some lip swatches in the future, but here's a quick swatch on paper for everyone because the lighting is just doing my head in today!

Mambo, Limited Edition 1, Honky Tonk

You see, even though on paper 'Mambo' shows up as a dirty brown, it actually comes on my lips quite nudy-pink like this:

No gloss. I'm loving the finish and the shade itself!!

Jive also looks convincing.. another nude pink but I'll be waiting for the next 3 for 2 sales ;) No rush!

Hope you found the review helpful and have a good day! :) xx

13 June 2011

Updates: Finished my make-up assignment! :D

I'm SOOOOOOOO happy everyone! I spent the past 3 days working on my assignment.. putting the practical part together and finishing off the theory part!

I'm SO happy to say that I've finally finished and I just wanna show you guys!

I needed to put together the face sketches and the photos... I haven't finished it YET, because I haven't put it all together. But I will be working on it soon since it'll only takes 5 mins before I'm officially done!!!

Sad to say that tomorrow is the last day at TAFE... Not exactly the last day, the last make-up lesson which isn't even a lesson :(

Anyways.. I never knew how much FUN it was playing with make-up on paper!!! Enjoyed every single second I tell ya! ;)

Glamour make-up!

Bridal make-up [on my sister]!

Fun fun fun! I'll update about the portfolio soon! It's due at 9AM tomorrow... SHARP. Even a minute late, I'll lose marks! So I better keep going! :)

Goodnight sweethearts!

Sinful Colors Nail Polish in Secret Admirer Review & Swatches

I'm honestly in love with the SinfulColors nail polishes but I still really wish that I could find them around within the area so I don't gotta shop online!

To my surprise, I actually found some available at a discount bargain store in Parramatta Westfields (on the bottom level, opposite of KFC), but there aren't too many shades.

Still good if you'd like to try out SinfulColors polishes though!

Today, I have on my nails is 'Secret Admirer', a very dark grey packed with super fine silver shimmers! I love it!!

At first, I wasn't too sure about shade, you know I don't like dark nails! But this shade has definitely grown on me!! I love it now! One of my favourites!

Opaque in two coats, perfect application and wears well! There's nothing that I don't like about the polish, except that it's not available locally, but online at Cherry Culture.. cheap as chips with some of the most beautiful shades and finishes!

Sinful Colours Nail Polishes are available online at CherryCulture.com for $2.50 per with many, many different shades/finishes.

Disclaimer: This product was purchased by me. 

09 June 2011

Gifts & Giveaway Prizes

Good morning Aussies and everyone else! It's currently 11 AM in Sydney here and the sun is shining outside with the coldest breeze! *thumbs down for winter*

So it's already been 9 days into winter and I've been sick up and down so I don't know how I can stand the next so many days! But one thing for sure is I've been loving the great gifts from friends and my lucky butt has won two giveaways in the past fewer weeks!

It's great when you wake up to find a giveaway prize sitting in the mail waiting for you AND then go to school, come back home and find ANOTHER giveaway prize on your doorstep. Hahaha!

Here's what I won from Amanda's giveaway in May! :D I received Katy Perry's mini OPI collection! It's oh very pretty!! And extra goodies too! Lipsticks from Sportsgirl!

And I got from Jen's giveaway these pretty water decal nails! Hahhaha that's pretty epic don't you think? Nail polishes from Amanda and water decals from Jen. All nail products! All I need now is a giveaway win of base coat and top coat.... hehehe but I already have both so that's ok. Hahahaha

It came in a super cute envelope! The first time I glanced at it... I was like.. "WTF Who sent this to me? Since when did I have a penpal?" and then I thought "Ohhhh!! It's Jen's giveaway prize" Hahaha :)

Not sure how to apply them but I definitely will try sometime after my course ends! At the moment, I'm heaps busy with preparing and working on my big big make-up portfolio :(

Now, on to what I've received from my lovely friends as birthday gifts! :)

If you're Chinese, you MUST know Raymond! I love him to bits! So my friend decided to get me his album from Hong Kong when she visited! However, I have to say that his singing skills isn't THAT great. The songs I hear him sing which accompanies his dramas sounds good, but his album is average.. not the best.

And my other gal also got my a new key necklace from Prouds! We all have a 'friendship' necklace, but my cousin has lost mine somewhere (and they got me that last birthday)... *feels bad*

Coming to an end, I have recently received Sigma's F80 brush... so hopefully WILL do a review soon... but I haven't seen anything special about it yet.

Toodles now!

Yours deerest,

05 June 2011

Saturday/Sunday Steals #7

I haven't posted about my market hauls in yonks! But here's this week + last week (because I hauled so less last week, I didn't want to do a post)...

Last week I picked up this cute yellow, summery bag for $3 in good condition :)

And the most interesting was the 2 packets of Baby Wipes for $2... :3

Anyhows, this week has been much more interesting. Let's start with these two super duper cheap 2011 diaries for 50 cents each. I know it's a tad too early to start 2011 diaries but I just can't wait!! *sarcasm*

And make-up remover wipes for $1... It definitely looks a bit shifty so I'll see if my sensitive skin can take it :3

And I also picked up Bobbi Brown's Tinted Moisturizer for $3

The table stood Clinque, ZA, Neutrogena items too but I didn't need it because if was all cleansers for oily skin...

I also picked up an INGLOT nail polish for 50 cents with the diaries :)

That's all for today but yesterday at Sydney markets, even though we were late (heaps late), I still managed to pick up quite a few items! The lady added some more used goodies to her "beauty box" (what I call it). Not many people know the "beauty box" because it's always in a corner. But it's the best place to look through since there's SO many bath & body lotions, scrubs, etc.

I grabbed a buncha items for $2. Here they are:

This MAX FACTOR eyeshadow trio was newly sealed and I figured that it would serve as a great cake-eyeliner :) So I shall put it to testings!

A french white polish by MANICARE. I've always been impressed by MANICARE brushes, don't know about their polishes though! Shall check it out sometime since I barely go french!

And these three lovely Rimmel 60 Seconds nail polishes in Orbit, Euphoria and Sonic! They are too lovely for words! I love Sonic best! They aren't full but will last be a while before I can finish :) Definitely worth it

And this unknown pink nail polish! Pretty too!

That's all for this weekend guys! Hope you Aussies and other lovelies had a good week before we go back to school/work tomorrow and you lucky Americans enjoy your upcoming Sundays! :)

Yours deerest,